Universe® Fraze Mowing Promoted to AAA in both of nevada's AAA Baseball stadiums

Universe® Fraze Mowing has been promoted to AAA. Both AAA baseball stadiums in sunny Nevada, Cashman Field in Las Vegas and Greater Nevada Field in Reno, utilized the practice in mid- September. A collaborative effort between Sports Turf Services (@STS_USA) and Natural Grass Advisory Group® (@GrassRevolution) carried out the work and has provided agronomic support to the hardworking field management teams from the early stages of fraze mow preparation ongoing through full grow-in.

Cashman Field showing bermudgrass regeneration just 5 days after Universe® Fraze Mowing

Cashman Field became the 1st AAA baseball stadium to utilize Universe® Fraze Mowing with a clean out on Sept. 2. Cashman Field, home of New York Mets affilate Las Vegas 51's, is managed by Mr. Kevin Moses and Mr. Dustin Amatori. While Mr. Moses recently has left Cashman for an exciting new project, Mr. Amatori has carried on full speed ahead. The field grass just finished its 33rd season, as it is the original 419 bermudagrass installed when the stadium opened back 1983. The field has accumulated a thick layer of thatch and organic, the exact challenge that Universe® Fraze Mowing was created to solve.

Sports Turf Services (@STS_USA) w Universe® Fraze Mow on Cashman Field

More challenging though, bermudagrass fraze mow season "ends" around August 15 in areas that winter temperatures go below freezing. Las Vegas is one of those areas. Fall, with lower sun angles and shorter days, is time for bermudagrass plants to harden off in preparation for winter and to store extra carbohydrates for early spring green up. Fraze mowing promotes 100% opposite of that. It creates lush, young growth and requires the grass plants to work overtime and burn up carbohydrate reserves to re-generate.

But Las Vegas's elevation of 2,001' above sea level and 300 days of sunshine/ year allowed for fraze mowing to be utilized over 3 weeks later then it should take place. Consistent sunshine that is high intensity with altitude provides increased light energy and soil temperature. That in combination with an aggressive tested and proven plant feeding program from @GrassRevolution to supplement the grass plant's natural systems eliminated the risk of fraze mowing that fields in other parts of the US face after August 15.

Day 1 v Day 21 at Cashman Field in Las Vegas, NV
Greater Nevada Field in Reno, NV utilizing Universe® Fraze Mowing to clean out Kentucky bluegrass

Greater Nevada Field in Reno became the 1st Kentucky bluegrass AAA baseball stadium to utilize Universe® Fraze Mowing with a clean out on Sept. 21. Greater Nevada Field, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks affiliate Reno Aces, is managed by Mr. Joe Hill and Mr. Danny Losito. The Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass mix was installed just before the stadium opened in 2009. Over the 8 seasons, poa annua had started to increase in population and an organic layer was forming that slowed water from infiltrating into the sand below. With soccer starting in the stadium in 2017 along with the regular baseball, Universe® Fraze Mowing was the ideal solution to "clean out" those challenges.

3/4" of thatch and organic removed. Along with poa seed and poa plants ripped from the soil (above)

In a situation much like Las Vegas, this fraze mow took place late in the growing season. Kentucky bluegrass fraze mow season "ends" around September 15 in areas that winter temperatures go below freezing by November 1. Reno is one of those areas. Soil temperature falls quickly in late September with lower sun angles and shorter days, slowing seed germination. Once seedlings germinate, they are easily damaged by frost that could form as early as the first week of October. Winter kill on the damaged, young plants then could be very problematic for the field regrow for February play for soccer.

But Reno's elevation of 4,505' above sea level and 300 days of sunshine/ year allowed for fraze mowing to be utilized a week later when it should stop. Consistent sunshine that is high intensity with altitude provides sustained soil temperatures for seed germination. That in combination with grow covers (if needed) and HGT Kentucky bluegrass that germinates in 1 week supplies a foundation for the cool season field to establish quickly. Those seedings supported with an aggressive tested and proven plant feeding program from @GrassRevolution to push the existing grass to re-generate eliminated the risk of fraze mowing that turfgrass managers in other parts of the US face after September 15.

Kentucky bluegrass leaf re-generation just 4 days after Universe® Fraze Mow
HGT Kentucky bluegrass germination in 5 days
1 week post Unverse® Fraze Mowing at Greater Nevada Field in Reno

Both Cashman and Greater Nevada Field are hosting soccer matches in February. Thus the push will continue as long as Mother Nature allows. The work both field management teams have put in is amazing. From believing in the benefits of Universe® Fraze Mowing enough to employ it, to staying on track w the aggressive grow-in protocols to ensure success. Their already high quality fields are improving and are better prepared for increased use. Spring and summer time play in 2017 will tell the real story for these fields and field managers. But with the number of fields having utilized Universe® Fraze Mowing well into the 100's since its introduction in Spring, 2013, their success is assured.

Universe® Fraze Mowing now has now been utilized at all levels of natural grass fields in the USA outside of only Major League Baseball. Successful results at all levels has solidified that a complete re-sod is no longer the only option for a grass field to improve. As grow-in protocols continue to improve and technology in plant genetics, seed, and plant feeding evolve, the process will improve and grow-in time will reduce even more. The possibilities for natural grass fields continue to expand! #GrassCanTakeMore!

For More Information, Visit Us At www.NaturalGrass.org Or contact us at GrassStain@NaturalGrass.org

Special Thank You to Sports Turf Services (@STS_USA) for the collaboration. STS is the most experienced Universe® Fraze Mow contractor in the USA.

For more info, contact us at GrassStain@NaturalGrass.org or visit www.NaturalGrass.Org




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