a woman of substance
nuccia hernan
Nuccia will always be remembered by family, friends, and community as warm and loving, and someone who always put other people's interest ahead of hers...She thoroughly enjoyed her time with the Temple, especially the relationship she had with the kids and working with Shari, the Rabbi, and the Cantor...While not born of the Jewish faith, it was amazing how much knowledge she picked up about our religion, that I born of Jewish faith would have to go to her and ask her questions about our religion...She will be missed by so many people...Dean Hernan, Nuccia's Beloved Husband
Nuccia was a very dedicated educator. She always worried about overstepping the Religious School. She was an extremely creative teacher. Last year we did an Israeli Program together and she created the Western Wall for the children to learn about how people put their prayers into it. Nuccia always thought about the children and how she could engage them. She was always refining her craft and never settled for the same way twice. She always tried to up the ante and make things already great even greater...Sharon Fricano, Education Director
Nuccia was a friend, a co-worker, and an educator who you could implicitly trust; she always had everyone’s best interests at heart. Always! We met in 1999, when I enrolled Josh in the Temple’s former Nursery School, followed by the enrollment of Zachary and Rachel. Along with all the parents in the Nursery School during those years, I was able to rely on Nuccia’s expertise and nurturing, while my children developed their social skills and prepared for kindergarten. Through the years that followed, it was an absolute pleasure to work with Nuccia on the Early Childhood Programs; which were largely successful due to her insight, vision, and passion for Judaism; not to mention her creativity, talents, and organizational skills. The Rotstein Home is adorned with many of the wonderful things my children created under her guidance. My dear friend will truly be missed; our journey together was amazing; she will forever be in my heart...Shari Rotstein, Friend & Colleague
Rabbi Randy Sheinberg
If you turn to the last chapter of the Book of Proverbs, you will find words that tell us a great deal about The Role of Women in Jewish History:
- Early in my rabbinic career, I officiated at a funeral of a woman. I listened to the family describe the deceased’s life and their love for this woman, who had been the matriarch of the family. I decided that these words from Proverbs best honored her, and so I read them at her funeral. I thought they were appropriate for a woman who clearly was so central to the functioning of her family. Some days later, the son of the deceased thanked me for the Service I led, and then said, “Just one thing I neglected to tell you, Rabbi. My mother always hated to be called an Eshet Hayil!”
- What exactly is an Eshet Hayil, and why does the description sometimes evoke strong feelings?
- The twenty-two line poem was written sometime before the last few centuries BCE. In its original context, the words are part of advice given by a queen-mother to her son, King Lemuel. It’s interesting to note that the poem is an alphabetical acrostic poem, where each line begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alef-bet. It is as if the writer wanted to imply that the eshet hayil, the good woman knows all, and does all from alef to tav.
- Reading the words of eshet hayil tells us something about the role of women, or at least a particular class of women of this time in history. An ideal woman was an industrious housewife; she engaged in business, she was generous, and was a wise teacher. Although most of her work was in the home, laboring for her husband and children, her influence extended beyond the home as well.
- The words of eshet hayil continued to find an audience throughout the centuries of Jewish life. In the 17th Century CE, the Kabbalists began to sing the words as part of their Friday Night Shabbat ritual. For them, the Eshet Hayil was an allegorical representation of the Shekhina, the feminine presence of God whom they welcomed to their table on Shabbat. The words also began to be used to praise the woman of the household for all she did to make Shabbat festive - the preparation, cooking, cleaning, gathering the family, etc.
- What are we to make of these words today?
- Many modern-day women object to the description of the ideal woman that eshet chayil offers as being too narrow and stereotypical. They want to be seen as more than just someone who keeps a good home and cares for the children. They find this description demeaning.
- I see it differently. First, we need to remember that at the time these words were written, the role of caring for the home was anything but demeaning. Our tradition teaches that especially after the destruction of the Great Temple in Jerusalem, each home must become its own place of sanctity, a mikdash me’at or small sanctuary. The one who presides over this place is thus the equivalent of a high priest; she serves God.
- Furthermore, scholars note that the structure and diction employed in these lines more closely resembles that of a heroic poem celebrating the exploits of a warrior than a domestic to-do list. From the language used, it seems that the writer wanted to glorify, not demean the work of women.
