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Aug./Sept. 2019 @BVNLibrary The year started with a rush: RPO, Breakouts, Theater and more. Read on to learn about the start of the school year!

ELA 10 Book Speed Dating

Students in Mr. Smith's, Mrs. Worthington's and Ms. Klote's ELA 10 classes learned about new independent reading books through 2 min-speed dates! Students took notes on the tables and used their own ranking systems to decide what to read.

Ready Player One Library Game

Students in all ELA 9 and HELA 9 classes came to the library to play the Ready Player One library orientation game. After working through a series of tasks, students hunted for eggs and tried to earn as many points on the leaderboard as possible. Winning teams from each hour got screen printed t-shirts from the Beta!


As the 1:Learner initiative is in its first full-school year, librarians across the district have worked to compile and share digital citizenship lessons occurring at each high school. In the first months of school, BVN librarians worked with classes in the Sped, social studies, science, and ELA departments about topics related to digital citizenship. This district-wide effort on the part of librarians could be seen at BVN as librarians worked in Mr. Slade's, Mr. Doll's, Mr. Smajda's, Mr. Fancher's, Mr. Breedlove's, and Ms. Salimbene's classes; just to name a few!

The Typewriter Project

A student initiative called "The Typewriter Project" was started by a student who brought a typewriter into the library and left instructions for other students to sit and write what's on their minds. Many interesting notes have been left. She posts some of the notes on an Instagram feed that she curates.

Rep. Theater Monologues

After researching historical figures, students in Ms. Thomas's classes wrote monologues from the voice of people close to the historical figures. The performances were amazing!

Advanced Rep. Theater students wrote duets called "Ripped from the Headlines" where they researched current events in our community and turned them into pieces they performed for us. As usual, we were blown away!

Breakout EDU

Students in Connections classes and Geography classes played BreakoutEDU in the library this month. Geography students practiced map skills, team work and problem solving. Connections students focused on teamwork and communication in a math themed game!

IN-N-OUT Challenge!

Students in Algebra 1 classes were given a challenge: figure out how much a 100X100 In-n-Out burger would cost! Students researched and used linear equations to complete the challenge. As an added challenge, students figured out how many calories the massive burger would contain.

Captains of Industry

Students in Mr. Fancher's US History classes researched current day Captains of Industry to learn about the differences between historical robber barons and captains of industry and our modern day examples. Students used library databases and had to prove the status of their research subjects.


Created with an image by Greg Shield - "untitled image"
