mASSACHUSETTS Colony founded 1630 damian beach

john Winthrop found the Massachusetts colony

The Massachusetts colony was founded because the puritans wanted religious freedom.

And the Massachusetts colony was founded in 1630

The religion in Massachusetts colony is Puritan it is a stricked

The meeting house would be the center of the town's political and religious life. Church services might be held for several hours on Wednesday and all day Sunday. Puritans did not observe annual holidays, especially Christmas, which they said had pagan roots.

. Although many left Europe in order to obtain religious freedom they did not tolerate any other form of religion. The Puritans were a Reform movement in the Anglican church that aimed at purifying the church of corruption

The Massachusetts colony was dominated by its rivers and coastline.

Major rivers included the Charles and Merrimack, as well as a portion of the Connecticut River, which has been used to transport furs and timbers to Long Island Sound.

Cape Ann juts into the Gulf of Maine, providing harbors for fishermen plying the fishing banks to the east, and Boston's harbor provided secure anchorage for seagoing commercial vessels.

Development in Maine was restricted to coastal areas, and large inland areas remained under native control until after King Philip's War, particularly the uplands in what is now Worcester County

Life could be quite difficult in the early years of the colony. Many colonists lived in fairly crude structures, including dugouts, wigwams, and dirt-floor huts made using wattle and daub construction. Construction improved in later years, and houses began to be sheathed in clapboard, with thatch or plank roofs and wooden chimneys.

Colonists arriving after the first wave found that the early towns did not have room for them. Seeking land of their own, groups of families would petition the government for land on which to establish a new town; the government would typically allow the group's leaders to select the land.

The land within a town would be divided by communal agreement, usually allocating by methods that originated in England. Outside a town center, land would be allocated for farming, some of which might be held communally. Annual town meetings would be held at the meeting house, generally in May, to elect the town's representatives to the general court


Created with images by Jason Riedy - "CAMBRIDGE" • Serge Melki - "The Court House Williamsburg" • Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "To his excellency William Shirley Esqr., Captain General and Commander in Chief, in and over his Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, and Vice Admiral of the same : this draught of the northern English Colonies ..."


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