- Indeed, the word “hayil” itself points to the heroism of women. Often translated as “valorous”, the Hebrew word “hayil” is related to the modern word “soldier” or warrior. Thus, an eshet hayil is not a passive domestic creature; she is someone who fights fiercely for her family, who labors tirelessly and selflessly who has the strength to multitask, and the emotional strength to bear the burden of others’ needs. She is a superheroine, a wonder woman.
These days, I continue to use the words of eshet hayil to honor strong Jewish women. I use them to celebrate all the everyday things we do that take courage, fortitude, and chutzpah. And I give thanks for the ability to live in a world where all our work, both inside and outside the home, can be appreciated and celebrated.
Cantor Guy Bonné
Investing in Zionism will let us uphold equality of religion, gender, race, and ethnicity…reformjudaism.org
- You have probably read this important notice: “Every five years the World Zionist Organization holds elections, so that the Reform Movement can have a voice in the politics in Israel. We need all our Temple Members over 18 to vote! The cost will be $7.50 to vote (administrative fee), $5.00 if under 25 online. Computers will be available every Friday night, so that after Services you can place your vote in the Beber Auditorium, while you are noshing at the Oneg. Elections are January 21st through March 11th."
- To be completely honest, I did not know a lot about the Movement for Progressive Judaism – Reform Movement in Israel, up until my late twenties. Pondering about the past, I do regret my lack of attention to the Movement; however, at that time in my life, my warning-sign antennas of Orthodox coercion and the usage of religion for political gain were immediately erected once any institutionalized religion was mentioned. Therefore, despite my resentment, my one gasping connection to religion at that time was my endless admiration of my grandparents’ religious approach. Their approach was pure, because of two things: first, it was personal and intimate, thus never coercive; and secondly, their beliefs were never a means but always an end. Today I can reflect and say that when finally, I was magnetized to the Reform Movement, it was in part due to my ability to locate these two essential components amongst the Movement’s facets.
- The starting point of the Movement in Israel was the establishment of Congregation Har’el, the 1st Reform Congregation in Israel, in Jerusalem in 1958. It has been legally listed since 1971 and also since then has established thirty-four communities, forty educational institutions, and two Kibbutzim. The agenda of the Movement in Israel is very much inspired by the Reform Movement at large: pluralistic Judaism, equality, social justice, and Zionism. However, it is unique since it deals with the particular religious and social life of the Israeli society. The Movement’s website’s main page reads: “The State of Israel is standing in what is seems as a turning point…Our generation will be the one to determine in which society we live…Will it be a society which solidarity cultivates a responsibility towards the other, or will it be a society that ignores the other’s needs and suffering? Will it be a pluralistic society which respects people’s different way of lives, or a one dimensional, which coerces its principles on others? Will it act in accordance with the vision of the prophets of Israel of peace and justice, or one that favors archaic rituals and superstitious beliefs?”
- Another aspect that is unique to the Movement in Israel is its struggle to achieve full religious legitimacy. Though the Movement enjoys the public and legal advocacy arm of IRAC - Israel Religious Action Center (sponsored by ARZA – The Association of Reform Zionists of America), and though eighty three percent of Israelis supports religious freedom in the country by the separation of the unholy connection between religion and politics, the Progressive Movement stood for many years in the overpowering shadow of Orthodoxy Rabbinate, which restrained it and pushed it aside. For example, owners of venues were in risk of losing their permit of Kashrut (practice of keeping Kosher) if they rent them for the Movement’s communal activities; or the frustrating difficulties to build Beit Daniel, the Movement’s central community, due to the obstacles that Orthodox members of the City Hall in Tel Aviv imposed on them. The title “Rabbi” is still used by Orthodox leaders in Israel in its English pronunciation as an insult when referring to the Movement’s Chief Rabbi Gilad Karib as well as other Israeli Rabbis, to render them with an alien stigma and to emphasize their alleged lack of authenticity.
