Letter from the Executive Director:
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
My Dear Friends:
Emmaus Community is about people with and without disabilities celebrating the seasons, navigating our way through each day and each year. We walk the road of life together, breaking bread at meal time, but more importantly in sharing our lives as brothers and sisters on life’s journey.
Last year Emmaus welcomed new individuals, new staff, new donors, new board members, new young professionals, and new volunteers. We also said our final “goodbyes” to many friends who were integral members of our Community, and yet we still carry them in our hearts.
At Emmaus, we celebrate big milestones like opening a new home, or completing a Capital Campaign. But we also celebrate someone learning a new skill, or getting a new job. We laugh together. We sometimes cry together. We always work together to help make the world a more peaceful place where every human being is valued. “There is a time to every purpose!”
At Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh, we support the values put forth in the Office of Developmental Program’s “Everyday Lives” document: freedom, stability, quality, relationships, advocacy, choice, individuality, health and safety, meaningful employment, communication, control, connectedness, success, responsibility, and partnerships.
The success of our mission depends on all of us, each and every Emmaus Community member regardless of our role, understanding our value and our importance. Thank you for everything you do to help Emmaus live out our mission and values.
Karen D. Jacobsen, Executive Director
Everyone was ready to kick off a new year as part of the Emmaus Community!
Emmaus enjoyed getting creative this year!
Breaking bread with our friends and loved ones is an important part of the Emmaus mission.
Sidria enjoyed spending time with our youngest volunteer at the annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner!
Everyone loves to boogie at the Emmaus Kentucky Derby Gala!
Sharay had a chance to try out her modeling skills at the RAMP Foundation's Fashion for a Cause event to benefit Emmaus!
Emmaus always knows how to celebrate a holiday!
We look forward to our annual Community vacation in the Laurel Highlands every year!
The Emmaus Direct Support Professionals enjoyed a special conference and a week of celebration for DSP Recognition Week.
The Emmaus residents showed off their best costumes at the Emmaus Spirit Run this year!
There's no better feast than the annual Emmaus Thanksgiving Celebration!
Everyone got in the holiday spirit at Emmaus!
Residential Program
Emmaus currently operates ten permanent homes, providing opportunities for 23 individuals with intellectual disabilities to receive the supports they need in an inclusive, welcoming home environment. Emmaus welcomed its newest resident in August of 2018. Emmaus residents participate as active members of their communities and are supported by a caring, qualified team of Direct Support Professionals. The Emmaus Residential Program supports individuals from they day they become part of Emmaus until the end of life.
In-Home Services
The Emmaus In-Home Services Program provides opportunities for individuals living independently or with family to receive In-Home & Community Supports and Companion Services. These services allow individuals to pursue new skills and become more independent in their lives. In-Home Services participants have the opportunity to build relationships and participate in activities in their own communities. The Emmaus In-Home Services Program currently provides services to 14 unique individuals through this vital program!
The Emmaus Team
The Emmaus Community is rooted in a philosophy of people with and without disabilities sharing their lives. We believe that our Direct Support Professionals are critical to our mission, and we are always working to ensure that we recruit the most caring and qualified professionals to work with those we serve. Emmaus currently has 99 full- and part-time employees.
In 2018 Emmaus launched a DSP Recruitment Campaign, in order to share the rewards and impact of this work with the public.
The Emmaus team also works to educate elected officials and advocate for the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and the DSP workforce shortage.
Education and Outreach Program
The Emmaus Education & Outreach Program works with volunteers, community partners, and the public to raise awareness and further the mission of Emmaus. In 2018, 441 Emmaus volunteers contributed 2,711 hours of service to Emmaus! These donated volunteer hours are valued at $66,934!
