An "Award" Calling Out the Worst Abusers of Civil Rights
The New Civil Liberties Alliance is proud to launch a new campaign to call attention to the most egregious violations of our basic civil liberties by highlighting the people and institutions responsible for those abuses. In many cases, especially where the administrative state is involved, the perpetrators are unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats protected by byzantine layers of regulatory process. Their violations are often hidden from public view, obfuscated by a lack of notice, circumvention of due due process, and a damnably incurious press.
But no more! The King George III Prize is here to shine the light of transparency on these constitutional misdeeds! They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. Look on these execrable works, ye reader, but despair no longer!
Wait ... Are You Serious?
While NCLA is seriously committed to defending our most basic civil liberties, these awards are intended to be a satirical take on some of the people and institutions who have the most impact on our civil liberties. Inspired by examples such as the Golden Fleece Awards and the Golden Raspberry Awards (The Razzies!), the King George III Prize (wait, should we call them the Georgies?!) is a light-hearted way to discuss topics that everyone should care deeply about.
Two Brackets: Federal and State
This year, NCLA will hand out two King George III Prizes for the worst offender at the state and federal level. In keeping with the spirit of March Madness, we have seeded two brackets of nominees to battle it out for the top spot.
Not familiar with a tournament-style bracket like this? Don't worry! You don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy voting for the nominee you think most deserves to win the ignominious award.
Who Is Eligible to Win a King George III Prize?
To be eligible for the King George III Prize, the nominee must be a policy-level decisionmaker at a federal, state, or local government agency or institution. So, most elected officials and bureaucrats are eligible. However, judges and frontline field officers are not. These folks no doubt violate civil liberties, too (inexcusably at times), but this ‘prize’ focuses on deliberate policies, not wrong conduct. Moreover, the action for which the official is nominated should be one with broader policy implications for the vindication of a constitutionally protected right. This award isn't for policies we don't like, but rather those that threaten our civil liberties.
Federal Nominees
NCLA continues to fight the good fight against serial transgressors like the SEC or the IRS, but in 2020 we also filed suit against agencies, like the CDC, who are not normally on our radar. Here are this year's "Sour 16" - the 16 worst federal abusers of civil rights (scroll further down to see the state-level nominees).
Vote Right Here! Right Now!
Scroll over each name in the image above to review NCLA's reasons for selecting that particular official or agency. When you feel you know enough about the nominees, choose a winner! Pick one nominee from the drop down list below to cast your vote for the worst violation of civil liberties by a federal official or agency. Go ahead. It feels great. We promise!
Or Write-In Your Own Nominee
Did we miss a federal nominee? Do your part to defend civil liberties by nominating your own federal official or agency. We will create a separate bracket for write-in nominees, or add those nominees to the existing brackets as others drop off. Just use this form to tell us whom you wish to nominate and why:
State Nominees
2020 was an unusual year in that so many governors had the opportunity and, sadly, the desire, to seize power during the pandemic. That is one reason why we have a separate bracket this year just for COVID governors ... er, ahem ... for bad actors and rogue agencies at the state level (but mostly governors).
Vote Right Now! Right Here!
Scroll over each name in the image above to review NCLA's reasons for selecting that particular official or agency. When you feel you know enough about the nominees, choose a winner! Pick one nominee from the drop down list below to cast your vote for the worst violation of civil liberties by a state official or agency. Go ahead. It feels great. We promise!
Or Write-In Your Own Nominee
What do you think? Is there a local bureaucrat, governor, or state agency that isn’t listed here but should be? What did they do to merit the Prize? Submit your own nomination right here and give us the juicy details:
How Will We Decide on a Winner?
The winner of each bracket will be determined by a combination of criteria, including how many votes each nominee garnered, how much traction the nomination garnered on social media, and a variety of substantive factors to be weighed by NCLA's panel of judges (some of whom are actual Article III judges!).
Flagrant Four: To Be Announced on Tax Day!
Nominations will close on Tax Day - Thursday, April 15, 2021 - at which point we will announce the Flagrant Four: the four government officials at each level (federal and state) who represent the nadir of civil liberties infringement. After careful deliberation, (the duration of which cannot possibly be predicted), at a date and time to be determined and then announced with great fanfare, the NCLA panel of judges will announce the winners of the First Annual King George III Prize.