- Remember the philosopher Hegel’s Dialectic Theory which I described in one of my previous articles? First there is a thesis. Then comes the antithesis that rebukes the thesis. Finally, the synthesis creates a new thesis from the amalgamation of both previous thesis and antithesis. In my article I used this theory to analyze my personal religious journey. However, this theory also works to describe the struggle between the Movement for Progressive Judaism and the Orthodox Rabbinate hegemony or leadership, which can be described in terms of Macro-Economy when referring to free competition. In the first stage, the market is under the sole hegemony of one monopoly. In the second stage, a new competing component breaks the wall of bureaucracy and penetrates the market - while the monopoly stands on its back feet - kicking, howling, protesting, and warning; trying to postpone the end. In the third stage, the monopoly accepts its rival and adjusts itself to the new condition. The battles between the Orthodox Rabbinate (the monopoly) and the Progressive Movement (the competition) are in its second stage. It seems that the Orthodox leaders’ defamation of the Movement becomes more extreme since the threat on their monopoly is more apparent.
- A huge achievement for the Movement has already taken place. The legal petition to the Supreme Court in 2005, which in 2012 for the first time, required the State of Israel to support the legitimacy of Non-Orthodox Rabbis and sponsor their salaries!
Please vote in the Zionist Organization election, so the third dialectic stage will soon come - Amen...
Temple Co-Presidents
andrea comerchero & lisa lupo
“Do not look at the jug, but rather what is inside of it”…Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Ancestors
- As March is roaring in, we want to reflect upon and share with everyone that our February Congregational Shabbat Dinner broke a new attendance record with more than 120 Congregants and Family Members attending! It was amazing to see our second and third graders lead Shabbat Services to a full Sanctuary. We were kvelling! Our February Jewish Disabilities Month Lunch & Learn featuring Sam Drazin also attracted a record number of Congregants.
- It is wonderful to see our Congregation come together in such large numbers to share a meal, worship, and learn together. We hope to see everyone in March as. among many other activities we will be celebrating Purim as a Temple Family. So, get out your costumes for our Purim Carnival and Sphiel. Bring your kids, grandchildren, and neighbors to the Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 8th from 10:30am - 12:30pm, at Temple Tikvah and to the Sphiel on Monday, March 9th at 7:00pm which will be a joint production of Temple Tikvah and Temple Judea, and will be held this year at Temple Judea (located at 333 Searington Road in Manhasset.)
- It is fitting that Purim falls during Jewish Women in History Month. Way before feminism was a concept, Esther and Vashti could both be considered feminists.
- Each Purim, Queen Vashti earns her brief mention before she is swiftly banished (or killed, depending on which interpretation you read or hear), but not before being denounced for disobeying the Persian King Ahasuerus. Esther – the antithesis of Vashti’s disobedient ways – then sweeps in to save the day.
- Vashti’s banishment was a direct result of her choice not to appear in front of the King, and Esther’s triumph was that she appeared before the King without being called. While it can be argued that in pleading the case for the Jews as Mordechai wished, Esther was still following orders, she did it in her own way: She devised a plan, took initiative, asserted her own power and judgment, and ultimately took control of the situation and saved the day.
- While in many ways, Esther is the hero of this story – she is only heroic once she learns to embrace the bold feminist qualities, she once worked so hard to suppress.
- The truth is, there is no one way to be a strong feminist figure. Just as Vashti’s brashness in refusing the King can be held up as a model for today’s women, so can Esther’s consideration and tact.
- Please join us for the Sphiel and as we BOO Haman and celebrate Esther; and let us also take a moment to consider Vashti as more than the silly, vain woman she is normally portrayed as.
Always have courage to shine your own light…
Education Director - Sharon Fricano
The Lesson of Purim - People should be able to live as they wish…as long as they don’t hurt anybody...Scholastic, PJ Library
- February was a brief yet action-packed month! Our Grades 2/3 students did a fabulous job leading us in prayer and demonstrating the meaning of the Ten Commandments! This was followed by our Scholar in Residence, Sam Drazin teaching us about inclusion, empathy, and understanding for people who may be different from us.
- Please join us on March13th for our Family Shabbat Dinner and K/1 Grade Service to be led by the following students: Owen Baker, Bailey Faulkner, Brandon DeZorett, Spencer Stern, Matthew Golbig, Leo Levitan, and Zachary Strobel.