Special thanks to the following individuals and groups who were especially committed in donating their time to Emmaus in 2018:
Alaijah Park
Alec Schuer
Ashley Cnung
Brian Kail
Carol Ryan
Carr Doerr
Chaka Greene
Chris Ringling
Eric Collier
Evan Braithwaite
Evan Neff
Francis Burzynski
Hyo Sung
Jaejoon Lee
Jeffrey McLaughlin
John Paul Lisella
Kevin Kkreis
Liz Betancourt
Teri Dunn-Cooking with Teri
Zack Young
Christina Wang family
Eleanor Park Family
Evan Dyni Family
Grace Yook Family
Helim Lee Family
JiHun Lee Family
John Drotar Family
The Musillo Family
Ken Barnhart Family
Kevin Rotthoff family
Laurie Song Family
Matt Scruggs Family
Richard Porter Family
Ronick Gosai family
Sook Young Park Family
Subin Kim Family
Thomas Kim family
Tshering Shelpa family
Yuri Jang Family
Mary Beth Cartier
The Donoghue Family
The Persinger Family
Catholic Alumni Club
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Duquesne University
Eagle Scouts
Friends of Emmaus
Ghana Men’s Association
St Paul Diaconate Program
St Paul Seminary Seminarians
Sts. John and Paul Parish’s Senior Connection
The Pittsburgh Pilot Club
University of Pittsburgh
Emmaus Young Professional Advisory Board
Emmaus Purse Bash Committee
Emmaus Gala Committee
Emmaus Golf Committee
Emmaus 5k Committee
Emmaus Young Professional Advisory Board
The Emmaus Young Professional Advisory Board is a group of young professionals between the ages of 22 and 40 who are dedicated to furthering the mission of Emmaus. Members develop relationships with the Emmaus residents and each other, serve on event planning committees, engage in volunteer projects, and work to spread the word about our organization and mission.
The Emmaus Young Professional Advisory Board kicked off its new program year in September of 2018 with a gathering at Top Golf, where members had an opportunity to socialize and get to know Emmaus and each other better. In November, the members joined with the Emmaus residents for a bowling and dinner party. Everyone enjoyed knocking pins and spending some time together! The board has a lot more in store for the New Year, including planning the upcoming Emmaus Purse Bash!
Emmaus is fortunate to have a committed base of donors who believe in the Emmaus mission and have invested in its success. in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, Emmaus received gifts from more than 900 individual donors! Your support makes it possible for us to continue to offer the highest quality of care and welcome more individuals in need.
- Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust
- FISA Foundation
- Irene C. Shea Charitable Foundation
- Brooks Foundation
- Jack Buncher Foundation
- Howard and Nell E. Miller Charitable Foundation
- Anne and George Clapp Charitable and Educational Trust
- Philip Chosky Charitable Trust
- Realtors Association of Metro Pittsburgh Foundation
- The Columbus Foundation
- Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation
- The Milton G. Hulme Charitable Foundation
- Anonymous Foundation
