One of Reggie whites greatest sayings is the (GOD PLACES THE HEAVIEST BURDEN ON THOSE WHO CAN CARRY ITS WHIGHT!)
Reggie white was the second best defensive end ever. Reggie white's childhood was a bit ruff. Reggie white was born in Chattanooga, TN on December 19 1961 as a kid he was quite big he was always picked on by his classmates, They called him Bigfoot they also said he came from the land of the giants. Also he was raised by his mom until he was eight then he was raised by his Grandmother (Mildred Dodd). In addition when he was in high school he played football, track and basketball he went to college at the university of Tennessee. All in all he had quite a ruff live as a kid but he was good at football and that became his career.
Reggie white's greatest accomplishments were when he joined football. First and foremost Reggie white's full name is Reginald Howard white he played defensive end for the Memphis showboats in college. Then he moved on to the NFL to play for the eagles. Although it didn't last long he joined the packers he played defensive end and made an outrageous amount of $17 million. Even though the coach of the eagles criticized him for only going to whichever team offered him the most money. After he retired he had an impressive amount of sacks and tackles he had 198.0 sacks and 1,112 tackles he also had 33 forced fumbles 3 interceptions and 3 touchdowns.
To start it off Reggie White also had a career in church he was a preacher he told everyone about the church. Sense he also worked as a football player in the NFL he was called the Minister Of Defensive. He had a wife (Sara White) and his two kids (Jeremy and Jecolia). Senes Reggie White was 42 he retired from the panthers. Sadly a year later he passed away in bed because of a heart attack. He was a great football player he was fast he had stamina he was strong. Despite being 6ft 5in and 300 pounds. To conclude Reggie white was and still is the second beast defensive end in football history and had a wonderful life for how short it was.
FACT: Reggie wight was the second beast defensive end!