Hans Durer By: Alex Douidi

Part I.

Hans Durer was born in Nuremberg, Germany on February 21, 1490

Hans spent most of his life working and living in Krakow, Poland meeting new friends and hanging around his dads goldsmith shop

Well shortly after his father died, he went under his brothers wing as an apprentice painter at a workshop. At that workshop, Hans was exposed to many different, well known, experienced painters and they taught Hans everything they knew.

Most of his life he devoted his time to learning and really get in depth within paintings to truly understand "The work of art"

Hans created many works of art using oils idealizing to depict the human figure. He went on and painted "Adam and Eve", "Visitation", and "Saint Sebastian at the column"

I would say the two artists that worked with his older brother were patrons to Hans to help him succeed in the field of art and market his masterpieces. Those artists are Hans Schaufelein, and Hans Baldung.

Hans creates a lot of his painting of a singled man or woman showing out their individuality so he uses Secularism. Also in his paintings he uses lots of oils with different tones and textures so his paintings show Naturalism.

Part II.

Title of painting - "The Penitent St Jerome in a landscape"

This piece was created in 1529

This piece is in many museums and is pubilished throughout the world along with many other German Renaissance painters artwork

I believe this piece of art explains his loyalty and faith with God as he prays to God for the lion to his right doesn't kill him. Not much technique to it except when Hans tries to depict it as perspectivism.

Well this piece you could see it in two ways. One, the old man is praying and thanking the god for the good relationship with the lion next to him as the lion is smirking almost or you could see it as the old man is praying to God showing his faith and loyalty in depending on God for the Lion to have mercy. I Believe it is the second option and really showing how much people could rely on their own religion.

I personally believe this painting displays perspectivism and naturalism. This painting shows nationalism because it uses many different t oils to set different textures and tones throughout the painting. This painting also depicts perspectivism because as you can see in the painting behind the man stands a castle making it look like its far away but this piece of art is just on a flat piece of paper. Showing how he took a flat sheet of paper and putting a lot of depth to it was pretty neat.

I find this piece very interesting because much of Hans work you can find see them in many different ways and this art piece shows how sacrificing for your god bring wealth and prosperity within your future. But that is just one way you could view this painting. Its just fascinating how someone could bring a simple man praying to a tree with a cross in the forest to many different view points.

Not a lot of websites on Hans's paintings just mostly on his brothers but here is one - https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Hans%20D%C3%BCrer&item_type=topic

Work Cited -

Han, Cleia. "Amar Frienzart." Germanyonstamps.iblogger.org. Mentani, May-June 2010. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Revolvy, LLC. ""Hans+Dürer" on Revolvy.com." All Revolvy Quizzes. Sheila MCcaken, 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Russ, Ben R. "Britannica ImageQuest." Britannica ImageQuest. Medianwww.m, 9 Feb. 2016. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. "EXHIBITION." The Strange World of Albrecht Dürer. Sterling and Francine, 22 Oct. 2016. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.


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