Research For Clothing Line By Joe Eaton

For my clothing line the first things I wanted to know would be the best ways I could market it, the different price ranges I should use and also what influences peoples purchases. In order to do this my first step was to create a short survey for people to fill out. I used survey monkey to do so.

Next I looked into the statistics of people using Facebook

Facebook statistics.

1 Worldwide, there are over 1.79 billion monthly active Facebook

users (Facebook MAUs) which is a 16 percent increase year

over year. (Source: Facebook as of 11/02/16) What this means

for you: In case you had any lingering doubts, statistically,

Facebook is too big to ignore.

2 4.5 billion likes generated daily as of May 2013 which is a 67

percent increase from August 2012 (Source: Facebook)

3 1.18 billion people log onto Facebook daily active users

(Facebook DAU) for September 2016, which represents a

17% increase year over year (Source: Facebook as 11/02/16)

The Implication: A huge and vastly growing number of Facebook

users are active and consistent in their visits to the site, making

them a promising audience for your marketing efforts.

4 There are 1.66 billion mobile active users (Mobile Facebook

MAU) for September 2016 (Source: Facebook as of 11/02/16)

an increase of 20 percent year-over- year. There are 1.03

billion Mobile Daily Active Users (Facebook DAU) for June

2016 which is an increase of 22% year-over- year.

5 On average, the Like and Share Buttons are viewed across

almost 10 million websites daily. (Source: Facebook as of


6 In Europe, over 307 million people are on Facebook. (Source:

Search Engine Journal) The Takeaway: This isn’t just a U.S.

phenomenon – a worldwide market is available via Facebook.

7 Age 25 to 34, at 29.7% of users, is the most common age

demographic. (Source:Emarketer 2012) What this means for

you: This is the prime target demographic for many businesses’

marketing efforts, and you have the change to engage these key

consumers on Facebook.

8 Five new profiles are created every second. (Source:

ALLFacebook 2012) The Implication: Your potential audience on

Facebook is growing exponentially.

9 Facebook users are 76% female (out of 100% of all females) and

66% male (out of 100% of all males). This is stat is one that

you really have to think about because it’s comparing the

percentage of all females against the percentage of all males

who are on Facebook. Sorry for the confusion. To dig a little

deeper take a look at this study which does a much better job at

explaining the nuances – Source: Brandwatch – women-active-

social-media/) The Takeaway: Since this isn’t a large statistical

difference, you should be able to effectively reach both genders

on Facebook.

10 Highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm. (Source: blog) On another note, a Facebook post at 7pm will result

in more clicks on average than posting at 8pm (Source: Forbes).

Go figure. How this can help you: You have the potential to

reach more consumers and drive higher traffic to your site during

peak usage times, but people may be more likely to be more

engaged in the evenings. This statistic may be a factor when you

are planning social communication scheduling. (Also consider

that Facebook has a global audience, so you may want to plan

around the time zone of your key market.)

11 On Thursdays and Fridays, engagement is 18% higher.

(Source: blog) The Implication: Again, use this information

to determine when to post in order to optimize your social media

marketing efforts.

12 There are 83 million fake profiles. (Source: CNN) The

Takeaway: Nothing is perfect, so always remain thoughtful and

strategic in your efforts. Also, fake or not, these are still potential

consumers. There are various reasons for fake profiles, including

professionals doing testing and research, and people who want

to segment their Facebook use more than is possible with one account.

13 Photo uploads total 300 million per day. (Source: Gizmodo)

The Implication: Again, this is an indication of engaged users;

also, it is an indication that there are a lot of photos, as well as

other information, competing for users’ attention, so target your

efforts strategically.

14 Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes.

(Source: Infodocket) What this means for you: You could have a

short time period to make your impression, so use it wisely with

relevant, interesting and unique posts and offers in order to get

the most return on your efforts.

15 Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510 comments are posted,

293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are

uploaded. (Source: The Social Skinny) The Implication: Again,

there are a lot of engaged and active users, but also a huge

amount of information competing for their attention, so quality

and strategy on your part matter.

16 4.75 billion pieces of content shared daily as of May 2013

which is a 94 percent increase from August 2012. (Source:


17 50% of 18-24 year-olds go on Facebook when they wake up.

(Source: The Social Skinny) What this means for you: Facebook

is important to these users, and potentially, if done correctly, so

is the content you post on it.

18 One in five page views in the United States occurs on

Facebook. (Source: Infodocket 2012) How this helps you: This

is a huge market on the web; if you use social media marketing

efforts on Facebook well, you could have huge returns to show

for it.