- The Cozen O'Connor Foundation
- Trixie Puff Charitable Private Foundation
- The Elder Foundation
- Rick and Anna Baumgartner
- Felix Caste
- Donald and Patricia Ruff
- John and Cindy Meegan
- Dr. Robert and Kathleen Lee
- Dr. Mark and Marion Gannon
- Art Golembiewski
- Jack Kerrigan
- Fritz and Maureen Bauerschmidt
- Stephen Wojdowski
- Paul and Amy Gunsallus
- John and Lisa Feraco
- Jordan and Sheila Halter
- Roy and Diane✝ Redington
- Thomas Parrish
- Timothy and Lisa Noca
- Dr. Robert✝ and Nancy Gannon
- Kerry and Karen Jacobsen
- Jennifer and Eric Collier
- Eileen Emison
- Benedict P. Serratore✝
- Benedict and Sharon Serratore
- Jack and Sue Wojdowski
- Michael and Terri Fitzgerald
- Norbert Connors
- Jane Eck
- Tim and Denise Sansonetti
- Diane Sunderlin and Susan McShane
- Marty and Annie Davis
- Diane Humensky
- K. and Trevor Lipscombe
- Mary Mann
- Robert and Susan Miller
- Joseph and Nancy Murray
- William and Marsha Rusnack
- Rick Stetzer
- Ray and Beth Taylor
- Pat Pollaci
- Robert and Judy Sproat
- Mollieann Gray
- Frank and Niki Senchak
- Dr. William and Nancy Garver
- Barbara Kern Truel
- Joseph and Debra Lopata
- Joseph and Diane McNally
- Sean and Sarah Gamage
- Virginia Wellman
- Chris and Vickie Nowicki
- David Matesic and Bindy Bucci
- Drs. Mark and Ginny Koenig
- Sean and Ana Donoghue
- Jeff and Lisa Kessel
- Ken Kolenik
- Ronald and Moira Aulbach
- Frank Crosby
- Regina Fichter
- Camille Crosby
- Paulette Kelly
- Tibbins and Patricia Gunsallus
- Rosemary Kosiorek
- Regis Stafford, Jr. and Dr. Susan Lareau
- Matthew Mittelmeier
- David Petrucci
- Laura and James Dinert
- Tom and Mary Ann Feola
- Debbie Crighton
- Ronald Mahla
- Diane Wojdowski
- Patty Plutto
- Matt and Lisa Lizanich
- Colleen Kelley
- Michelle Martin
- Sharon Carmody
- Michael and Cece Donoghue
- Mary Anne McCaffrey
- Charles and Diane Monnig
- Henry Santicola
- Robert Wagner
- Dr. David and Cecilia Zielinski
- Dr. Anna Estop
- Sylvia McGrath
- Paul and Shelley Cammisa
- Mary Beth Cartier
- Eleanor McKenzie
- Chuck and Nancy Barcelona
- David and Julie Miller
- Leslie Pastor-Minich
- Kelly Stillwell
- Todd and Meghan Anderson
- Katie Mannarino
- Joe Pierce
- Mark and Nancy McKenna
- Bob Fort
- Alex Koller
- Mark and Karen Tambellini
- Nikki Khalil
- Laura Phipps
- Jon and Mary Beth Allegretti
- Yvonne Balouris
- Mac Booker
- Kristin DeAngelis
- Mark and Patty Grabowski
- Christopher and Linda Neff
- Lorys Fuge Oddi
- Doug and Lisa Stone
- Jim Turici
- Mark and Nicole Caplan
- Rita Rambacher
- Joe Balaban
- Bruce and Regina McGrady
- Hon. Michael Doyle
- Bernadette Kasunic
- Dr. James and Joyce McCann
- John and Joanna Meyers
- John and Carrie Rubino
- Robert and Leslie Sunseri
- Diane Black
- Stephanie and Ruben Cruz
- Rosemary Flynn
- Gloria Geisler
- Amy Santicola
- Kim Ebberts
- John and Donna Abriola
- Drs. Larry and Anne Adam
- Frank Auffenberg
- Edward Balzarini
- Bernice Bollman
- Donald and Elizabeth Detts Jr.
- Carolyn Duronio
- Paul and Carolyn Garver
- George and Gwendolyn Geis
