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Anthony Maxwell Learning Journal

Project 1

Project 1 had us create a 30 second video by editing existing videos and sound. I looked up how to fade the sound out to make it less jarring at the end of the video.

Project 2

The story board was harder than I expected it to be, mostly as a result of my lack of artistic skills in line drawings. I did however come up with an interesting idea. In our office we have a sign that says something to the effect of: "It has been X number of days since the last Raptor attack. My thought was to essentially stage a raptor attack with the AR component of Jurassic World.

Project 3

Project 3 was the filming of the rough cut of our storyboards. I found that the lighting was dark because it was filmed in a highschool hallway. I plan on adding suspenseful music later on. The AR Raptor footage had to be rotated and cropped. I attached my phone to a tripod to get the footage. The video has had the DeHummer applied as well as the image of the raptor sharpened. The Rapor sound effect was borrowed from a Jurassic Park movie.

Project 4

Project 4 took me more time to think about and caused the need to get some additional footage. I'm trying not to go too overboard on the minor details, but in an effort to make everything make sense and look good, I will need to do some heavy editing in addition to the title sequence. I am also added a retro style movie poster for fun. I ended up using a template in After Effects that helped with the structuring of the logo, but was probably the steepest learning curve so far.

Project 5 (Final)

I have my video sequence completely finished and edited. If I had it to do over, I would have got more footage even though I went back and shot some more after the initial filming. I feel like I have learned a lot during this course. When I first started with Premiere Pro, I could barely navigate the menus and now I feel prety confident editing videos.


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