- We will also celebrate Purim and Esther in March – Sunday, March 8th will be a busy day, starting with our Joint Family Program with Temple Judea, followed by our Purim Carnival, to be held in the Ballroom of Temple from 10:30am – 12:30pm. As part of the Family Program we will be making Blessing Bags filled with toiletries and other items for the homeless.
- We invite everyone to join us for our Annual Purim Sphiel, which will be again held at Temple Judea on Monday, March 9th at 7:00pm. Temple Judea is located at 333 Searington Road in Manhasset.
- March Events: March 1st - Religious School Committee Meeting • March 7th - Junior Congregation • March 8th - Family Program and Purim Carnival • March 9th - Purim Sphiel at Temple Judea • March 13th - Family Shabbat Dinner and K/1 Grade Service • March 21th - Dessert Seder Havdalah/Teen Program • March 29th - Parent Workshop (Passover recipes)/Mitzvah Choir/Chai School
Live with Courage!
look at those punims!
Director of Youth & Family Engagement - Cheryl Stern
The month of March is filled with celebrations and lots of fun and exciting events!
- Saturday, March 7th - We will be having Junior Congregation, a student-led Learning Service for all ages at 9:30am which will be followed by Tot Shabbat, a Family-friendly Service and then our morning will conclude with a craft and snack.
- Saturday, March 7th - We will have our Purim Carnival Setup from 10:30am - 12:30am and lunch will be served.
- Sunday, March 8th – Join us at our Annual Purim Carnival, free of charge! (See flyer below)
- Saturday, March 21st - We will have our next Family Havdalah Program. A pizza dinner will be served prior to the Service, which will be followed by a yummy dessert.
- Sunday, March 29th – A Parent Workshop will be presented on how to make charoset from all over the world.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at these events and as Esther would say, Let Us Celebrate and Be Loud & Proud of Who We Are!
planned at 6:15PM
• March 13th - Kindergarten & Grade 1 Service • April 3rd - New Member Dinner • May 1st - Sisterhood Shabbat • June 12th - High School Graduation
President - Marc Gold
This Month’s Theme is Jewish Women in History, so Let us Recognize Some Jewish Women in the World of Sports
- As many know SPORTS is my passion, so I decided to recognize a few Jewish Women in Sports, that some of you may already know or will now learn about • Sara Whalen was a member of the USA Olympic Medalist Soccer Team. She played for the USA from 1997 to 2000 and was the founding player of Women’s United Soccer Association • Debbie Belkin Rademacher played in the Soccer World Cup for the USA (1986 - 1992) • Yael Averbuch won 2 NCAA Championships in Soccer • Sarah Hughes from Great Neck, New York was an American Figure Skater and in 2002, she won the Gold Medal at the Winter Olympics! • Sada Jacobson won medals in 2 Olympics in Fencing with Saber Fencing as her forte • Marilyn Ramenofsky is a former American Swimmer who won Olympic Medals and held world records • Deena Drossin Kastor was an American Long-Distance Runner and held many records along the way. In 2004, she won the Bronze Medal in the Women’s Marathon at the Athens, Greece Olympics • AND finally, let us not forget Margaret Lambert from Jamaica Estates in Queens, New York. She was a Track and Field High Jump Competitor. She was not allowed to participate in the 1936 Olympics (like Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller), because she was Jewish. She recently died at the age of 103…
- And now some Brotherhood News - March is a busy month for Brotherhood and all of our Temple Members: • On Sunday morning, March 22nd at 9:30am - Brotherhood is sponsoring and organizing a Bagel Breakfast with an Informal Chat, called “The Way It Was.” Everyone has stories from their past. Just think about the games you played, the songs you listened too, the TV shows you watched, and the food and candy you ate. Let’s all come together and share the past and bring it back with a bagel. This Event is for men and women, and is free. Please join us for some good ole schmoozing! • The following Saturday, March 28th - Brotherhood will hold its annual Pre-Passover Wine Tasting Event at 7:00pm. Come one, come ALL…taste all the wines you want and more, and maybe you will buy some for your Passover Seder and beyond • March is also the birthday month for both my wife Michele and me, so…you can wish us both a Happy Birthday if you want – LOL
PLEASE REMEMBER - Every five years the World Zionist Organization holds elections, so that the Reform Movement can have a voice in the politics in Israel. We need all our Temple Members over 18 to vote! The website to visit is zionistelection.org. Please - Vote Reform, #2 on the Ballot. See LINK below. The cost will be $7.50 to vote (administrative fee), $5.00 if under 25 online. Computers will also be available every Friday night, so that after Services you can place your vote in the Beber Auditorium, while you are noshing at the Oneg. Elections are currently taking place through March 11th (Martin Luther King Day through Purim.) Please take the time and vote, as each vote is needed.