- Michael and Mary Theres Geraci
- Arthur Hetherington
- Thomas and Patricia Hile
- Colleen Keller
- Chris Lamagna
- John and Moira Monk
- Debra Turici
- Michael Zecchino
- Mickey and Ruth Casey
- Mi Ran Surh
- Jennifer Eck
- Sook Y Park
- Matt and Peppy Pollock
- Joanne Pomponio
- Sean and Nikki Donoghue
- Kathleen Kulka
- Kimberly Long
- Caroline Persinger
- Janet Bost
- Marisa Niwa
- Doris Anderson
- Neil and Beverly Bren
- William and Janet Busch
- Jodie Clark
- Roger and Margie Coats
- Thomas Gilmartin
- Peter Horne
- Larry Hufnagel
- Robert and Lynda Johnson
- Robbie Markovitz
- Rodger Miller
- Marianne Noll
- Mary Joyce O'Brien
- Pamela Romeo
- Darcee Santicola
- Kathie Sica
- Joe and Judy Stafford
- Paul and Darlene Stevens
- Donna Trapizona
- Andrew Vater
- Mary and Willard✝ Marlow
- Sandy Cerminara
- Tracy Clark
- Kathy Kapaldo
- Cynthia Leibowitz
- Barbara O'Connor
- Amy Rollin
- Jim and Katie Leyland
- Susan Fancsali
- Robert and Ann Fronduti
- Mark and Erin Hamilton
- Katerine Knicklebein
- Jim and Mary Ann Ross
- Jill Lehman
- Beth Schwerer
- Marius Ambrose
- Felice and Kim Cupelli
- Dennis and Alicia Harter
- Ronald and Cheryl Loesch
- John and Jane Pillar
- Joseph and Gracelynn Ratay
- Fr. Regis Ryan
- Kim Seals
- Russ Truby
- Samuel Urick
- Lorraine Wagner
- Lorraine Canovali
- Jovan and Sara Harris
- Hayley Schaeffer
- Andrew Gans
- Bette Shorall
- Mary Lynn Walsh
- Paul Kimicata
- Ed and Kateri Persinger
- Thomas and Roberta Alexander
- Bob and Marcia Lowe
- Stephen and Susan Lynch
- Roland and Doris Murray
- Martin and Christine Taylor
- April Santicola
- Ann Brunning
- Eugene Merriman
- Matt and Tiffany Merriman-Preston
- Lauren Michaels
- Nancy Lecci
- Ruthann Akers
- Patrick and Cory Anastasi
- Brad and Juliane Aurila
- Glenda Barravecchio
- Rock and Patricia Heyman
- Nancy Bernardini
- Kevin and Kaitlin Black
- Claire Buczynski
- Karen Burgunder
- Barbara and Mark Burton
- Richard and Marie Byrne
- Philip and Barbara Carrescia
- Donald Carson
- Bob Chambers
- Thom and Robyn Christen
- Stephen and Sue Cosgrove
- Rosemary Curran
- June Dolan
- James Dombrowski
- Margaret Shumaker Dugan
- Teresa Dunn
- William and Joan Eastley
- Gary and Karen Evans
- Michael and Kim Evans
- Arthur Fazio
- Kathi Fechter
- Joan and Lawrence Ferlan
- Todd Fiedor
- Jack and Karen Flinter
- Patrick John and Nancy Flynn
- Kenneth Foelster
- Dan Forlastro
- Tracey Foust
- Diana Froats
- Brent and Natalie Furlong
- Nunzio and Ann Galletta
- Donald and Cheryl Gannon
- Betty Lee Garver
- Glenn and Judy Gates
- Bill Gilmartin
- Paul and Rose Girdany
- William and Mary Gordon
- Sheetal and Prashant Gosai
- Lasinda Greenwood
- Ed Grover
- Rose Harenda
- Lisa Hazen
- Raymond and Yvonne Henney
- Thomas and Patricia Hershberger
- Greg and Delia Hook
- Jessica Horzempa
- Edward and Sharon Huckestein
- Scott and Anne Fingal
- Rachele Jackson
- David and Dawn Jardini
- Nicholas and Lori Joseph
- Dr. Patrick and Rita Joyce
- Joy Kacik
- Dr. Edward and Robyn Kelly
- Pat and Mary Kilner
- Robert and Maureen King
