DREAMERS RESOURCE GUIDE LA County is home to nearly 100,000 Dreamers. In the wake of the current administration's cowardly and misguided decision to scrap DACA, It's up to all of us to protect them.

Supervisor Hahn's Official Statement

“My heart goes out to the hundreds of thousands of young people who, in the wake of today’s announcement, are wondering if they will be able to finish college, keep their dream jobs, or even continue living in the only country they have called home. DACA recipients are teachers, valedictorians, entrepreneurs, and military service members. A young DREAMer and DACA recipient works in my office and I have seen him go above and beyond to help my constituents. I will do everything I can to support dreamers in LA County and I urge my former colleagues in Congress to step up and pass the Dream Act to restore these protections and calm the fears of hundreds of thousands of families across the country.”

Meet Carlos: LA resident, all-star staffer, and proud DREAMER.


The day Carlos graduated from high school, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). This change allowed Carlos and thousands of other Dreamers to get their drivers licenses, enroll in higher education, and legally obtain jobs. Carlos called it "the best graduation gift" he could ever ask for.

Ambitious and hard-working, Carlos excels at connecting District 4 residents with the services they need. Outside of work, Carlos is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications.

I'm proud of Carlos but I'm also afraid for his future. Carlos is just as American as I am. He belongs here with his family and friends, just as much as I do.

"Carlos is just as American as I am. He belongs here with his family, with his friends, just as much as I do."
Resources for Dreamers

Resources for LA COUNTY's Dreamers

LA County Dreamers, you are not alone.

What do I need to know about the end of DACA?

CARECEN- Legal Services

Los Angeles Unified School District's centralized process to help provide verification to those individuals who are applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

County of Los Angeles Public Library: DACA Resources

Los Angeles County Bar Association: Counsel and advice in all areas of immigration law, including assistance with various immigration applications, and legal referrals.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ): Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles has provided free DACA services to the undocumented community since 2012 and have assisted thousands of DACA applicants throughout the Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties.

Verify an immigration attorney

List of Pro Bono Legal Service Providers

CHIRLA- Coalition for Humane Immigration Right- Legal Services

Homeland Security: FAQ on DACA

LA County Resources for Dreamers

National Immigration Law Center's Top 5 Things to Know About the Announcement That DACA Is Being Ended

DACA Renewal Plan

Make your voice heard!

Call your Member of Congress

I urge my former colleagues to pass the DREAM Act to restore DACA’s protections and calm the fears of hundreds of thousands of families across the country.

The fate of DREAMERS- smart, ambitious, patriotic young people- is in the hands of Congress. It's our job to make sure our voices are heard. One call really can make a difference.


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