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Overcoming drowning fears by diving into BYUH experiences By Serena Dugar Ioane

Graduating senior shares how she learned to love the ocean and stop self-doubt

Otgon Badrakh said during her time at BYU–Hawaii, she became an articulate communicator, overcame her pessimistic attitude, and even conquered her fear of the ocean.

Badrakh, a senior from Mongolia majoring in accounting and minoring in professional writing, shared when she was accepted to BYUH, her parents were so happy that they shed tears of joy. Now, as graduation approaches, she said she can't wait to see how proud her parents will be of her accomplishments.

She said, “BYUH prepared me well for my future, so I am not afraid to leave this paradise island and dive into the real world. The education I gained here will bless my life and my family.”

Badrakh said she loves nature more than anything, especially the ocean. “I grew up in a landlocked country where I never had access to the ocean. When I came here, I was amused by the ocean. I can’t describe the ocean with more desirable words. I can tell that my soul is connected to the ocean.”

However, she said she almost drowned in swimming pool when she first came to Hawaii, which made her scared of the water. After practice, however, she was able to get past her fear.

“I am glad that I overcame my fear of water. My love for the ocean encouraged me to learn to swim. It is a wonderful experience swimming in the ocean. It allows me to understand the character of water that was once my enemy.”

She shared her educational journey at BYUH was difficult, as she had to overcome self-doubt, discouragements and pessimistic attitudes. She said remembering the effort it took to come to BYUH and being grateful for the opportunity to study here helped her to push through.

Badrakh said studying accounting was not easy, but it is the language of business and will inevitably help her reach the goals she’s set for the future. “I love my major, and I can’t wait to start working in the real world and utilize my accounting skills,” she expressed.

Photo by Ulziibayar Badamdorj

Studying at BYUH helped her to understand the power of communication, she said. At first, Badrakh said she was shy, quiet and not good at communicating with others.

However, she said living among people from all around the world helped her articulate her feelings and opinions well. She also shared she was able to correct many of her misconceptions and misunderstandings of other cultures.

Badrakh said, “Having friends from different cultures allowed me to enhance my views of the world and widened my network connection.”

Brent White, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Business & Government, said Badrakh was in three of his classes. “Otgon is one of the kindest students I have ever had at BYUH. She is quiet but always ready to help other students who are in need.”

Nomungerel Enkhtuvshin, an alumna who graduated in the Winter 2020 Semester, said if she had to describe Badrakh in a few words, she would say, “Strong, kind, smart and beautiful. I’ve known her for almost 10 years now. I feel blessed that we came here at BYUH at the same time and spent our college journey together.

Photo by Ulziibayar Badamdorj

“She’s always there to listen to my worries and problems. She is very supportive to everyone around her.” Enkhtuvshin said Badrakh radiates a spirit that feels like “a soft ocean breeze.”

COVID-19 was an unforgettable part of her student years, Badrakh said. Because she was able to study online, she stayed with her sister in Utah for several months.

“My parents visited Utah to see their grandchildren, and they got stuck due to border closures. Spending time with my family after three years and eating my favorite foods was such a blessing for me,” she shared.

As an IWORK student, Badrakh expressed gratitude for the generous donors. Without their kindness, she would not be able to afford her academic expenses, she said. “They are the people who enabled the countless blessings I received at BYUH. I admire their tremendous love for us and for their beloved spirits.”

She shared her professors also supported her through school. “My professors are my mentors, teachers, friends and bishops. I appreciate their hard work and genuine care for me.”

Her friends were also a big part of her BYUH experience, she explained. “They make my life more meaningful and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing everything you all have.”

Enkhtuvshin shared, “Wherever I am with her, I feel calm, happy and supported. She did her best while studying at BYUH. She is so honest and does things in the right ways. That’s how she accomplished what she has accomplished.”

Badrakh advised current and future students never to give up. “I know student life is crazy busy, especially if you want to finish your degree with good grades. But try to enjoy and live every moment that will be worth sharing with your next generations. Most importantly, never, ever give up, and it will pay off soon.”


Ulziibayar Badamdorj


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