North Channel Fort LaCloche

Trip Rating: 5/5

The North Channel is the stretch of water stretching from the St. Mary's River, near Sault Ste. Marie in the West to approximately to top of Georgian Bay in the East. The dramatic landscape is accented by the La Cloche Mountain Range on the North Shore, the South is bounded by Manitoulin, and Cockburn Islands, to the South. The Channel is nearly 250km long, with vast stretches of the lanscape untouched, pristine wilderness. This day trip is going to focus on the La Cloche and Sagamok reserve coastline.

A stunning drive on a dirt road to the launch.

Launch Sites:

The launch site is pictured below. The trail is on the southern end of the park, which is unsupervised. However, Chutes Provincial Park is less than 30 mins by car and offers some top notch camping opportunities. There is plenty of parking and a very old boat ramp that seems to have been abandoned. The closest services are in Sagamok, or Massey, which is a bit of a drive.

Ariel view of the launch site.
Looking North to La Cloche Lake

Trip Length:

This trip is what you make of it. You can go for 1 hour of 10 days from this location. The islands and mountain ranges will keep you busy for hours. My advice is, make careful note of the launch, it is very easy to get lost.

The La Cloche Mountains
Stunning scenery all around

Cost: $0.

Mountains in the distance


This trip is not to be taken lightly. The North Channel is to be treated like a Great Lake. I would only recommend this trip to a seasoned sea kayaker, or a beginner with a trained guide.

Islands of the coast of La Cloche
Rain clouds in the distance
Created By
Kayak Ontario




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