Mythology has left a vital footprint on many of our school projects so far...
"The ORESTEIA footprint!"
Getting prepared for our journey to meet our dear partners in BARCELONA!
A glimpse at our place...
Created by Panagiota Roumelioti and family.
A timelapse mini presentation by Nick Fylatos
Our visit at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki- 13/02/2019
The material we used for reasons of highlighting the educational targets of our visit.
Created with images by dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "umbrellas art sculpture" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "greece thessaloniki alexander the great" • RitaE - "greece thessaloniki city" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "sunset port ship" • Joshua Humphrey - "last stop" • Pexels - "gaudi barcelona spain"Maria Dangli