"Working to control, prevent and reduce pollution of the coastal and marine environment from land and marine-based sources and activities, thereby enabling countries of the Wider Caribbean to meet their obligations under the Land-based Sources of Marine Pollution and Oil Spills Protocols of the Cartagena Convention.”
The Protocol Concerning Land Based Sources of Marine Pollution & Oil Spills
Ratification of Protocol on Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities: Status Update
The Government of Honduras advised that a national decree for the ratification of the Cartagena Convention and it's three Protocols on Oil Spills, Land-based Sources of Pollution and Marine Biodiversity was published.
Honduras will become the 26th Contracting Party to the Cartagena Convention, the 12th to the Protocol on Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities and 17th to the Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife.
The Governments of Haiti, Barbados and St. Kitts & Nevis (already Contracting Parties to the Cartagena Convention) have indicated their commitment to ratify the Pollution protocol.
Towards a strengthened approach to Marine Litter Pollution: Pre-Technical Workshop in Panama in July 2018
Over 20 technical experts from the Wider Caribbean Region participated a Pre-Technical Workshop on Pollution related activities held on 17 July 2018 in Panama. It was an interactive exchange preceding the Technical Advisory Committee on Pollution (4th LBS STAC) from July 18-20 to review the the Cartagena Convention’s LBS Protocol and the methodology behind the State of Convention Area Report (SOCAR).
The workshop also involved presentations and plenary discussions on the 10-year Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project (CLME+) Strategic Action Programme (2015-2025), the 5-year CLME+ Project (2015-2020) and use of the Governance Effectiveness Assessment Framework (GEAF).
Technical input and guidance were provided to the development of the Regional Nutrients Reduction Strategy & Action Plan and the development of a new Global Environment Facility (GEF) full sized project proposal on an integrated approach to wastewater management using innovative solutions and promoting financing mechanisms in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) (GEF CReW+).
Support to this workshop was provided by the GEF funded Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystem Management in Caribbean Island Developing States (IWEco) and Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the sustainable management of shared living marine resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) projects.
Presentations for the Pre-Technical Workshop and 4th LBS STAC and meeting documents are accessible here.
Regional Experts meet for the Fourth Technical Advisory Meeting on Pollution in Panama City for the LBS Protocol
Over 40 Regional Experts from the Wider Caribbean Region attended the Fourth Technical Advisory Meeting on Pollution (4th LBS STAC) in Panama City from 18 to 20 July 2018. Projects and activities implemented by the Secretariat of the Cartagena Convention and the LBS Regional Activity Centres for the 2017-2018 biennium were reviewed.
Experts provided comments to the draft Work Plan and Budget for the 2019-2020 biennium, for the draft Regional Nutrients Strategy Concept, UNDP/GEF/CLME+ Research Strategies, activities by the Caribbean Node on Marine Litter .
The meeting made several recommendations on solid waste, water and wastewater management, ocean governance, innovative financing for consideration at the upcoming Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting and Fifteenth Conference of Parties of the Cartagena Convention in 2019.
As Sargassum seaweed increasingly floats on the coasts of the Caribbean and negatively affects the marine life, it was agreed that an information paper on the status of pelagic and stranded sargassum in the Wider Caribbean Region should be prepared to guide future discussions. Experts also proposed that further information on gaps and barriers preventing countries from establishing water quality monitoring and assessment programs was needed. Among the recommendations was also the need to expand the technical support role of the Regional Activity Centres and Regional Activity Networks. The full list of recommendations will soon be available on the website.
Ms. Heidi Savelli, Programme Manager for Marine Litter, Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities led a Marine Litter side event on 19 July. The event was co-hosted by the Caribbean Node for Marine Litter.
The side event provided an overview of global and regional initiatives on Marine Litter Prevention and offered an opportunity for discussions on priority areas for action in the Wider Caribbean Region.
Mapping bans on single use Plastic Bags and Styrofoam across the Wider Caribbean Region
The Secretariat of the Cartagena Convention published a report on the Status of Plastics and Styrofoam bans across the Wider Caribbean Region.
This report summarizes policies and bans that have been implemented in the Wider Caribbean Region and seeks to identify lessons learned for policy makers that will assist in future efforts to regulate the use and production of disposable plastics. The bans in action and those that are about to be promulgated among all the countries of the Wider Caribbean Region are analyzed.
It was presented to regional partners and government representatives at the 26th Annual Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association Conference.
