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Camp Refuge RememberING 2018

At the beginning of 2018, we had one mission: to "take the promised land." We launched a 52 week campaign to do just that. And a band of followers was formed.

Our "Taking the Promised Land" Campaign began January 1st. Every week for 52 weeks a blog was shared from our (Kevin and Nicole's) hearts with special focus for prayer.



Over 100 participants and volunteers joined us on the streets of River Ranch for our first annual 5K and fun run. We were so encouraged by the response - people we barely knew wanted to hold signs, donate supplies, and run to support our mission of reconciling, strengthening, and establishing relationships. We are so grateful to the Lord for the community he created of sponsors and volunteers who rallied behind us!!

When our board got together over the summer to plan the rest of the year, one director encouraged us to not do another fundraiser as we had planned, but instead to put that energy into our mission:

"Start grassroots. Do what God has anointed you to do. I think you need to do a marriage retreat."

So that's when the idea for Rustic Romance began. We are trained in marriage counseling and have led marriage conferences, and have been to several retreats, both as participants and hosts, but never have we pulled together a retreat ourselves.

Rustic Romance

A Husband & Wife Weekend Retreat

So in October, our amazing Care Team hosted eight married couples for a weekend they won't soon forget.

Our guest couples enjoyed fine 'glamping' accommodations in an undistracted environment where they could disconnect from the world and invest in their most important earthly relationship: each other.

Program content included times in worship, teaching sessions, team building activities, and couple reflection.

And of course, there was the amazing food! Each meal was planned and prepared by executive Chef Bennett Simmons.

When asked what their greatest takeaway from the weekend was, guests replied:

“A new husband; and his greatest takeaway is a new wife. :). Seriously, this was amazing. Every time you had us meet to talk and pray, it was big. God did huge things for us, and in us, and spoke to us about ourselves and about our future.”
“The greatest take away was the connection between our Lord and myself and the communication increase between me and my spouse. The care team is AMAZING!”
“Our marriage needs the Holy Spirit. We need to be three-in-one (husband, wife, and the Holy Spirit). If we are three-in-one, we are unbreakable, and undefeatable!”

All praise and glory to the King of Kings! Lives were changed. Relationships were strengthened and healed. We saw God move! Is this what 'taking the promised land' looks like? We think so!

Moving into 2019, our March retreat registration is almost at full capacity. We plan to host as many as 4 retreats next year and will continue to follow the Lord as he leads us in our mission of reconciling, strengthening, and establishing relationships. Pray with us, as we continue to claim his promises and see lives changed.

Created By
Camp Refuge

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