Co-Presidents: Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter
- March is Jewish Women in History Month and to quote a hero of ours, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “Whatever community organization…you will get satisfaction out of doing something to give back to the community that you never get in any other way.” This sums up what our members know when they feel the dedication and support of our Temple Tikvah Sisterhood. We are there for each other and for the good of Temple. We keep traditions and look for new and meaningful innovations. We welcome everyone and appreciate your participation in making our group stronger and more successful.
- This month we will have our 2nd General Meeting on March 3rd at 7:30pm. Come play Kwizniac with us; test your knowledge and enjoy a nosh. It is sure to be fun! RSVP to sisterhood@templetikvah.org or see flyer below.
- In keeping with Jewish Women in History Month, Sisterhood and Lifelong Learning will be presenting a Lunch and Learn on Saturday, March 21st at 11:30am that will focus on the topic of Women: Traditions and Change. A lively discussion led by Rabbi Sheinberg, will explore how Rosh Chodesh came to be and how we can make it meaningful in our own lives. Men and women are welcome to hear and tell their stories. Look for details in the Weekly Updates or see our flyer below. RSVPs are a must.
- Looking ahead to April, Sisterhood will be involved with presenting our first Multi-Faith Seder on Saturday, April 4th. The Rabbi has invited friends from our larger community to share the meaning of freedom, as we celebrate our exodus from Egypt and some of our Passover traditions with them. All are invited. Details will follow very soon.
- In addition, mark your calendar for Saturday, April 18th as we bring you our 2nd Lavish Potluck Dinner and Musical Presentation by Richard Knox. It is back by popular demand - so if you missed the first one, there are no excuses not to join us for a very entertaining night. We need you there to make this one even bigger and more delish! See flyer below.
- For the months ahead, we are already busy planning our Sisterhood Shabbat Service and wonderful End of Year Dinner. You will not want to miss these events!
As spring arrives, we wish you time to smell the flowers and enjoy the beauty of our world...Happy Spring - See you all around Temple!
Meryl Root
Lunch & Learn
Rosh Chodesh is considered a women’s holiday that is celebrated at the new moon, which begins each month. Lifelong Learning and Sisterhood are joining together for this month’s Lunch and Learn when Rabbi Randy Sheinberg will lead us in a lively discussion to learn about the Rosh Chodesh traditions and rituals. As always, Lunch and Learn is open to both women and men. We will be meeting on Saturday, March 21st at 11:30am for lunch and the program will begin at noon. Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 18th to lifelonglearning@templetikvah.org or to the Office. The cost for lunch is $10.
Learners Service
There will be a Learners Shabbat Morning Service on Saturday, March 21st at 10:15am in the Sanctuary prior to Lunch & Learn. Join Rabbi Sheinberg and Cantor Bonné for a Shabbat Morning Service on this first Shabbat of spring. You will have a chance to ask questions and learn about how and why we pray. All are welcome.
Torah Study
Friday Night Torah Study - ”Torah Without Skipping” with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on March 6th and March 27th at 7:00pm & Shabbat Morning Torah Study - Continues every Saturday at 9:00am in the Loretta & George Cohen Library with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are well into Shemot, The Book of Exodus and will finish reading it on March 21st. We will then start the Book of Leviticus, Vayikra on the last Shabbat of the month. Week after week it is amazing to see how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.