Click here for map of the countries and their status of such bans. The draft report (UNEP(DEPI)/CAR WG.39/INF.8) can be located using the link to LBS STAC4 Meeting Documents.
Regional Seas Conventions, OSPAR & Cartagena Convention preserve Life Below Water across the North East Atlantic and the Wider Caribbean Region
©Photo Source: ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies/Marine Photobank
Regional Seas Conventions, OSPAR Commission (OSPAR) and the Cartagena Convention Secretariat (CEP) registered a voluntary commitment to collaborate across the Atlantic at the United Nations Ocean Conference in 2017. This voluntary commitment explores opportunities for cooperation between the Secretariats with an initial focus on marine litter and marine protected areas. (#OceanAction17198) and financial support from the Governments of Netherlands and Sweden.
The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), the co-host of the Caribbean Node on Marine Litter facilitated the implementation in partnership with the Cartagena Convention Secretariat.
In addition, Mr. Christopher Corbin, Programme Officer of the the Assessment and Management of Environment Pollution Programme participated in the Intersessional Correspondence Group on Marine Litter in Berlin from 13-14 June 2018. The meeting highlighted the Clean Atlantic Project, the OceanWise Project, waste management and Single use plastic bags, Microplastics and specific actions for improving ocean governance across the region.
During the Fourth meeting under the collective arrangement for the management of selected areas in the North-East Atlantic (Berlin, Germany 7-8 May, 2018), the Member States of the OSPAR Commission committed to support cross-sectoral cooperation among regional organisations, the Cartagena and Abidjan Conventions and have started the development of concrete cooperative actions in Marine Pollution, Marine Protected Areas and Ecosystem-Based Management for further implementation in 2018.
Visit here for more information on this partnership between OSPAR & Cartagena Conventions.
CARPHA 10th Technical Advisory Committee Meeting: Strengthening of Health systems
Mr. Christopher Corbin attended the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) 10th Technical Advisory Committee Meetings held in St. Kitts and Nevis in June & August 2018.
Mr. Corbin participated in the Semi-Annual Review of CARPHA's Work Programme and discussed emerging priorities and opportunities in the region. This included strengthening of health systems, achieving safe and healthy environments, promoting healthy living and using strategic information for evidence-based decision making.
Sargassum and its impacts on the Marine Environment
Ms. Ileana Lopez, Programme Officer for the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife Sub-programme participated in the Sargassum and Oil Spills Monitoring Pilot Project for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Workshop from 2 - 4 May, 2018 in Mexico. The workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Education of Mexico (Subsecretaria de Educacion Media Superior) and Mexico National Council of Sciences.
The workshop further developed the implementation plan for the development of a region wide system for monitoring and forecasting oil spills and sargassum presence and forge linkages with other regional ocean observing projects. Representatives of IOCARIBE of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(IOC-UNESCO), its Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Regional Alliance IOCARIBE-GOOS, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Barbados and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) also participated integrally during the workshop.
The workshop was supported by financial contributions from IOCARIBE of IOC-UNESCO, the Government of Mexico, the Government of Flanders and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
For more information on the Sargassum and Oil Spills Monitoring Pilot Project, please click here.
Trash Free Waters for the Caribbean
The Trash Free Waters initiative is working to turn the tide on ocean pollution. Activities are being implemented in two pilot countries (Panama and Jamaica) to reduce and prevent land-based trash from entering watersheds, coastal waters, and the marine environment.
The United Nations Environment ׀ Caribbean Environment Programme (Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention); and the Regional Office for Latin America and its Caribbean Sub-Regional Office) are working with national authorities in the two countries to implement the activities with financial support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Sandals Foundation is coordinating the implementation of pilot project activities for Jamaica in Bluefields and Whitehouse communities of Westmoreland. Considering the global call to action to #BeatPlasticPollution campaign, the residents of these communities participated in a beach clean-up prior to the launch on June 8, 2018 in commemoration of World Oceans Day.
Underwater surveys were conducted by the Bluefields Peoples Community Association and Whitehouse by divers within the Marine Sanctuaries obtain baseline information. Public awareness/ education activities on proper waste management were conducted in the Whitehouse Community by the Marine Sanctuary team of Game Wardens. This included health center visits, community walks and church visits .
Some of the upcoming activities will include livelihood training (recycling), garbage distribution and composting.