19 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or

important to their business. (Source: State of Inbound

Marketing 2012 The Takeaway: This is a crowded marketplace,

but you can’t afford to sit it out, because odds are fairly high that

your competition is there. The key is to use Facebook marketing

correctly and make sure that your efforts stand out from the


20 16 Million local business pages have been created as of May

2013 which is a 100 percent increase from 8 million in June

2012. (Source: Facebook). Facebook marketing has transformed

how business is conducted, and its use by local businesses to

extend their markets continues to explode.

Thought to take with you: At 1.79 billion, Facebook has more

monthly active users than WhatsApp (500 million), Twitter (284

million) and Instagram (200 million)—combined. (Source: CNBC)

Facebook continues to reign in popularity over other social media


I also looked into stats for Instagram:

Instagram financial


In 2015, Instagram was forecasted to bring in $595m in mobile ad


By 2017, Instagram’s global mobile ad revenues will reach $2.81


Instagram user statistics

Instagram now has 400 million active users

75% of Instagram users are outside the US

Over 60% of users log in daily, making it the second most

engaged network after Facebook

30% of internet users are now on Instagram.

90 percent of Instagram users are younger than 35

The most followed brand is National Geographic, with 48.4m


Instagram usage statistics

Over 40 billion photos have been shared

Instagram clocks up 3.5 billion likes every day

On an average day, 80 million photos are shared

Instagram usage has doubled in the last two years

Selena Gomez has the most amount of followers, with 69.5m

A photo of Kendall Jenner is the most popular ever, with 3.5

million likes One study found that 8% of accounts are fake

The same study showed 29.9% of accounts are ‘inactive’, posting

one or fewer photos or videos in a month

When Instagram introduced videos, more than 5 million were

shared in 24 hours

Pizza is the most popular Instagrammed food, behind sushi and


Instagram Marketing


48.8% of brands are on Instagram. By 2017, this is predicted to

rise to 70.7%

If we only look at the top 100 brands in the world, 90% have an

Instagram account

96% of US fashion brands are on Instagram

Outside China, almost 50% of Instagram users conduct product

research on social media

Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than

Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher

than Twitter

Over a third of Instagram users have used their mobile to

purchase a product online– making them 70% more likely to do so

than non-users.

32% of US teens list Instagram as their most important social

network, more than any other social network

50% of Instagrammers follow brands, making them the social

networkers who are most likely to do so

Posts that include another handle gain 56% more engagement

Posts with at least one hashtag gain 12.6% more engagement

And posts with a location receive 79% more engagement

Photos see more engagement than videos on Instagram

The average engagement per post has grown by 416% compared

to two years ago

70% of the most used hashtags are branded

Photography has changed massively over the years. A couple of

bonus stats attest to that: more pictures are now taken every two

minutes than were taken during the entire 1800s.

It is also estimated that ten percent of all photos ever taken were

snapped in the last twelve months. It seems our appetite for

photography shows no signs of slowing down. These Instagram

stats demonstrate how important this trend is for marketers

hoping to reach their audience.

If you’re looking for in-depth insights about your audience, brand

or competitors, get in touch with us for a free demo and see how

Brandwatch Analytics can boost your social media strategy.

Also looking into statistics of people shopping online.

Online shopping statistics.

For the first time, consumers say they bought more of their

purchases on the web than in stores, according to an annual

survey of more than 5,000 online shoppers by United Parcel

Service Inc.

The shoppers now made 51% of their purchases on the web

compared with 48% in 2015 and 47% in 2014, according to the

survey by UPS and analytics firm comScore Inc. The survey

polled shoppers who make at least two online purchases in a

three-month period, excluding groceries.

The latest results of the survey—now in its fifth year—illustrate

the degree to which the adoption of online shopping is

accelerating. This year, 44% of smartphone users said they made

a purchase from their device, up from 41% a year ago. It also

helps explain why retailers are having so much trouble adjusting

to the new cybershopping era.

The shoppers reported that only 20% of their purchases were

made in a store the conventional way—going to a store, browsing

there and buying—down from 22% a year ago. Forty-two percent

chose to search and buy entirely online, while the rest said their

purchases were made by combining online and in-store shopping

and browsing.

“There’s been a dramatic shift,” says Steve Osburn, who advises

retailers on supply-chain issues for Kurt Salmon. “Over time,

people are getting more and more comfortable” shopping online,

he says. That has hit retailers hard.

