Puerto Rico Foro partners listen to Rev. Arturo Maita and Mr. William Torres tell about ongoing disaster response in Puerto Rico (photo above)
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14
First Symposium for Seminary
April 24-26, 2018 the very first symposium was held at Concordia The Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary here in the Dominican Republic. Since it coincided with the 500th anniversary of what is known as the "Heidelberg Disputation”, the central theme of the Symposium was “The Theology of the Cross ". The focus each day was on one of each of the following subtopics:
- Theology of the Cross as center of the Mission
- Theology of the Cross as center in the Pastorate
- Theology of the Cross as the center of Mercy
We had an excellent week of presentations and fellowship with over 50 pastors, seminarians, church workers and members in attendance. Presidents of six Lutheran Church bodies attended, as well as the Directors of three seminaries.
My role for this big event, was preparing and printing materials for promoting our seminary, our Adopt a Student program, and our VDMA Program. (The VDMA Program translates Lutheran theological books, articles, and journals into Spanish and distributes them in ebook format for use on computers, tablets and phones.) In addition, I had posters printed to promote a brand new Spanish Lutheran Hymnal due out later this year, and provided photos and info for various presentations. I also took hundreds of photos, some of which are below. Watch for an article about this in The Reporter, which is due out soon.
In speaking with many of the visiting pastors, it was clear that the symposium was a great success. Our professors prepared and presented excellent theological papers. Our seminarians were wonderful ambassadors for our seminary, and everything worked.
This was the first big test of our solar power system at the Mercy Center and Seminary. It was a hot day, and the room was filled with over 50 people. Even with the sun coming in the windows all along one wall, the air conditioners worked flawlessly. It was even too cool for a number of our guests. Every single comment I heard was positive. We thank God for the time we had to be fed on God's Word, to connect with pastors across Latin America, and to even reconnect with old friends.
Puerto Rico Disaster
In April I was privileged to travel to Puerto Rico to get a first hand look at how the LCMS continues to respond to the physical needs of the hurricane victims, while proclaiming the Gospel at every opportunity.
The installation service of Rev. Arturo Maita as Pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico was the highlight of the visit. Included in the service was the confirmation of a new member and community leader, who is bringing dozens of others to hear the Good News as she has opportunity. We thank God for Pastor Maita, and for the gift of new life in Christ for so many.
As I flew over the mountains, thousands upon thousands of blue tarps were the visible evidence that homes are still without roofs. Skilled workers have left the island in great number, so those left behind are struggling to get repairs done in a timely manner, if ever. Countless communities remain without power and drinkable water.
Adopt a Student Program
Another goal for our seminary students has been accomplished. Over the past several months I, along with our business manager, seminary director, and others have been working to get an Adopt a Student program set up, to help offset the cost for pastoral formation at our seminary. Thanks be to God, the program is now up and running in time for our new crop of students for the fall. Email me for more information.
I Have Wheels
After 15 months of living here in the Dominican Republic, relying on the somewhat unreliable public transportation, I finally have a car. It is built to take the rough roads, but with it's tiny size, it is a real gas sipper. Our family had this same little reliable car back in the 80s in Papua New Guinea, only this one is white instead of glow in the dark yellow.
In the future, I may miss riding on the laps of other people in 95 degree heat. I may miss being sandwiched in with 6 other adults in a 40 year old Corolla, with music blaring from the one working but blown out speaker that is positioned next to me. I may miss hiking for blocks in the rain with several heavy bags of groceries, one of which invariably tears out on the side. However, I don't anticipate missing that chapter of my life anytime soon. Thank you, Lord, for the vehicle.
Thank you for all of your prayers, emails, and support. I give thanks for you each day, that you are willing to send me here to do this work on your behalf. God bless you all.
Did you know?
- In April the first ever "Friends of Jamaica" Foro was held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Arapahoe, Nebraska.
- On May 18th, two professors at our Dominican Seminary will receive advanced degrees. Alliance Missionary Pastor Sergio Maita from Venezuela will receive his STM Degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, and Missionary Pastor David Preus will receive his ThD from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
- I will be speaking at the Nebraska North District LWML Convention on June 23rd. Please stop by my table. I would love to visit with you.
- My home service will begin with the Big Mission Event, which is set for November 11th, at Divots in Norfolk, NE. I will be visiting as many of my support congregations as possible during the weeks I am back. Please contact me to set up a time to share with your congregation.
Prayer Requests
Please Pray for Me
- I have been receiving two hours a day of Spanish instruction, and am enjoying being able to communicate better each day. Please pray that I would continue to grow in my ability to speak with others.
- Please pray that with new missionaries on the field, we would work well together as a team to accomplish much for the Church.
- In developing countries such as this one, the bumpy roads and heavy, unpredictable traffic make for a dangerous combination. Please pray that I would safely navigate the roads and the traffic as I drive in this new place.
Please Pray for Our Latin American Missions
- We have three new missionaries in Latin America, with another to come later in the summer. Please pray that they would adapt well to the mission field, and be good workers in the harvest fields.
- Please pray for our brand new preaching station in Moca, Dominican Republic. I will share more about that mission in a future newsletter.
- With our language school in place, quite a number of Dominicans are receiving instruction in English. We pray that doors would be opened for spreading the Gospel through this language school.