- Robert and Judith Kirk
- Judy Kozorra
- William and Louise Kreuder
- Leo and Delores Kupiec
- Dennis Laffey
- David and Barbara Lewis
- Michael Lloyd
- Albert and Debbie Lopata
- Gerald and Mary Lou Lopata
- Lynn Lubinsky
- Blaine and Mary Lucas
- Marcella Luke
- Ronald Mahla
- Robert and Marlene Mailloux
- Ann Massey
- Denis McAuley
- Dr. Edward Mcclain
- Barbara Mccurrie
- Rebecca McLaine
- Bob and Catherine McNeilly
- Amanda McQuillan
- James✝ and Rose Marie McShane
- Randy and Scarlett Merriman
- Elaine Milhollan
- Nathaniel and Virginia Miljus
- Richard and Carole Miller
- Jack Miller
- Melvin Miller
- Patricia Mills
- Mary Molyneaux
- Brian and Ailish Murphy
- Jeanne Oxenreiter
- Dr. George and Mary Ann Pavlic
- Jeffrey Pennetti
- Jane Penny
- Joanne Pera
- Bryan Ponzurick
- Rodney and Dianna Prystash
- Paul and Dawn Quinn
- Dennis and Donna Ranallo
- Scott and Anne Reid
- The Reisacher Family
- Dr. Keith and Celeste Reisinger
- James and Gail Restivo
- J. William and Mariam Richardson
- Bill and Sue Rielly
- Sharon Rodavich
- William Roper
- Chuck and Carol Rothermel
- Michele and Michael Santicola
- Jane Sarra
- Douglas and Mary Satterfield
- Marcus Schlegel
- Eugene and Kathy Wright
- Ronald and Georgia Shaffalo
- Raymond and Dianne Smith
- Mark and Kyle Tomer
- Steve and Peggy Snavely
- Charlie and Lois Snowden
- Daniel and Mary Ann Stefko
- Michael Stewart
- Eric and Rachel Mensch Stoltenberg
- James and Annette Stolze
- Ronald and Mary Kay Sturga
- Lynda Suffoletta
- Anna Sulanowski
- Richard and Elsa Sunderlin
- Alexis Tate
- Don✝ and Carole Tomayko
- Lola Turnbull
- Susanne Udvari
- Martin and Deborah Uram
- Kathleen Ursitti
- Jane Vaum
- Denise Veselicky
- Rocco and Laureen Violi
- George✝ and Pat Wagner
- Ken and Rosie Wagoner
- Kevin and Mary Beth Walsh
- Joan Weber
- Anne Wiktor
- Tom Will
- Richard and Leslie Wojdowski
- Mary Jane Yochum
- Al and Mar Zamba
- Chad Buczynski
- George and Judy Ebberts
- Lynne Gross
- Lisa Harris
- Jacinta Hohman
- Linnea Kunicky
- Edward and Grace Monk
- Dr. Matthew and Rosemary Pesacreta
- Lori Pfeifer
- Nikki Pirain
- Elizabeth Voll
- Nellie Ambrose
- Theresa Silva
- Sr. Patrice Hughes
- Jennifer Irwin
- Anna Rose Blaskovich
- Sharay Bolden
- Edward and Cynthia Clapper
- Karen Courson
- Roberto and Beth Croce
- Merry Lou Faett
- Erin Gannon
- Wes and Marge Kerlin
- Thomas and Barbara Knight
- Noreen Lalle
- William Patrizio
- Joanne Pirain
- Michael and Joyce Droham
- William and Mary Ellen Schmidt
- Soo Song
- Bernie and Suzanne Werner
- Sidria Williams
- Greg and Renee Zemanski
- Michele Benasutti✝
- Mark Collins
- Richard and Adrienne Hufnagel
- Jocelyn McCarty
- Carroll Miller
- Jason and Amy Spector
- Joe Yurchak
- Kurtis Ott
- Michelle Primeau-Ladd
- Kathy Depuy
- Jeffrey and Janet Devlin
- Barbara Haus
- Henry and Terri Hegerle
- Eddie and Angela Monk
- Gerard✝ and Jody Schmelzer
- Dr. Regis and Mary Grace Stafford
- Kyle and Mark Smith
- Jan Wunderlich
- Graceanne Stafford
- Marilyn Sullivan
- J. Kevin Abraham
