Tuesday, May, 22, 2018
My name is Jill Balogh and I was asked to participate in this project because I am pen pals with a man on NC's Death Row. I have decided to write about what I have learned about death, but more importantly what I have learned about life through this experience.
Four and a half years ago, God placed it on my heart to respond to an article in my church bulletin, St. Francis of Assisi, requesting pen pals for men on NC's Death Row. I was matched with Jason Hurst, a match only God could orchestrate and our pen pal relationship began. I don't know what I expected, but from the first letter I felt a sense of life in his letters, not death. Here was someone making the decision to choose life when the world was choosing death for him.
After about a year of writing, I started visiting Jason about once a month. In June of 2016, phones were installed on Death Row - one per pod of 24 cells - and Jason now calls me about once a week. After a couple of years of writing I agreed to help lead the Pen Pal Ministry at St. Francis and have been blessed on a regular basis with hearing stories of how this ministry is opening people's hearts. I now consider Jason as a brother I never had and the many fellow visitors I run into on my monthly visits as friends.
I have learned and continue to learn so many lessons thru this experience, but I will share a few.
This letter is part of the Death Letter Project - North Carolina, a means to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Historic Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, NC.
Michael Palko