STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING POST CENTER ADDITION Endicott Athletics and Recreation | School of Sport Science and Fitness Studies


The Post Center is receiving a much-needed face lift! By mid-October of 2017, Endicott student-athletes and members of the School of Sport Science and Fitness Studies will benefit from an addition to the Post Center that focuses on brand new strength and conditioning space that will have both athletic and academic applications. An expansive weight room facility, increased classroom and office space, a meeting room, and extra space for students to socialize before classes.

Final weight room rendering 6/14/17!
Final turf space rendering 6/14/17!

More Coming soon!

When designs, floor plans, and construction timelines get finalized we will update this page regularly! Check back for photo galleries, videos, interviews, and much more as we look ahead to this exciting venture for both the Department of Athletics and Recreation and the School of Sport Science and Fitness Studies.


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