- Kari Allmon
- The Aloe Family
- Robert and Lori Andrews
- Keith Barnhart
- Elaine Barron
- Tom and Julie Bart
- Bill Becker
- Blaise Bergiel
- Wendy Bernett
- George and Catherine Bich
- John and Sandra Biles
- John and Kathleen Billak
- Diane Birch
- Mary Birks
- Dr. Peter and Mary Bonadio
- Geno and Paula Bongiorno
- Jerry and Nancy Boothe
- J.A. Brant
- Joannie Brown
- John Calabria
- William Carew
- The Carlson Family
- Claude and Madeline Carson
- Mary Conlon
- Sheila Ann Conlon
- Donna Connell
- Frank and Mary Ann Conte
- Ron and Carole Cortes
- Richard and Elaine Crist
- Mary Frances Cuddy
- Mary Ann Curran
- James and Sally Dawson
- Lee Ann Dawson
- William Diehl
- Robert and Lisa D'Orazio
- Joseph Dougherty
- Marie Dray
- Jay and Kathryn Duffy
- Kathleen Dumas
- Isaac Falvey
- Dr. Mark and Michelle Fantaski
- Betty Feeney
- Mark and Teri Filson
- Dan Fitzgerald
- Ronald and Patricia Flach
- Patrick Flynn
- Ruth Foltz
- Michael Fritts
- Ronald Froats
- Helen Gall
- Amy Ganser
- Beth Ann Gardner
- Dr. George and Eileen Gerneth
- Patricia Gilmartin
- Delia Glaser
- Clare Goetz
- Dan Gray
- Darlene Greenhaw
- Samuel Grego
- Raymond Hanley
- Rod and Tracey Harris
- Tracey Harris
- Mike and Nicole Hoh
- Rita Huckle
- Joseph✝ and Peggy Hufnagel
- Linda James
- Max and Maureen Janairo
- Linda Jardini
- Jack and Mary Ann Jenney
- Rudy and Lynn Karlo
- Kenneth Keene
- Kerry and Kathy Kelley
- Maureen Kennedy
- James and Bettina Kermes
- Christen Killmeyer
- Dr. Wilma Knapp
- Megan Knous
- Timothy Kuhlman
- Michael and Mary Anne Kunsman
- Don La Porte
- Joseph Landolina
- Mario and Susan Lanna
- Frederick and Jerri Lech
- Richard and Judith Lerach
- Beth Lipovich
- Bruce and Joan Livengood
- William and Janet Lockhart
- John and Linda Lombardozzi
- Patricia Luzadder
- Michael and Patricia Macchiarolo
- Ruth Mackin
- William and Georgia Manby
- Jeremy and Lauren Mandell
- James Mansmann
- Ken Marino
- Wally and Sue McClellan
- James and Renee McCrea
- David and Carol McDougall
- Jeff McLaughlin
- Deborah Mcmahon
- Patrick and Inge Mcshane
- Rev. James and Hope Metzger
- Vicki Miltenberger
- Alan and Elaine Montgomery
- Laurie Morgiewicz
- William and Maureen Murphy
- Frank Nass
- Frank Nedwidek
- Frank and Patricia Nicotra
- Maureen Oakley
- Fr. Jack O'Malley
- Thomas and Dorothy O'Sullivan
- Matthew and Mary Ellen Oxenreiter
- Toni Passarello
- Michael and Barbara Pergar
- George and Judith Pesacreta
- James and Carol Plake
- Juliana Plavan-Anthony
- Judith Price
- Thomas and Virginia Reneger
- Denise Renk
- Linda Robertson
- Terri Roman
- Andrea Rowan
- Henry and Susan Santicola
- Deacon Vic Satter
- William and Susan Scherfel
- Clare Schuler
- Dr. Patricia Seibel
- Daniel and Pati Simmons
- Bill and Joanne Skruck
- Jill Sladic
- Elaine Smith
- Joseph and Caterina Sparacino
- David Stevens
- Russell Stevenson
- Bob and Joan Stewart
- Alice Stewart
- Catherine Sweet
- Mary Ann Tarquino
- Joan Thompson
- Jeff and Elaine Tishko
- Margaret Torbich
- Richard and Joan Toth
- Lillian Tracey