The Center of Engineering and Environmental Management of Coasts and Bays (RAC CIMAB)
The bays of Santiago de Cuba, Cayo Moa, Nipe, Puerto Padre, Cienfuegos, Mariel, Varadero – Cárdenas, Guantánamo, Matanzas, Nuevitas and Sagua were assessed to update the inventory of lands-based sources of pollution to the ecosystems, further examine the physical-chemical component of pollutants and toxins in the waters and to assess the effectiveness of corrective actions. Funding was provided by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in Cuba (CITMA). The project will last one year.
Work is ongoing with the 'State Working Group for the Clean-Up, Conservation and Development of Havana Bay' (GTE-BH) to monitor environmental quality of the waters and sediments through monthly samplings of a network of stations under the 'Integral and Environmental Surveillance Plan of the Havana Bay and Adjacent Coastline'.
The Institute of Marine Affairs (RAC IMA)
Work has continued on several research areas including the Hyrdological and hydrodynamic model of water pollutants that flow in the Caroni River Basin to determine transport and fate of land-based sources of pollutants, and to restore freshwater habitats along with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, University of the West Indies and University of Boston. The data will inform policy formulation and the management plan for the proposal development of the CLME+ Ecosystem based Management Project in Trinidad and Tobago.
The joint Regional Activity Centre for the Oil Spills Protocol (RAC REMPEITC-Caribe) completed a Feasibility study on the development of a regional reception facilities plan for the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Wider Caribbean Region in collaboration with the International Maritime Organization. The study includes an assessment of ports of 16 U.N. member SIDS, and identification of possible measures to address the inadequacy of port reception facilities in the Wider Caribbean Region.
The 9th Ordinary Steering Committee Meeting of the RAC/REMPETIC-Caribe was held in Curacao from 4-8 June 2018. The main objectives of the meeting were to review activities and developments conducted since 2016, review and finalize the work plan and institutional arrangements for 2018, update RAC/REMPEITC-Caribe's Long Term Strategic Plan and develop action items for the 2019-2020 work plan. The Secretariat, as co-host of RAC REMPEITC, were represented by Ms. Inniss and Mr. Corbin.
Integrating Water, Land & Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (GEF IWEco Project)
Ministers representing the countries participating in IWEco were invited to sign a ‘Statement of Intention’ to foster and sustain collaboration with the Project Coordination Unit, the Project Executing Agencies and Partners, including the OECS, towards successful implementation of the project in their respective countries on 11 July during a signing ceremony prior to the 5th Meeting of its Council of Ministers of Environmental Sustainability (COMES 5) of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).
Four of the countries (Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines) have national sub-projects that will develop and implement targeted, innovative, climate resilient approaches to land, water and ecosystem management. Funding from the GEF for these four projects amounts to approximately US$4 million.
Grenada, along with all participating countries (the others being Barbados, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago) will benefit from regional project activities aimed at strengthening policy, legislative and institutional frameworks, monitoring and evaluation, and public awareness.
IWEco’s objective is to contribute to the preservation of Caribbean ecosystems that are of global significance and to the sustainability of livelihoods. The project will apply proven technologies and approaches best suited for small island developing states in order to improve the management of fresh and coastal water resources, land resources and forests.
The ninth webinar for the GEF IWEco Project was held on May 8, 2018. It focused on Mobile App use for Citizen Science data collection to build communications capacity among project teams.
For more information on the project, please check the CEP website and the project facebook page. See IWECo E-link for latest information.
The Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention/Caribbean Environment Programme welcomes new staff to the Wider Caribbean Region.
Ms. Donna-Sue Spencer is the Public Information Officer for the GEF IWEco Project since 29 June 2018.
Ms. Nicole Caesar will be the Associate Programme Officer for the GEF IWEco Project and will assume duties on 1 September 2018.
Secretariat Updates
The Job Opening for the G5 Programme Management Assistant (AMEP) was launched in Inspira on 4 June with a closing date of 3 July 2018. Ms. Sancha Foreman, former Team Assistant for Pollution and Communication Sub-programmes, was promoted to the post of Programme Management Assistant (AMEP) effective 1 Aug 2018.
Interviews were completed, and four interns selected to join UN Environment CAR/RCU for three to six months periods between July 2018 and April 2019.
Mr. Diego Garcia-Vega joined the CAR/RCU as an intern with the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife sub-programme on 7 Aug 2018 for a six months period.
Mr. Karel Boers joined the office in the capacity of intern to the Pollution sub-programme on 9 July 2018 until October 2018.
