Annetta Evans is our 5th and 6th grade Google Classroom teacher. She enjoys riding her horses and painting with watercolors and on silk.
Ms. Evans became a teacher because she wanted to make a difference in the world. She loves being able to teach students from all over the region.
A fun fact about Ms. Evans is that she likes to play polo with her family.
Thank you Ms. Evans for being committed to our Pendleton students.
*Chromebook and supply return will take place at the District Office on Friday, May 28th and Tuesday, June 1st from 7:45am-3:00pm. PVLA entrance is the second set of doors. If you are unable to make those times contact me to make other arrangements prior to June 3rd.
*Report Cards will be mailed home the week of June 7th.
If you hear of anyone interested in PVLA for next year please send them my way and I will contact them over the summer.
More information can be found on our PVLA website at
Pendleton Youth Soccer Association registration opens June 1st (registration closes July 15).
Grades K-5 and Grades 6-8 Check them out
Summer Camp June 14-15th. Information found on the PYSA website
Pendleton Swim Association will be having a season this year.Swimmers ages 7-13(14) would join “Age Group” program:● A great follow up to swimmers who have previously taken lessons or are proficient at freestyle● Two sessions offered June 7-July 2 & July 12-August 6● Practice Monday-Thursday● Pirates (widthwise swimmers 25M) 10:30-11:30● Mariners (lengthwise swimmers 50M) 9:15-10:15● Opportunities for swim meets● Various weekly team activities● $50 per session +$38 for USA Swimming Membership and insurance
Swimmers ages 11-18 would join “Green & Gold”● A great place for older swimmers to begin or those with prior swimming experience (team, lessons, or recreation)● June 28-August 6● Monday-Friday● 7:00-9:00 AM● $150 +$38 for USA Swimming Membership and insurance● Various weekly team activities● Opportunities for swim meets
More information found here
Questions about the program, contact Athena Nelson 541-240-0019
Created with images by Bru-nO - "sunflower sunflower field flowers" • Engin_Akyurt - "new year 2021 year" • RoonZ-nl - "laptop chromebook notebook" • kkolosov - "analysis biochemistry biologist" • stux - "football ball sport" • Pexels - "girls swimming splashing"