- Andra Tremblay
- Thomas and Ann Tuchnowski
- Jacqueline Weaver
- Alan Welle and Nancy Pearlman
- James and Sheryl Whalen
- Philip and Sarah Wildenhain
- Paula Winowich
- John and Linda Wright
- Linda Ambrosim
- Leah Aubele
- Sarah Aubele
- Julie Banks
- Christy Bender
- Maryann Butler
- Breanne Coleman
- Mary Grace Cox
- Kelley Cugini
- Aubie Davis
- Colleen DeSantis
- John Edwards
- Christina Funkhouser
- Sharon Gaitens
- Monique Grabowski
- Erin Gunyan
- Mary Halvas
- Carol Holleran
- Mary Jane Knapp
- Kayla Knudsen
- Katie Kozora
- Nina Lecci
- Lydia Leonberg
- Carol Lipchick
- Deborah Mastervich
- Jo-Anne Mattes
- Walter and Eileen McElhinny
- Dan and Chrissy McNees
- Cheryl Moore
- Kristin Morrow
- Eileen Paixao
- Debra Pfeifer
- Carole Quintin
- Cecelia Ratay
- Melissa Reed
- Jenn Ross
- Charlene Rusnak
- Toni Sacco
- Lauren Santori
- Angela Savini
- Bernie Snodgrass
- Gerry Snow
- Maribeth Thomas
- Gloria Vanda
- Cece Wagner
- Deb Wallman
- William and Cathreen Witte
- Naomi Yeskey
- Jillian Zacks
- Maura D'Alo
- Liz Dolan
- Dolly Ferraro
- Carrie Fisher
- Audrey Henn
- Robert Hramika
- Joseph Rentler
- Kimberly Rudd
- Mark and Patricia Schwerin
- Carol Smerdell
- Richard and Michele Talarico
- Terry and Nancy Wansor
- Tom and Susan West
- Anthony Bradley
- Adam Cartier
- Linda Deitrick
- Carol Hoffman
- Carl and Gale Jackson
- Maryann Jordan
- Terry and Nancy Miller
- Alaina Anne
- Deanna Brown
- Rebecca Cozza
- Carah Dayton
- Keith Doolin
- Jon and Sherri Lynn Dunik
- Rose Mary Fazio
- Lindsey Goodman
- Catalina Hoyos
- Andy Hutelmyer
- Jo Kilcher
- Kevin Logue
- Cecil and Diane Marty
- Margaret Matuza
- Mary Moran
- Stephanie Rayford
- James and Samantha Routh
- Kassi Schmidt
- Jack and Marilyn Schuler
- Sarah Smith
- Reginald and Lillian Tate
- Denise Tedesco
- Joanne Tudor
- James and Ann Vallimont
- Diane and Bill Wilson
- Nikki Wiser
- George Alan and Jo Ellen Yeasted
- Barbara Bell
- Don and Ginny Berger
- Andrew Berty
- Colleen Betti
- Patricia Blistan
- Mark and Marsha Bookman
- Kathryn and Michael Boyle
- Joseph and Eileen Burke
- Charles and Donna Butera
- Tina Calabro
- John and Martha Campbell
- Theresa Cicci
- Christopher Conroy
- Earlene Crkvenac
- Dennis and Therese DiCicco
- Susan Feczko
- Linda Francani
- Ralph and Lucille Fuehr
- William Gehrlein
- Rose Glass
- Ronald and Karen Goldenstein
- Regina Graham
- Nancy Green
- Nancy Hart
- Carole Hopey
- Lisa Iadicicco Ligday
- Martha Koenig
- William Kunkel
- Timothy and Carol Lamb
- Mary Lee
- Milan and Rose Liptak
- Jason and Judith Lutz
- Rose Anne Lyskava
- Carol Malanga
- Joan Lloyd McGinnis
- Suzanne McNally
- Lydia Mcshane
- Donna Moyer
- Euclid and Marybeth Noble
- Angelo and Grace Ann Nolfi
- Adrian Predmore
- Madeline Pugliese
- Dr. Edward and Claudia Saitz
- Lawrence and Lois Santerini
- Valeta Schneider
- Jean Schuler
- MaryLou Stefanko
- James Stoyanoff
- Alice Teagarden
- Carole Timblin
- Louis Torchia
- Louie Trapizona
- Shirley Trkula
- Cheryl Umberger
- Imelda Unites
- Frank and Bunny Vallone