While total online spending comprised 7.8% of all retail purchases

in the first quarter, according to the Commerce Department, more

than half the population, or about 190 million U.S. consumers, will

shop online this year, according to Forrester.

That is enough to inflict plenty of pain. Department-store chains

have been particularly hard hit as Inc. increasingly

sets its sights on apparel and fashion. Macy’s Inc. recently

reported its worst quarterly sales since the recession, while

Nordstrom Inc., J.C. Penney Co. and Kohl’s Corp. all reported

sales slumps. Big-box stores such as Target Corp. and Wal-Mart

Stores Inc. eked out meager sales gains in their latest quarters.

“There’s going to be severe continued pressure on department

stores because traffic is going to peel away from that channel

towards Amazon,” said Randal Konik, retail analyst at the

investment bank Jefferies & Co.

To show how quickly things are changing: Those surveyed said

they now select two-day shipping 20% of the time, compared with

16% last year and 10% in 2014. “Amazon Prime is likely driving

this increase as members select two-day shipping 31% of the

time, compared to an average of only 8% for nonmembers,”

according to the survey.

Amazon accounted for 60% of total U.S. online sales growth last

year alone, according to Forrester estimates.

“Amazon’s changing the paradigm,” says John Haber, CEO of

supply chain consultancy Spend Management Experts. “They’re

changing customers’ expectations because they’re giving them

the low-cost shipping along with the speed. And then you change

the mentality of the consumer…Now it’s the expectation.”

Though millennials make 54% of their purchases online, the rate

of adoption by older people is growing at a faster rate. Non-

millennials made 49% of their purchases online, according to the

survey, compared with 44% in 2014.

And as for shopping by smartphone users: the survey found that

63% of millennials use their phones to shop, while 19% of baby

boomers and 8% of seniors use their phones to make purchases.

—Paul Ziobro contributed to this article.

Online clothes shopping statistics.

45% of consumers

prefer shopping for

clothes online

By Graham Charlton

71 shares 10 comments

Almost half of consumers prefer shopping for fashion

online than offline, while 64% consult a fashion

retailer's website before making a purchase.

These stats from a GSI Commerce survey show how important

the web has become for fashion shoppers, and how a

multichannel approach to retail is vital for clothing brands.

Researching online, shopping offline

More and more consumers are switching between channels when

shopping for fashion, and using the website as a virtual shop


64% have researched purchases online before buying offline, up

5% from last year's survey.

The stats also reveal that women are much more likely to

research online and buy offline, with 71% of women doing this,

compared to 52% of men.

What do customers want from fashion


Since online cannot replicate everything about the instore fashion

experience, brands need to provide features that aid decision


The stats show the importance of effective filters on fashion sites

that allow users to narrow their product selection, with 55% saying

the ability to filter by size and colour makes them more likely to


Multichannel shopping habits

The split between customers who prefer shopping online, and

those that prefer offline is more or less even, with a slight

preference (55%) for the high street.

The stats also show the value of kiosks in stores so that

consumers can browse the entire product range. 42% of

respondents said they would like to see more of these.

What do customers want from fashion

retailers via social media?

Several fashion retailers have been building their social media

profiles and attracting large followings on Facebook and Twitter.

One interesting stat from the survey is that 90% of consumers in

this survey haven't interacted with any fashion retailer's

Facebook, Twitter or mobile site.

A music video producer owns this line. It is solely advertised through video. The

video itself is fast paced and rather than directing your attention to the clothing most

of it consists of people having fun. The shots mix between slowed down and standard

while they cut between rather fast. In the background the music is fast and exciting

also. The aim of it seems to advertise fun rather than the clothing and the clothes

themselves just seem to be there within it. There isn’t any promotional messaging in

the video itself and it solely relies on its influence to get the customer to go out and

find the product. It sports the name professional life livers through the site and video a

lot which seems to be an identity it wants to give the customers, and if they want to

show there part of this they can buy the merchandise.

The site itself is very straightforward and merely works as a catalogue, they use no

models and you can simply just select the product and go on to purchase. This could

just as simply be done on Facebook. There isn’t much need for the site itself other

than for the customer to select and pay for the products, as it doesn’t do anything to

advertise more. Roughly the cost of all of these is $20, which equals about £16.

This advertises on every format possible, the site is full of different offers from the first page onwards. Following this the site uses attractive models wearing the clothing

in a catalogue like fashion.

