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After school rounding up

Hello 4th graders! How are you today? Are you ready for a new English lesson? I hope you are. Let's start!

Prvo ću od vas tražiti da naučite koristiti jedan COOL digitalni alat. Zove se Padlet. Padlet je jako lagan za korištenje, a super je zato što u njemu na jednom mjestu možemo svi pisati i objavljivati slike, i svi možemo vidjeti te objave. Ovaj Padlet će biti naš mali virtualni razred. Odmah ispod ove objave se nalazi LINK za ući u naš 4.b Padlet Wall. Kliknite na link i trebati ćete upisati svoju e-mail adresu. Možete koristiti svoj e-mail (onaj koji koristite da bi ušli u e-dnevnik) ili, ako budete imali problema s tim, onda možete koristiti neki drugi račun (gmail npr.). Možda ćete prvi put trebati malu pomoć roditelja, ali nadam se da se roditelji neće ljutiti. Kad uđete u "učionicu", unutra ćete vidjeti moje dvije objave: jednu za dobrodošlicu (Welcome), a drugu za vaš zadatak pisanja (Zadatak 1). Pokušajte izvršiti Zadatak 1, po uputama koje sam vam dala. Ako ne uspijete, nema veze, pokušati ćete drugi put, don't worry, učiti ćemo polako i bez nerviranja, ok?

Well done! Upravo ste uspješno koristili tehnologiju (tj. za korisne stvari, a ne samo za igranje igrica, right?).

Nastavljamo s našim ponavljanjem Unit 4. Prvo ćemo vježbati upotrebu DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T. Click and play!

Now, it's your turn! Riješi zadatak u radnoj bilježnici, str. 52, task C! (pravilna upotreba DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T)

Next, riješi zadatak u radnoj bilježnici, str. 53, task D (circle the right word). Kada si riješio, možeš provjeriti jesi li ispravno zaokružio glagole u priči koju ću ti ispričati dolje (usporedi zaokružene glagole u zadatku u RB, i moje glagole u priči).

When she comes home from school, teacher Mary always works on her computer.
She doesn't play computer games.
She writes stories about animals. (This is a deer.)
In the summer she always works in her garden.
She waters her red roses.
She often listens to rock music.
She plays the guitar, too.
Twice a week she learns Italian. Do you learn Italian? Io parlo l'Italiano.
She often sings Italian songs.
Her kitten doesn't like Italian, does she?
Teacher Mary likes drawing. She often draws flowers and cats.
She doesn't watch TV very much, but she always watches The Animal World on Wednesday afternoons.
She sometimes goes roller-skating with her friend.
She sometimes rides a bike.

Let's play a game!

Now, you can do task E, workbook, page 53.


Riješi zadatak F, workbook, page 53.

London so high, isn't it? Would you like to ride on it?
Created By
Marijana Mikulandra


Created with images by Upadek Matmy - "Two cyclers" • bruce mars - "success" • Neven Krcmarek - "Just a simple tabletop scene for you to insert your design, art, text, drawing, whatever you like. Enjoy the image. ;-)" • Christin Hume - "work flow" • Glenn Carstens-Peters - "Have a game to unwind the day." • Andreas Dress - "untitled image" • NeONBRAND - "untitled image" • Cassidy Phillips - "My friend is a ceramic artist, and made this pitcher, which she is watering her herbs with. It’s beautiful to see art given a purpose." • bruce mars - "music sounc" • Sheri Hooley - "A girl in the country wearing a blue prom dress, sitting in a white fluffy chair plays the guitar while surrounded by corn." • Michele Bitetto - "untitled image" • Josh Rocklage - "untitled image" • Ramiz Dedaković - "untitled image" • Birmingham Museums Trust - "Wey, 1882-83, William Morris. Watercolour for Printed Fabric Design" • freestocks - "untitled image" • MusicFox Fx - "untitled image" • Lucian Alexe - "Daily communite in Patan, Nepal" • Aaron Burden - "Student’s homework" • Patrick T'Kindt - "untitled image"