Adult Hebrew Class
Adult Hebrew Class is now in its tenth year. Classes continue on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. The Cantor is delighted that the class has grown, and we welcome you to also join us. If you are interested in having some fun while learning Hebrew and about Israel, then this is the class for you. This year we will focus on speaking more so that we can talk to the Israeli taxi driver on our next trip! The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing. Please speak to Cantor Bonné for more details.
End Note – Request for Suggestions: If anyone has a suggestion for a film or a program, feel free to email me at lifelonglearning@templetikvah.org
Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut
Let Us Always Care and Defend Society’s Interests, Not Just Our Own as We Celebrate Purim and Recognize Esther…Scholastic, PJ Library
- Due to inclement weather and calendar holidays/celebrations, our Group did not meet in January and February. The Calendar is clear for March 16th, and so... weather permitting, we are looking forward to getting together! REMINDER: Our Meetings are open, and everyone is always welcome to join us the third Monday of the month in the Library at 11:00am. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
- Although we did not meet, we continued to reach out to those in mourning and others to let them know WE CARE…
- We are reprinting a message from our last month's article in the TIKVAH TIMES...We would like to share a phone conversation that we recently received and are asking for your assistance. A Congregant, who no longer drives has asked for an "occasional dinner partner." The Congregant would like to be picked up and taken out to a restaurant for dinner - dinner is his treat. If you have the time and want to do this mitzvah, please call Helene Schonhaut at 718.468.0773 for more information. We are looking forward to hearing back from you regarding going out to dinner with a lovely, intelligent gentleman. Thank you in advance for your anticipated mitzvah!
- It is wonderful to report that the BOOK CLUBS and the CREATIVE WRITING GROUP, which the CARING COMMUNITY initiated, are meeting regularly! There is still room for new members, and you are more than welcome to join. Look for March dates and times in upcoming Congregational Email Blasts. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
END NOTES...Three Keys to more abundant living: Caring about others; Daring for others; Sharing with others - Never be so busy as not to think of others; and Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have.
- ADULT EDUCATION FUND - Nancy Eschemuller in memory of George Glick, Dorothy Maurer, Debra Abramson, and Susan Berman • sandy Portnoy in memory of Susan Berman
- CARING COMMUNITY FUND - Wendy & Jonathan Linden in memory of Susan Berman • Sharon Richter-Rosas in memory of Esther Susan Berman
- EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND - Faye Tanzer & Family in memory of Bob Oyama • Julie & George Kruglov, Lynn Moser, and Sue & Irwin Schneider in memory of Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan
- MI SHEBARACH LIST - Terry & Ira Lepzelter…wishing good health to Larry Lieberman
- RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND - Michele & Marc Gold…thank you to Rabbi Sheinberg for making Seyla’s baby naming so very special • Yvette Greiff in memory of Gerald Appel • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory Debra Abramson • Roni Nelson in memory of Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan • Phyllis Richards and Roslyn & Burton Tropp in memory Susan Berman • Elaine & Howard Weiss in memory of Susan Berman
- SHMIRA (Security Fund) - Joan Wiener in honor of her birthday
- SIMCHA FUND - Barbara Silberman in honor of Gail Linder for her recognition by the Jewish Women’s Connection of Atlanta
- TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND - Deborah Abramowitz in memory of Harold Abramowitz • Muriel Adler in memory of Betty Hersh • Laurel & Cliff Asness in memory of Susan Berman • Helen & Robert Bader in memory of Joseph Bader and Samuel Bader • Florence Baravarian in memory of Bernice F. Rosenberg • Marian & Seth Baskin in memory of Mildred Cohen • Lorraine & Lester Bertan in memory of Mike Appel • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim in memory of Harry Rice • Bernice Bloch in memory of Stanley Bloch • Henry Bloch in memory of Hilde Bloch • Brotherhood in memory of Dorothy Maurer, Debra Abramson, and Susan Berman • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Malaka Stambouli • Dr. Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Samuel Cohen and Dr. Monroe Sheinberg • Beth Curcio in memory of Marissa Feldman • Mindy & Mark in memory of Frances Fox • Edythe Fastow in memory of Mitchell Fastow • Gayle & Joel Feinstein in memory of Bernard Rubin • Sonia Fink in memory of Clara Fink • Rudy-Ann in Friedman memory of Sadie & Joseph Fertik, Martin Friedman, and Sarah & Louis Friedman • Susan & Robert Gelfand in memory of Esther Gelfand • Merle Fishkin in memory of Samuel Pugach • Barbara & Stephen Goldberg in memory of Anne Muchnik and Rose Goldberg • Terrie & Lawrence Goldstein in memory of Harold Newman • Helene & Howard Hecht in memory of Chaim Berenfeld • Ronni & Charles Hollander in memory Dr. Arthur Hollander, Julius Kirschbaum, and Alexander Warantz • Irene Horn in memory of Fannie Horn • Mr. & Mrs. Steven Israel in memory of Steven Israel • Robin & Robert Jacobson in memory of Irene Jacobson • Carole Kaplan in memory of Max Kaplan and Hilda Sorblum • Patrice Kolomer in memory of Sue Berman • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory Edythe Konstan • Rachel Kupferberg in memory of Joel Kupferberg and Barbara Kupferberg • Laurence Lande in memory Rhoda Lande • Terry & Ira Lepzelter in memory of Lori Schonfeld • Sandra Lichtenstein & Family in memory Sharon Lichtenstein and Shirley Lichtenstein • Bonnie & Robert Love in memory of Louis Berland • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Bessie Mensoff and Max Mensoff • Lynn Moser in memory of Debra Abramson, Dorothy Maurer, and Sue Berman • Dr. Joanne & Martin Neff in memory Albert Neff, Dr. Martin Moliver, Emma Moliver Nestel, and Simon Klempner • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Cynthia Kronenberg in memory of Max Einstein • Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan, Debra Abramson, and Dorothy Maurer • Susan & Burt Schall in memory of Harry Schall • Susan & Irwin Schneider in memory of Mildred Rosen, Samuel Schneider, Susan Berman, Debra Abramson, Dorothy Maurer, and James Margolin • Marilyn Schwartz in memory of Yetta Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Max Birenbaum • Barbara Silberman in memory of Susan Berman and Debra Abramson • Felice Tarter in memory of Fanny Mandel • Roslyn & Burton Tropp in memory of Gwendolyn Goldman • Gale & Howard Zeidman in memory of Elaine S. Mindlin
- YOUTH ACTIVITIES - Sandy Portnoy in memory of Dorothy Maurer
A Special Note of Gratitude :
I would like to express my appreciation for all the concern and sympathy expressed during my Brother’s illness and passing. It is comforting to know that this Congregation is so supportive and helpful during difficult times…Thank you, Phyllis Richards
- CHESED: Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
- TZEDEKAH: Elaine R. Farber • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
- BENEFACTORS: Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Carole Kaplan • Cheryl & Steven Levine • Kent & Susan Moston • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
- PATRONS: Helen & Bob Bader • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Arline & Jack Cazes • Jeannette & Charles Golden • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Andrea & Doug King • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Janet & Barry Spool
- SPONSORS: Anonymous • Maureen & Steve Berman • Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Dr. Martin Cohen • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • The Diamond Family • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Joe & Judy Kirschner • The Klig Family • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Robin & Mark Mandell • Arlene Sheff • Irene & Stanley Zorn
- DONORS: Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • The Birnbach Family • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim • Sharon Bibergal • Bernice Bloch • Henry Bloch • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Anonymous • Beth Feldman Curcio • Merle Fishkin • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Libby Glowatz • Vivian Goldbaum & Dr. Norman Feder • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Susan & Marty Goldschmidt • Anonymous • Helene & Howard Hecht • Dean & Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Irene Horn • Phyllis & Joe Horne • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Estelle Magidson • Barbara & Joe Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Oscrow • Robert Peskin (non-member) • Phyllis Richards • Helaine & Ed Schacter • Burton & Susan Schall • Rosalyn Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz • Ruth Selig • Claire Shapiro • Lenore & Barry Stein • Roslyn & Burton Tropp • Leo & Jane Tujack • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Sandra Witt (non-member) • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Carol Fenves & Isaac Yavetz • Gale & Howard Zeidman • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
- PARTICIPANTS: Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Lois & Andrew Baron • George & Jeanie Berger • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Anonymous • Brenda & Mark Brody • Barbara & Fred Fleisher • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Lori & Mark Gordon • Muriel Gorochow • Linda Kamalic • Dorothy Kellner (non-member) • Leslie Kizner • Erika Korpacz (no-member) • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Helen Lipson • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Gail & Michael Meisel • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Anonymous • Sandy Portnoy • Susan & George Prinz • Rachel Raphael-Kupferburg • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg • Richard Roth (non-member) • Jaynie Rudnick • Alene Schonhaut • Susan, Irwin & Alex Schneider • Anonymous • Shirley Snyder • Carol & Amram Weiner • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Elaine Zipser
social action
Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss
Jewish women have had the courage and conviction to overcome the social, cultural, and religious barriers they have faced in creating a more just and equitable world.” Jewish Women’s Archive
- March 8th is International Women’s Day and the following day, March 9th we celebrate Purim, and the bravery of a Jewish woman named Esther. Esther saved her people from Haman’s murderous plan in the 4th century BCE! Jewish women have played important roles in every aspect of American life from colonial times through the present, when now two Jewish women occupy crucial seats as Supreme Court Justices!! Our history makes for some interesting and surprising reading - one source: America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today, by Pamela S. Nadell.
