Switzerland Angalina Evans

About Switerland

Switzerland is one of two countries that have a square flag.

Cultural Sites

This is the Matterhorn it is a Mountain in the alps on the border of Switzerland and Italy

This is Lake Geneva it stretches along the north shore from Lausanne to Montreux.

About the people

The Swiss people speak five main languages, they speak Romansh,German,Italian,French,and of course Swedish. Hej mitt namn är... which means hello my name is... in Swedish.

The Swiss usually wear the same clothes we do,but on special occasions the wear lederhosen,which are knee length pants and suspenders which are often made from leather.


This is Sweden's current king Carl XVI Gustaf.

This is Fredrik Reinfeldt Sweden's Prime Minister.


This is the Swiss during WWII,during this time they were trading with Hitler and were surrounded by fascist groups.

Allies in the Swabian War consolidate Switzerland's position against the German Empire.

Roger Federer is a Swiss professional tennis player.

Jean Henri Dunant,a Swiss,is the creator and founder of the Red Cross.


This is a common meal in Switzerland. This is pickled herring and potatoes and usually served with bread.

Yodeling originally came from Switzerland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lwlsDpEhZU

The Swiss people speak five main languages, they speak Romansh,German,Italian,French,and of course Swedish. Hej mitt namn är... which means hello my name is... in Swedish.

The Swiss usually wear the same clothes we do,but on special occasions the wear lederhosen,which are knee length pants and suspenders which are often made from leather.

Futbol is the most popular sport in Switzerland.

Scenery of Switzerland


Created with images by kasabubu - "verzasca waterfall water and stone" • Hans - "flag switzerland red" • DavidMartynHunt - "Matterhorn" • 495756 - "geneva fountain places of interest" • Thomas8047 - "very British" • Screamenteagle - "child nature costume" • Bengt Nyman - "810_0152 King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden" • More pictures and videos: connect@epp.eu - "Fredrik Reinfeldt" • Boss Tweed - "Roger Federer" • sebilden - "Inlagd sill och färskpotatis" • Jollymama - "bavaria germany allgäu" • Screamenteagle - "child nature costume"


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