by Gregory Foschi
- Go Class is a learning platform that is cloud based. It was created to connect mobile devices in the classroom.
- Teachers can create assessments, as well as upload videos, documents, and notes.
- GoClass allows teachers to organize and share images, documents, videos, URLs, teacher notes and assessments into a structured sequence.
- Teachers can "broadcast" individual content to student devices, and simultaneously "project" to the front of the classroom shared content from a different part of the lesson plan . For instance, a teacher may choose to project questions on the main board at the front of the classroom while sending the individual reading passages directly to the mobile devices of every student.
- GoClass allows the teacher to have complete control of the content shared.
- Features for classroom management help keep teachers updated about student attention and engagement while assessments offered by the app give teachers immediate feedback on student performance.
Once an account is created (a basic account is free but there are some limitations that I will discuss later) the "dashboard" section will be viewed first. All of the navigation will be done by clicking on the different sections on the left sidebar.
GoClass allows for any type of resource to be uploaded to the Resource Library
In the upper right, the teacher can control the projector, ask a quick question for a poll, monitor the and see which students have joined the session, or adjust the settings.
The above picture of the solar system is in the "show" section. This is the presentation component of the lesson.
The explain section below allows for documents and more detailed information
Below is the section for questions.
Once everything is set up, the teachers will click "start session", inviting the students to join and begin their session. When the class for the day is over this content will be available for those that were absent. Also, all activity done in class will be recorded on the devices used by the students for possible future use. For outside the class use, from home students can access everything covered in class in addition to any additional resources the teacher may have posted for more learning.
So why would this be useful for teachers?
One of the greatest aspects of GoClass is that it allows for the possibility to "Flip the Class".
Flipping the class opens up many options for teachers. The class becomes a workshop where students can ask questions about the contents of the lecture, test their skills by applying knowledge, and participating in hands-on engaging activities with their peers. This will help the students have a deeper understanding of the concepts, and allows for the teacher to help the students on an individual bases as needed.
Since everything can be accessed from any device with internet, students can access and complete work from home if they are sick, even during snow days! It also allows for parents to access it as well. This lets them get a better understanding of the content so they know what is expected of their child.
Blended Classroom
Similar to a flipped classroom, GoClass allows for interactive activities using technology as well as traditional face to face instruction. GoClass's flexibility allows for teachers to send out information and lets students work at their own pace. Teachers can also send a schedule of assignments/readings so students can prepare for the group activities conducted in class.
Parent Involvement
Since parents have access to everything that the students have access to, it allows for greater communication between the teacher and parents. This is also lets the parents be much better equipped to help the students, since they now know exactly what is being taught for each lesson and view the same materials. This avoids any disconnect or confusion between the teacher and parents, and the parents and students.
Additional tools for delivering the lessons
The annotate/scribble and shared whiteboard options allow for even more ways for teachers to display information and students to in turn answer questions.
What standards does GoClass address?
ISTE Standards for Students
6c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations
7c-Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal
ISTE for Teachers
3. B. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
2. D. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
Common Core Standards
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1- Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1.A- Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1.B- Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1.C- Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information, and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1.D- Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
- Supports a number of different learning styles. This includes direct instruction, blended lessons, and flipping the classroom. The opportunity to flip the classroom allows for more collaboration and group work.
- "Show, Explain, Ask" Framework for lessons makes lesson creation simple and straightforward. These lessons give teacher many options in presentations, from videos to powerpoints, to pictures. Including many formats (pdf, doc, jpeg).
- Once the teacher uploads the lesson, this can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, letting parents view the same information and lessons as the students.
- Easy to use features and real time assessment options increases student engagement.
- Flexibility with assessment: Students are given many options to answer questions, such as open ended, multiple choice and even drawing.
- Teachers can have the class review lessons and notes on topics that were stressed during class; this can help them strengthen their understanding and increase their retention of the material.
- GoClass basic is good but but the paid account offers a lot more. With the basic account, the number of lesson plans, lessons, students, and storage space are limited.
- The fixed lesson structure can be seen as limiting to some teachers as well as some courses.
- To be used the best way, all students need mobile devices for this app, especially in the classroom.
- Lacks a resource database for downloading lessons and videos/resources. Similar tools have these libraries and are discussed next.
Similar Tools
Nearpod allows the teacher to create engaging multimedia presentations. It also offers many assessment options. The teacher can create presentations or download presentations from other teachers for free!
Socrative is a great way to monitor the classes understanding and ask a variety of questions that allow for short answer, open ended, true or false, and multiple choice. This app also allows for sharing, there is a vast library of quizzes that are free for any teacher to use.
Classflow is another option for creating and delivering lessons, as well as easily creating assessments. Just like Socrative and Nearpod, it offers resources available to download in the "Classflow Marketplace". Everything on the marketplace is free. .
Concluding Thoughts
GoClass is a great option for engaging lessons and has many ways to encourage student interest. The options to project lessons onto a screen/smartboard as well as to send other resources directly to the mobile devices of the students is great. However, similar tools like Classflow, Socrative and Nearpod offer the option to download resources directly from their website, something GoClass does not offer. GoClass's free account is useful but the paid account offers much more.
Created with images by kaboompics - "man reading touchscreen blog digital tablet working"