World Environment Day & World Oceans Day-2 June/ 5 June 2018
The UN Environment CEP and the Sub-Regional Office of the Caribbean partnered in the Generation for Action Plastic Workshop on June 5, 2018 involving twenty-five students who presented a concept/model that can be implemented in their school to reduce the amount of plastic generated. This reinforced the global call to action promoted on World Environment Day to Beat Plastic Pollution.
Contributions were made to regional and global newsletters such as the SIDS Times ‘The Cowrie’ first edition June 2018 issue (UN Division for Sustainable Development (UN DESA) bimonthly newsletter and the Global Partnership on Nutrients Management Newsletter, January – April 2018 edition highlighting the Regional Nutrient Strategy being developed within the UNDP GEF CLME+ Project.
The Secretariat participated in the Save Our Seas Festival on June 5, 2018 in collaboration with Conservation through Education Trust and the Institute of Caribbean Studies. The festival was held in Downtown Kingston, Jamaica and included an exhibition involving 30 Grade 6 students of the value of the ocean environment and the need to protect our marine species. The Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation in Jamaica, Daryl Vaz delivered opening remarks.
During the week of celebration of World Environment and World Oceans Day, the social media campaign highlighted our technical reports and fact sheets highlighting plastic pollution and the need to protect our ocean and marine ecosystems. The reactions to the content shared on the social media platforms are as follows:
For the week June 4th to June 10th on Facebook, there were highlights relating to 120% Increase in Page views (185); 263% Increase in Page Likes (55); 310% Increase in Reach (22,230);
On Twitter, there were 35 Mentions, 28 Thousand Mention Reach, 95,000 Retweet Reach during that week which showed an increase in awareness of the marine environment and our work in the Region.
A photo competition was launched to encourage persons to showcase ‘What motivates them about the environment and the Caribbean Sea. This was circulated among Secretariat's focal points and youth networks within the Wider Caribbean Region. The winning photos were circulated on social media and highlighted on our website.
Finalists were Romel Hall from Barbados, Michelle Taylor, Irece Reyes and Vanieri Patt from Belize. We thank them for their beautiful images and contribution to environmental conservation and awareness.
Launch of Trash Free Waters 'Sold Waste Reduction Project'- Bluefield & Whitehouse communities, Westmoreland, Jamaica
CLEANER STREETS are to become a reality for the Whitehouse and Bluefields communities.
The launch of the Solid Waste Reduction Project within the towns of Bluefield and Whitehouse communities was held on June 8, 2018 within the Bluefields and Whitehouse communities of Westmoreland. The grant, valued at US$25,000, is allowing the foundation to move ahead with a project to clean up the communities while educating residents on proper waste management.
Considering the global call to action to #BeatPlasticPollution campaign, the residents of Bluefields and Whitehouse in Westmoreland participated in a beach clean-up prior to the launch on June 8, 2018 in commemoration of World Oceans Day. Approximately 32 community members participated in the launch activity and over 300lbs of garbage were collected.
These community members included local business leaders, the Community Development Committee, Regional Fisheries Officials, Chairpersons of the Gilling’s Gully Fisherman’s Cooperative and the Parish Development Committee.
The Read Across Jamaica Foundation, in collaboration with the Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) launched its annual Education Week activities. Many organizations joined with schools across the island that observed Read Across Jamaica Day on Tuesday, May 8, 2018. Staff from UN Environment | Caribbean Environment Programme participated in this activity for the second year. This year, it was a joint activity with the with United Nations Children Fund and the United Nations Development Programme. Students of the Denham Town Primary School were engaged in creative & interactive forms of reading.
Children interacted and shared all they knew about reducing, reusing and recycling and how these tips protect the environment. Marine mammals and the different species that live under the sea was another exciting topic that engaged the children. Books and Articles that were used were from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (Jump with Whales, Marine Biodiversity (SPAW) Protocol, Pollution (LBS) Protocol, Kids Guide to Recycling, How to Be a Green Kid.
Students were able to learn first hand about the United Nations system and the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Visit the Caribbean Environment Programme webpage for news on the Secretariat's programme activities.
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To find out more information on the Pollution (LBS) Protocol, please contact Mr. Christopher Corbin, Programme Officer for Pollution and Communication sub-programmes, at UN Environment's CEP by telephone: 1(876)922-9267-9, Fax:1 (876)922-9292, Email: