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Artificial Intelligence eTwinning learning lab 2019

Hashtags used in the course: #AIeTw #Education #AI4K12 #eTwinning

Credits for sources and links: course on eTwinning Learning Lab by Marco Neves, Portugal

As we are living the change in society and in humankind and #DigitalTrasnformation is shaping our lives, communication, jobs and even the way we understad or see ourselves, teachers must be in pace. In this revolution, the machines are acquiring skills to perform tasks and thinking as humans thanks to Artificial Inteligence. This changes views in education as well as the methods and strategies we use to teach and learn. 

New technologies are arising such as:

IoT = The Internet of Things is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. (Wikipedia) Some of the examples:

  • connected vehicles (transportation systems)
  • home automation (Smart home)
  • wearable technology (smart watches, elder care)
  • connected health (remote health monitoring)
  • appliances with remote monitoring capabilities

BlockChain = a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography. The example of use:

  • cryptocurrencies
  • smart contracts
  • financial services
  • video games
  • supply chains

Machine Learning (ML) = the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead.

  • There are many applications of ML, some are:
  • Agriculture
  • Anatomy
  • Adaptive websites
  • Banking
  • Computer Networks
  • Credit-card fraud detection
  • Economics
  • Handwriting recognition
  • Internet fraud detection
  • Linguistics
  • Marketing
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Online advertising
  • Search engines
  • Speech recognition
  • Telecommunication
  • User behavior analytics

Quantum Computing = the study of a still-hypothetical model of computation, where it could transform the memory into a quantum superposition of possible classical states.

What is AI?

History of AI

1. Alan Turing -> Artificial Intelligence (AI) He was a mathematician and cryptographer who deciphered the Enigma machine in WW2, logician, philosopher, Cambridge fellow (at age 22) and ultra-long distance runner. He lay the foundations of the modern day computer and artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning

AI in everyday lives

Possible future scenarios

Impacts of AI

Critical questions and AI


Examples of AI in our everyday lives

AI and Education

Learning with AI is linked with the integration of AI tools and platforms to assist and improving students learning as also teachers work such as: assessment, bureaucratic tasks, students monitoring, among others.

Learning for AI has to do about prepare our students for an AI world, Giving them the skills they will need to thrive in these new realities, how they should deal with the risk of AI and how they need to be aware for a world full of uncertainty shaped by the Digital Transformation.

Learning AI is connected with technical components of building AI. Has to do with the need to prepare professionals that will be the engineers of the future developing AI tools that are targeted to fulfill the needed of all and not just for a few.

Teaching AI in the Primary Education

AI4K12 Initiative has developed national guidelines for teaching AI. They propose 5 Big Ideas for AI when it comes to teach AI for K12 schools:

  • 1 - Perception
  • 2 - Representation and Reasoning
  • 3 - Learning
  • 4 - Natural Interaction
  • 5 - Social impact


  • 1) Learning for AI
  • AI Experiments from Google
  • Teachable Machine - teach a machine by using your camera, live in the browser
  • Quick, Draw! A game where a neural net tries to guess what you’re drawing
  • AI Duet - A piano that responds to you using Machine Learning
  • Talk to Books - Browse passages from books using experimental AI
  • PopBots (MIT) are programmable, intelligent social robots that play with children to help them learn about AI
  • AI Family Challenge is a free, hands-on AI education competition
  • MIT Moral Machine - A platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by machine intelligence, such as self-driving cars
  • The human Neural Network - A Look inside the human neural network activity
  • 2) Learning AI
  • Machine Learning for Kids: this free tool introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them
  • Elements of AI - free online course about the basics of AI
  • Google AIY - Do-it-yourself artificial intelligence
  • AI4ALL Open Learning gives the tools to solve problems you care about using AI
  • Cognimates - an AI education platform for building games, programming robots & training AI models here
  • Computer Vision Lesson Plan (Unplugged) here
  • Girls in AI - Iniative to short the gender gap in the AI field here
  • 3) Learning with AI
  • This topic concerns about tools and platforms that aimed to directly help teachers and students on their teaching and learning process this tools are: intelligent tutoring systems, virtual pedagogical agents that act as a peer or instructor, embodied AI robots, and ‘smart’ classrooms.
  • Mt. Cleverest - selected a favorite piece of content and given us the URL, our artificial intelligence (named Andi) takes over
  • Mia Learning - Elementary and middle school students talk with our voice chatbot twice a month in class using existing devices
  • Brainly - go from questioning to understanding
  • INaturalist - a real world AI computer vision technology for nature observation
  • - See also Seek by INaturalist
  • Apps:
  • Duolingo - the best way to learn languages
  • Socratic - Learn better
  • PhotoMath - Math Superpowers for Every Student
  • Leafsnap - The free mobile apps use visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their leaves

AI course


Created with an image by fabio - "Flume in Switzerland"
