Skin coloring keeps them hidden as it easily blends with the sandy bottoms it inhabits.
When their teeth are broken, they are replaced with new ones.
They can detect small animals using their barbells, a sensory organ located in the middle of their snout.
They have a long snout edged with sharp teeth which alternate in size in order to cut their prey into small pieces so it can be swallowed easily.
They use an organ called the ampullae of Lorenzini in order to detect prey since this organ contains electroreceptors.
They are harmless to humans unless provoked.
They can be eaten and their meat is fairly popular in Australia. This has not made an impact on their population as they are protected by laws that keep their catch rate stable.
They are rarely studied since they live in waters 500m or more in depth. However, efforts are being made just recently to study their seasonal movements and to learn more about convergent evolution.
They are often confused with sawfishes, which is a type of ray that also have a long snout that resembles a saw. Sawfish are larger than sawsharks, do not have barbells, and live closer to the surface then saw sharks.
Created with images by ume-y - "ノコギリザメ Japanese sawshark"