We started the year QUICKLY with 3D design and printing, booktalks, and more. Read on to see how we got the semester off and running!
Students in Mr. Marx's Latin 1 class learned about the juxtaposition of Classics and current and future technology. Students researched mythological beings, learned to use TinkerCAD for 3D design, 3D printed, painted, and created a display card. The creatures look better and better every year!
Students in ELA 10 came in to checkout independent reading books. We book talked some of our favorites and they checked out like hot cakes!
Students in Mrs. Worthington's and Mrs. Weir's AP Lit classes played everyone's favorite game-Peer Reviewed? Or Not!? In this game, students use research skills and prior knowledge to determine if sources are peer-reviewed or not based on clues. Students also fine-tuned their MLA skills by creating a Works Cited page.
Students in Mr. Chugg's and Ms. Nickle's ELA 11 classes began the research process by participating in a research carnival of skills! Students were exposed to articles investigating the issue of our phones "listening to us" in our pockets. They were FLABBERGASTED, and also learned the skills of highlighting, note-taking, paraphrasing, incorporating research, and citing. This week-long carnival prepared students to write a 3-5 page research paper over a topic of their choosing.
We had one million snow days...
Created with images by Paul Schafer - "untitled image" • rawpixel - "office business paperwork" • Héctor Martínez - "untitled image" • jarmoluk - "winter snow cold"