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Red Badge of Courage By: Stephen Crane

As you read Chapter 3...

Comprehension Questions

1. What happened to the soldiers knapsacks as they traveled?

2. What are some of the differences between soldiers who were veterans (who had fought in battle before) and new recruits?

3. How did Henry’s attitude about the reason he enlisted change as he ran and prepared himself for battle? Did he feel that he signed up to be in battle and prove himself, or did he suddenly feel that he had been forced into this? If he felt he had been forced, who did he feel forced him?

4. What were some of Henry’s thoughts about his superiors (or generals) as his regiment moved on seemingly aimless from hill to plain to forest?

5. Why did the “loud” soldier give Henry a packet of papers before he headed into battle?


1. rapid—[rap-id] adjective

2. bewildered—[bih-wil-derd] adjective

3. artillery—[ahr-til-uh-ree] noun

4. curiosity—[kyoo r-ee-os-i-tee] noun

5. ominous—[om-uh-nuhs] adjective


Roles of the Flag Carrier

Research the roles of the flag carrier or “color bearer” and the “drummer boy” during the Civil War. What did they do and why were their roles important?


Have you ever been around someone who did nothing but complain? How did it make you feel? Did it affect your own mood or opinion? Did it affect others around you? Write a short paragraph of at least four sentences describing this experience.

Chapter 4

Reading Check

1. Where did the Lieutenant get shot when bullets reached the regiment in the forest?

2. The flag of the color bearer was the only thing Henry could see in the smoke for a while during the battle. Briefly describe what happened to the flag and the emotions it seemed to carry. Was it a hopeful, encouraging sign or not?

3. What were Henry’s last thoughts at the close of the chapter as the last of the soldiers were running away past his regiment?


1. agitate—[aj-i-teyt] verb—To worry, excite, or trouble something or someone; to disturb.

2. nervous—[nur-vuh s] adjective—Uneasy, apprehensive; to become highly excitable.

3. swift—[swift] adjective—Quick to act or respond.

4. despair—[dih-spair] noun—To give up; to lose all hope.

5. appalling—[uh-paw-ling] adjective—To cause dismay or horror; to be repulsed by something.

Explain how this verse might tie into the chapter you read from this lesson.

Project—Choose One.

Choose ONE option below:

1. Art/Drawing: Create a picture of the smoky battle where nothing but the flag of the color bearer could be seen. Use color. (Refrain from gory, inappropriate fighting details.)

2. Medical/First Aid: Research how to clean and bandage a hand wound. Demonstrate on either your own hand, or someone else’s hand in front of an audience. Alternative option: Write down step-by-step instructions on how to clean and bandage a hand wound that another person can easily follow.

3. Writing/Analysis/Handwriting: Write (or translate) this sentence in your note-book using correct grammar, word usage, and spelling.

4. Writing/Creative: Using all of the five senses, (touch, sound, sight, taste, and hearing) write a short paragraph of at least five sentences describing any scene in this chapter.

Created By
Allie Singleton


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