
Collaborative Study Resources for Nursing Students Using Symbaloo along with other platforms

by Ann Foley


Introduction to Educational Technology

Fairfield University

July 3, 2018

Being a nursing student or any type of college student today proves to be very challenging. There are tools on line that can make a student's life a little easier.

Symbaloo is a great and innovative teaching tool that allows you to create a board with a series of tiles with links to websites and educational resources. This allows students to manage their time, stay organized, and collaborate with other students and their teacher(s).

As noted in the connected educator, because the World Wide Web has more than fifteen billion webpages and is growing exponentially, bookmarking, or tile boarding in this case, helps to categorize and archive the content that you want(Nussbaum-Beach & Ritter Hall, 2012).

press on the link below to watch a short informational video about Symbaloo

With Symbaloo links of other tools which are frequently used can be placed in a tile making important resources accessible.
Symbaloo is accessed through the cloud so you can access it through any device as long as you have an internet connection.

The video below shows how to sign up for your own account and how to make your own Symbaloo board.

Symbaloo is an important tool to help build Personal Learning Networks where you can include a vast amount of information.

Students can collaborate and make their own Symbaloo boards to help with studying, presenting, and gathering information. As noted by Nussbaum-Beach and Ritter Hall, as connected learners we do not have to know other students personally in order to collaborate with them, due to today's vast technologies(Nussbaum-Beach & Ritter Hall, 2012).

When students utilize a platform, such as Symbaloo, they demonstrate some of the goals of the Common Core State standards(http://www.corestandards.org/).

Symbaloo is a relevant tool to utilize and master the ISTE NETS standards for students. By utilizing the platform they are performing:

-technology operations: learning a new platform and utilizing it.

-creativity and innovation: making it fun and personalized.

-research and information: includes pertinent information for personal and collaborative use.

This occurs while using critical thinking to utilize and understand the information and digital citizenship to be a responsible part of a collaborative team(https://www.iste.org/standards/for-students).


  • free for personal use
  • can use any type of device
  • can be used as a home page
  • organizes and categorizes information
  • can build and organize personal learning network
  • can insert most utilized websites on tile boards
  • new boards can be made for students and teachers to collaborate and share information


  • need internet connection to utilize
  • fear of learning and using a new platform
  • teacher has to pay fee in order to collaborate with other teachers and students.

Other possible technologies:

  1. Netvibes- http://www.netvibes.com
  2. Pageflakes- http://www.pageflakes.com
  3. Schmedley- http://schmedley.com





ISTE Standards for Students. (2016). Retrieved from:

_https://www.iste.org/standards/for-students_ (https://www.iste.org/standards/for-students)

Nussbaum-Beach, S & Ritter Hall, L. (2012, p.14) The Connected Educator. Learning and Leading in a Digital Age. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.


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