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Lainie Newman-Rodriguez NYU Tisch Future Imagemakers 2019

Monday to Friday

An Urban Academy Laboratory High School experience is unique from any other. A school intended to also feel like a home. As a student at Urban Academy you know you are in a welcoming and uplifting environment. I intend to share stories of the different relationships students have with one another and with Urban Academy as a whole through my eyes. This selection of photographs are taken during the school week walking through halls and working in classes, capturing a variety of emotions and interactions that are special to Urban Academy.


Lainie Newman-Rodriguez is from New York City, Queens. As she has been growing up so has her passion for having a unique artistic eye. Lainie has a shy personality that can hold her back, at times, from creating her true visions. Although this is something she struggles with she is constantly creating no matter what. Lainie is currently a junior in high school attending Urban Academy Laboratory High School.

More Stories from the 2019 NYU Future Imagemakers


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