The video itself is very fast paced again with fast cuts and quick paced music. The

video in this occasion is more commercial based. Rather than showing actual fun

activities in this case we see people all excited. It gives off the same effect and targets

the consumer’s need for fun rather than showing images of the clothes. These just

appear to happen to be part of the video again. It also uses bright explosions of colour.

This seems to aim to attack the viewer with excitement and market the clothing again

through this feeling.

Again Top Man also uses a standard layout for its site, acting like a catalogue almost. The main focus points are on its advertising. This stands out a bit, rather than expressing fun through speed of cuts and movement the video advertises almost poses in exciting different locations.


All logos from independent clothing companies to high end retailers tend to focus highly on typography. Some often attach a simplistic image to these.

Current Trends in Logo designs

That ubiquitous icon of perfection and infinite symbolism has become a raging shape du jour. Designers wanting to define a concept have glommed onto this element as the universal visual placeholder in an effort to make the challenge as simple as pie. (Which is also round.) In the last two years we’ve seen USA Today and The Art Center adopt unadulterated circles as their logos. And these are by no means the first or the last. This trend is much broader and is inclusive of endless simple iterations of circles upon circles upon circles. Imagine you’re asked to explain a concept using only circles and you’ve captured the spirit of these solutions.

Strongly diverse logos may range from one to dozens of circles but clever solutions keep them to a minimum. In this year’s trends we have seen a definitive embrace of simplicity. The simpler the geometry the better. The differentiating element is often the surface effect that can shift from flat to transparent to gradation, but seldom to dimensional. Open Table knocks a hole in the tabletop to create the mnemonic letter O and then shifts said hole to the left to represent the diner. Asana, the app for tracking teamwork, has taken the three identity dots previously sitting in a row like benchwarmers and inserted them in the game, relating as a team member might.

Whether describing a diminutive postage stamp or a quarter section, each has four corners. It’s a basic way of defining any rectangular space. It’s how we frame a masterpiece or the first dollar we earned. It the symbolic parenthesis we use to draw attention to what’s inside. And it’s a further signal that simplicity of mark and concept has returned. Whether mitered at the ends or square cut like the letter L, gathered in a foursome or standing alone, corners have played a central role in identity design over the last year.

Much like the penchant for circles, these right angle corners might be challenging to dress up, but they are loaded with metaphorical calories. Groupings that form a frame demonstrate an equal partnership and unified effort. As a stand-alone corner we almost assume there are three more far flung participants managing group objectives in the wings. It’s a roof, it’s a crop mark, it’s an arrow, and it’s up, down, or play depending on orientation. It’s that ubiquitous shape that can work very well or easily be lost in a crowd without strong context from color, typography or other supporting elements.

In design, the challenge with all things being equal is that all things are equal. In the evolving saga of mono-line logos you eventually reach a point where defining a hierarchy of line is valuable. That may sound challenging since the premise of mono-line design ostensibly is everything is mono or one weight. Certainly differentiation could be by color, but in a single color environment signaling variance with a dashed line seems a perfect fit and introduces some missing texture as a bonus feature.

MCA Chicago wanders into this collection with a desire to build a letterform with straight-line segments while the facets of another logo in this collection allow the dashed line to represent edges that might otherwise be obscured. Reasons for line variance are limitless but a few considerations are to demonstrate motion, borders, pathways, invisible elements, transparency, scores or secondary tiers. Scaling can dramatically impact these marks as the dash detail in a diminished size becomes a halftone line but even at that the objective of differentiation still is achieved.

Moodboard for what my logo and t-shirt designs willl be based around.

A plan that I formed through this was to base my logo and brand name like a fraternity name. The simplistic symbol designs fitted well within the style of other existing logos. Frats also working as a club which would help in a way create a link between the people who shop the brand.

Even though my main advertising methods will be short videos(possibly even gifs, so that these play automatically on fb and Instagram) I will still need a base site.

I have looked into using Shopify for this. This is the following:

'Shopify is a Canadian e-commerce company headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, that develops computer software for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems.[2]

Shopify was founded in 2004, and was initially based on earlier software written by its founders for their online snowboard store.[3][4] The company reports that it has 300,000 merchants using its platform,[5] with total gross merchandise volume exceeding $10 billion.'

I also sketched up a few early on ideas and a first attempt logo design.


Created with images by idovermani - "07-07-09" • Peggy_Marco - "refugees economic migrants financial equalization" • Sarah.Marshall - "Facebook" • LoboStudioHamburg - "twitter facebook together" • functionalaesthetics - "ipad tablet online" • JeongGuHyeok - "keyboard key success"


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