About the Audiobook
This is the autobiography of one the most prolific pioneers of the Pentecostal/Charismatic church stream, who powerfully impacted 110 nations with the Gospel of Christ during his extraordinary 83-year life and 65-year ministry!
It is a veritable "MUST-HEAR" chronicle of an altogether unlikely "earthen" transporter of heavenly "treasure" to untold myriads his life and ministry touched as one of God's titan generals of the 20th Century!
This well-told life-story is one of those rarified gems of ministerial interest that every minister and aspiring minister, in particular, needs to hear that is guaranteed to forever impact and inspire them in their own life-marathon divine calling to go long and finish strong!
About Lester Frank Sumrall
Born child number six to Betty and George Sumrall of New Orleans on February 15, 1913, Lester Frank Sumrall, his cold-hearted brawler father considered him an "accident," telling him bluntly, "You weren't supposed to be here." Reared in the Deep South he showed early in life the resourcefulness and leadership attributes that comprised his remarkable 83-year life and 65-year ministry of the Gospel of Christ. Like most of his peers, he unwillingly attended church at his mother's insistence, but had no use for religion...until his seventeenth year.
At the age of sixteen he contracted tuberculosis in both lungs, and for six months lay in bed, waxing worse by the day, until one somber day in the fall of 1930 the doctor informed his parents he would be dead within hours. That night, Lester saw a vision of an empty, open and tilted casket just his size and waiting for him on one side of his bed and "the biggest Bible in the world" that stretched from the ceiling to the floor on the other side. A voice warned him, “You must choose.” He responded, “God, if the only way for me to live is to preach—I’ll preach.” Almost immediately he fell asleep and when he awakened in the morning he was perfectly well. God had supernaturally and instantaneously healed him!
Only three weeks later, Lester left his parents' home in Panama City, Florida against the furious forbadding of his preacher-hating father, "with no training, no formal preparation, and no guidance from an older preacher," to begin the preaching ministry that would ultimately take him to more than 110 countries of the world and lead him to write more than 130 books and study guides.
Known as The Man of a Thousand Stories and quick smile, for sheer entertainment, was unrivaled, but his true spiritual depth was manifest in the myriad miracles and supernatural works God operated through this faith-filled and faithful servant of God.
From his hilarious beginnings as a teenage pulpiteer to his final work as director of a massive global food outreach to starving children in Third World nations, Sumrall lived his faith-motivated life without regrets. This autobiographical look back at his genuinely extraordinary life and ministry is by turns funny, poignant, and inspiring.
Dr. Lester Frank Sumrall went home to be with the Lord on April 28, 1996, having labored tirelessly to the last toward his goal of reaching a million people for Christ and leaving behind a legacy and ministry that continues to reach forward with the gospel to the succeeding generations.
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