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This is a close up photo, the attaching thing about it is the colors of the leaf, it has two colors, brown from the outside, and green from the inside, the brown color adds a dying sense to the leaf, making it a little melancholic the photo. As for that, we can assume that the leaf was dying slowly.

When I took this photo I was at the park, and I saw this leaf at a table, so I kept staring at it, and took many photos of it, many of them came out very well, but this one was my favorite one; that day, was very windy, so it was kinda hard to keep the leaf in just one place.


In the picture we see a girl, and we can admire how the sunlight hits very good the girl, in a very sort way, making her shine and out stand, the background is blue , which is the sky, making it a contrast photo

For this picture, I asked my friend to pose in a place so the sun could hit her, and so well, this was a class activity, but I really loved the photo.


This photo is from repetition of shapes, they are all put together in a line, some of them have different shapes, but they are all white, we see that only the fist ones are on focused, and the rest of them are out of focus. The light that it has is very warm. So I really loved that.

For this photo I took four threads and formed a line with the, and so I placed them on a brown table.


This is a close up photo, the plant has very big or little leaf, but it looks like it is barely born, like it was new to the earth, so the greens are very vibrant, making them capture all the attention to them, the background it is out of focus.

I was at my friends house while I too this photo.


Leading lines is what we can see here, the lines are going to the center, but we also can see, or from other perspective is that the center is expanding, ad so how the lines fade away, we see that theres a rig that forms around the glass.

I took the photo after dinner, because I saw how it was looking, and so the light made it much better than I expected.


Going to the diagonal lines section, we can see two opened doors, doing a diagonal line and behind them, we can see two shades from them. The color makes them mysterious.

I took this photo while I was doing homework at the desk, so I looked up, the doors were opened, and so I took the photo.


In this photo we see unfocused leafs but on front of them, theres a lady looking at the sky, I actually liked the photo because of the pose of her.

For this photo I was at the park with my aunt, I sanded behind a tree and took the photo.


This is clearly a farming photo. We see a gentlemen playing baseball, I like how the metal things around him are unfocused, bringing all the attention directly to the player, and the pose really helps.

At this photo I was at a park, so I saw my cousin playing, and so I stranded behind a thing and took the picture.


Everything in this scenario is grey, and so it makes the m&m out stand more, also, the light is kinda blue, and the focus that it has only on the m&m makes it out stand even more.

When I took this photo, I was doing class work, in the school, so I placed the m&m on one of the benches, so yeah, I placed there, and the photo came out very well.


We clearly see a big bush with many leafs, the common thing they all have are two different colors, green form the inside and yellow from the outside. This is a close up photo; the blue background helps even more to make the bush out stand. The light is kinda blue, so it gives that deep effect on it.

I took this photo at a friends house, she had a camera, so I borrowed from her, it was pretty interesting to take the photo, because I had to be very careful about it, I was near a pool, and standing on rocks to take this photo.

Created By
Monica Ochoa Galicia