Upcoming Dates at a Glance
More information regarding these events can be found below with links. All events are subject to change with COVID -19 restrictions, but are still on the calendar at the time of publishing this newsletter.
- Shawnee Lodge Induction Weekend...................Aug 29-30
- Unit Show and Sell Pick Up................................Sept 3-5
- Shawnee Lodge Induction Weekend....................Sept 11-13
- Roundtable...........................................................Sept 14
- Eagle Board of Review.........................................Sept 15
- Shawnee Lodge Induction Weekend....................Sept 18-20
- District Committee/Commissioner Mtng...........Sept 21
- Roundtable...........................................................Oct 5
- SM/ASM & TCC...............................................Oct 10
- Cub Scout Leader Training.................................Oct 17
- Commitee/Commissioner Mtg...........................Oct 19
- Popcorn Return Date...........................................Oct 19
- Eagle Board of Review.........................................Oct 20
- IOLS Training.....................................................Oct 24
District News:
It's Popcorn Time!
The council is hard at work planning the 2020 popcorn sale. GSLAC and Pecatonica are working on a variety of ways to execute an awesome sale during these abnormal times. I want to reassure you that we are going to make sure we give you the tools and plan to keep all of your scout families safe. If you are returning as the kernel you will have to set up a new popcorn username and passcode. For more information on the popcorn sales fundraiser click here.
Activities and Camping
Fall Programs coming soon
TOPIC 1: Cub Scout Meeting Planning Guide
- A planning guide for packs and dens to navigate how to meeting safely during the time of COVID
- Virtual and In-Person Meeting ideas
- Feature full list of Cub Scout Advancements for each rank that can be done outside and socially distant
- Other ideas on drive-up advancement ceremonies or other fun activities to do safely, in-person
- 2nd edition to come for the winter
- Information and Guide (attached): https://stlbsa.org/2020FallOutdoorExperiences/
TOPIC 2: Scouts BSA Troop Planning Guide
- Meeting and activity guidance, like where to meet, what types of technology to use, and how to make sure you are meeting Youth Protection requirements
- Camping and transportation guidelines
- A sample meeting agenda with guidance on how to do each part virtually
- Individual meeting plans for September through December, with monthly themes designed to complement rank advancement and get troops outdoors.
- Guidance on service opportunities and selecting an Eagle project
- Information and Guide (attached): https://stlbsa.org/2020FallOutdoorExperiences/
TOPIC 3: Cub Launch Saturdays
- Will take place almost every Saturday in September and October at Beaumont and then 7 other locations will have multiple Saturdays to choose from as well
- Sessions will be capped at 50 people both staff and participants
- The sessions at Beaumont will be at 9AM, 11AM and 1PM
- Activities include, hiking the bobcat trail (where they can get their bobcat badge), archery, bb guns and STEM demonstrations and a STEM activity
- And new Scouts will get $5 off registration (voucher attached)
Information and dates: https://stlbsa.org/activities/events/cub-launch/
QUESTIONS? Contact Suzie Voss: suzie.voss@scouting.org
Troop 181's Mini summer camp July 24-28.
Troop 181 held a mini summer camp in late July which was much needed for all! They had a great time despite the hot weather and rain. 7 attended including one new Scout that just crossed over at the end of February. This was his first outing as a Boy Scout and all welcomed him to the troop.
Fishing was obviously a success and they had a lot of swim time. They worked on the mammal study merit badge, archery , and fishing merit badges while there. It's good to see the boys out doing "scout stuff"!!
Advancement and Recognition
Eagle Project
Troop 51 installed pulled together on August 15th to install new outdoor picnic tables at Metro High School. The project was undertaken as part of Sam Duncan's Eagle Project.
Eagle Board Meetings
We will still meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month, but will do so remotely. "Remotely" does necessitate the Scout to physically mail or electronically mail Eagle paperwork to Chris Hohn, Eagle Chair, so the paperwork is in his possession two days before the meeting. The Board will then proceed with its usual approval process, although remotely. Chris Hohn can be contacted at: chohn@thompsoncoburn.com
Upcoming Badge Workshops:
Merit Badge Opportunities
There are more Virtual Badge Opportunities!!
- Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
- Personal Finance virtual Merit Badge Workshop - Sept. 22 and 29 https://scoutingevent.com/312-personalmangmbclasssept
- Sculpture Virtual Merit Badge Workshop: https://perennialstl.org/event/virtual-sculpture-merit-badge-workshop/
- Textile Virtual Merit Badge Workshop: https://perennialstl.org/event/virtual-textile-merit-badge-workshop-scouts-bsa/
- Chess - Oct 25, Dec 19
- Dog Care - Dec. 5
- Scuba Diving - workshops online
- Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for full listings and to register: https://stlbsa.org/achievement/advancement/merit-badge-skill-centers/
The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to mobot.org\scouts
2020 Shawnee Lodge Fall Induction Weekends
The 2020 Shawnee Lodge Fall Induction Weekends are for those who need to complete their ordeal. Due to COVID-19, we are limited on the number of candidates we can have in a weekend. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. There are 3 weekends left: August 29-30, September 11-13, and September 18-20. For more information and to register: https://scoutingevent.com/312-shawneeinductions
Adult leaders in units are considered trained, and eligible to wear the official Trained emblem, once they have completed Youth Protection Training and the training courses pertaining to your role. For more information, visit scouting.org/training.
I am a New Den leader Now What - Virtual
Join a live trainer in a virtual meeting to learn more about your new role as a Den Leader. There are 3 dates to choose from: Thursday, August 27th at 7:00pm, Saturday, September 26th at 10.00am, Wednesday, October 14th at 7:00pm. Click here for more information and to sign up.
Wood Badge
Wood Badge is the premiere adult leadership training program of the Boy Scouts of America and is recognized by Scouting organizations world wide. The purpose of Wood Badge is to help you develop many new leadership skills and techniques in order to deliver the highest quality Scouting program and stronger leadership for America. Participants in Wood Badge attend a five-day course. This is offered in two sessions of 3 days the first weekend and 2 days the second weekend: Aug. 21-23, and Sept. 5-6, or Aug. 28-30 and Sept. 19-20.
- For more information and to register for the first session (Spring session), click here.
- For the second session (Fall session) click here
2020 Scoutmaster/ASM & Troop Committee- Shawnee Dist
This class is BSA's initial level of training for the leaders of Scout BSA troops. It is designed for Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, junior assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Chairs and Committee Members. Other adults connected to a Scout troop are welcome to attend. This will occur on October 10th at SEMO from 8am - 1:15pm. For more information, go to: https://scoutingevent.com/312-2020smasmtcctrainingshawnee
Cub Scout Leader Training
Don't miss this informative training session for all adult Cub Scout adult members. Learn what you need to know to have a successful Cub Scout Program! Help your Pack become a Quality Unit. We're striving for 100% trained leaders!
This training is for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Pack-Committee Chair, Pack Committee, Assistant Den Leaders and Assistant Cubmasters. All will be trained and prepared to create a quality program for their Cub Scouts.
Saturday, October 17th, 2020 from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm at Southeast MO State University. Walk-ins will be not be accepted. More information and registration at: https://scoutingevent.com/312-2020cubscoutleadertrainingshawnee
IOLS Training
The Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) course builds and expands on the concepts and themes introduced in Scoutmaster Position-Specific Training and provides Scouters with the confidence to take youth into the outdoors. It will be held October 24, 2020, 7:45 am - 8:30 pm at Southeast MO State University.
Specifically, this hands-on program gives adult leaders a practical introduction to the patrol method of a Scout-led troop by teaching many of the practical outdoor skills they need to lead scouts in the out-of-doors. In addition, the teaching methods, activities, and games model the variety of teaching used in effective and engaging Scouting programs.
It is designed for Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, and junior assistant Scoutmasters. However, committee members and other adults connected to a Scout troop are welcome to attend. When Scoutmaster Position-Specific training and introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) have both been completed, new scoutmasters will have the tools need to begin an effective Scouting program. Registration is required, no walk ins please. For more information: https://scoutingevent.com/312-2020IOLSshawnee