- At our February 9th Meeting, we discussed the upcoming March 20th Refugee Shabbat. Susan Louis has arranged for Julie Schwietert Collazo of Immigrant Families Together to speak to us about what motivates refugees to leave their homes. We are also in the process of setting a date for the first meeting of the new Temple Tikvah Food Policy Committee. We shared the flyer Lisa Lupo originally sent out about contributing travel sized toiletries and other small items to be put into “Blessing Bags” for local people in need as a joint Purim Project with Temple Judea. In addition, we also reviewed the news from our RAC connections.
- RAC New York is now in its second year. In January, representatives from Reform Congregations across the state attended meetings to discuss which Bill to back first in this year’s NY State Legislative Session. Rabbi Sheinberg, Elaine Brooks, and Judy Kirschner attended the Long Island Meeting.
- After getting input, RAC NY has decided to advocate for the Protect Our Courts Act. It would require ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to provide a warrant signed by a judge before arresting anyone in or outside a court. Courthouses in New York and elsewhere have increasingly become places where immigrants appearing on unrelated matters have been taken into federal immigration custody by ICE. Such arrests discourage witnesses from aiding law enforcement and prevent victims from reporting crimes as immigrants and their families are fearful to go to court. This does great harm to the court system, as well as to the people who feel threatened. In the days ahead, RAC NY will notify us of actions we can take to support the legislation in the NY State Senate and Assembly.
- We are continuing to participate in the National RAC Immigration and Climate Cohort Groups calls. In the calls, we learn what other Congregations across the country are doing. In Immigration, a Brooklyn Heights Congregation went to Brownsville/Matamoros Border and provided direct help to immigrant families stuck there in miserable conditions. Other Congregations are working on court watch training, the upcoming census, helping Syrian refugees or building a cooperative group of attorneys to offer assistance to immigrants.
- In Climate, some Congregations have worked on making their landscaping environmentally friendly, no matter how small the space. Others have worked on food policy and reducing the use of non-compostable products. As of this writing, we have formed a Committee at Temple which will be addressing food policy and the use of plastic at events. You have probably already noticed a change at our Onegs.
Our next Meetings will be on March 15th and May 17th. You are welcome to attend or contact us: Elaine Brooks - 718.217.6065, Judy Kirschner – 917.270.2705, and Elaine Weiss – 914.693.1
Created with images by FotoRieth - "challah shabbat challah board" • Marek Studzinski - "chalices, communion cup, white, silver, flag, table, david, star, Eucharist, magen David, Shield of David, Star of David, horizontal, blue, white, Stripes, white field, daylight, light, true light, day, window, table, Eucharist, supper, communion, Jesus, was, Jew, Jewish, reflection, mirroring" • Kym MacKinnon - "Follow me on instagram www.instagram.com/vixenly" • James Lee - "Olives" • Sandrachile . - "Just a floral bouquet in front of a white wall." • exoteric - "sundial clock old"