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TAG & Stop TB Partnership Annual TB Funding Trends Report 2005-2020: Advocacy toolkit Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that kills more than 4,100 people per day. #endTB

TB is one of the oldest infectious diseases in recorded history. It is preventable, treatable, and curable, but still devastates lives. In the past 200 years, the disease has claimed over a billion lives.

The Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005–2020 report finds that global funding for TB research totaled US$915 million in 2020 - less than half the goal of US$2 billion agreed by participating country governments at the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB in 2018. The findings released today by Treatment Action Group and the Stop TB Partnership come at a time when worldwide TB deaths rose for the first time in a decade.

The report reveals that, in 2020, public sector funding accounted for 70% of overall R&D funds, at US$641 million. Philanthropies were the second-largest funding source, contributing 15% (US$134 million), while private companies and multilateral organizations represented 10% and 5% of the pie, or US$89 and US$49 million. Of the total R&D amount, 36% was spent on drug development, 18% on basic science research, 14% on diagnostics, 13% on epidemiology, 13% on vaccines, and 6% on infrastructure and other needs.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, effective vaccines can be the key tool to save lives. Yet, TB vaccine research has been slowed by chronic underfunding – still US$2.7 billion behind the UN goal for 2018-2023. There is only one moderately effective century-old TB vaccine, compared to over 20 far more effective ones for COVID-19.

Making much-needed progress against TB demands investments commensurate with the threat posed by the disease around the world – including a commitment to rectify the inadequate funding of the past. To close the TB R&D funding gap, an additional US$10 billion is needed over the next two years.


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New report from @TAGteam_tweets + @StopTB: 2020 funding for TB research still less than half of $2B goal, and less than 1% of R&D investment in #COVID19. Here's what Austin Obiefuna, incoming vice-chair of #StopTB Partnership Board said. Full report here 👉
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@t_abdullaev, @realTBpeople's TB community activist, shares his concerns around how low funding means a long wait for new TB vaccines. The new report from @TAGteam_tweets & @StopTB analyzes actual funding against need. Read the full report here👉 #endTB
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Jennifer Furin, Dir, #TheSentinelProject talks about the impact of #COVID19 on TB. TB is one of the world's deadliest infectious diseases, but it still gets less than half the R&D funding it needs. Read @TAGteam_tweets + @StopTB's new report here: #endTB
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At 2018 #UNHLM on TB, world leaders committed to increasing annual funding for TB research to $2 billion. In reality, TB R&D funding has remained flat at around $900 million since 2018. Read new @TAGTeam_Tweets & #StopTB report for more details👉 #endTB
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Over the past decade, annual TB R&D funding has increased from just over $600M per year to approx. $900M per year & this is not enough. Download @TAGTeam_Tweets + @StopTB Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005–2020 report for more insights👉 #EndTB


Template Letter to Send to Political Leaders: Download our template letter and help us call on political leaders to provide the funding they promised for TB R&D

Press Release: Download the Press Release announcing the report