- Ronald and Anne Watzman
- Paula Wiseman
- Emmanuel Yecies
- Robert Aul
- George and Kristine Avdellas
- Ken Bombara
- Rev. John Brennan
- Mary Damratoski
- Margaret D'eramo
- Lauren Dornin
- Ronald and Dianna Dunnington
- Angela Feragonia
- Patrick and Kathleen Fleming
- Alex Froats
- Betty Gailliot
- Bill and Jeanne Griffith
- Deacon John and Ruth Hanchin
- Elizabeth Hrenda
- Sharon Humphrey
- Bernadette Hurst
- Bud and Nancy Kennedy
- Tim Killmeyer
- Joseph and Carole Ladik
- William and Elaine Linkenheimer
- Gertrude McCrum
- Ellen Minahan
- Felicia Musillo
- Samuel Oddi
- R. Edward Pfundt
- David Redding
- Arlene Simoes
- Mary Sluganski
- Linda Thompson
- Dorothy Valko
- Debra Brace
- Rita Dolan
- Heather Huang
- Jeffrey and Ronna Robinson
- Barbara Smith
- John and Helen Beres
- Charles and Therese Bigler
- Joseph and Sandra Bufalini
- Francis Burzynski
- Betty Carlson
- Liz Casey
- Mike and Betty Durr
- Molly Gbadyu
- Lois Green
- Rick List
- Dr. Michael Malayil
- Eileen McCrea
- Paul and Lisa Miller
- Marnee Miltenberger
- Frank Pribilovich
- Loretta Young Jeter
- John and Frances Luck
- Terrence and Marianne Cummings
- Mike Dischner
- Sarah Steers
- Keystone Rustproofing Inc.
- Matcon Diamond
- City of Pittsburgh
- Amerikohl
- Butler Equipment Rental Options
- Interim Healthcare
- Abram's Nation
- Cal-Tec Labs Inc
- Camelot Communications Group
- Cleveland Brothers
- Coury Construction LLC
- Federated Investors Foundation
- Geo. V. Hamilton, Inc.
- Goehring, Rutter & Boehm
- Golden Triangle Construction Inc.
- Hefren-Tillotson, Inc.
- Henderson Brothers
- HR Screening Services
- Riley Hewitt Witte & Romano PC
- Blumling & Gusky LLP
- Capital Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
- Collier Stone
- Custom Stone Carvers Inc.
- Eddy Homes Inc.
- Fuhrer Wholesale Beer Dist.
- Greentree Animal Clinic, Inc.
- Highmark
- Houston Harbaugh PC
- Howard Hanna Company
- Interim Health Care
- James L. Smith Insurance Agency Inc.
- Keystone Insurers Group Inc.
- Kimicata Brothers Inc.
- M. O'Herron Co.
- Maid With Care
- Meaningful Youth Committee of Pittsburgh
- Promotions Direct
- Saint John Capistran Parish
- Staley Capital Advisers
- Uber ATG
- Admiral Heating and Cooling
- Allegheny medical PC
- AOH Division #32
- Bay Street Pediatrics
- Blue Sky Closing Services, Inc.
- Brownsville Educational Association
- Burket-Truby Funeral Home Inc.
- Chester Co. PSEA - Retired
- Citizens Bank
- Citizens Charitable Foundation
- Community Bank
- Cutting Edge Services Corporation
- Diocese of Pittsburgh
- Duke's Tire
- East Allegheny Education Association
- Edgar Snyder & Associates
- Family Hospice
- Foundation of H.O.P.E.
- Guardian Protection Services
- Hampton Township Education Association
- Horizon Information Systems, Inc.
- Marcellino & Tyson
- Markovitz Dugan & Associates
- McMillen, Urick, Tocci, & Jones
- Oakmont Country Club
- Palermo/Kissinger & Associates
- Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School
- Pennsylvania Land Titles
- PGH Sports
- PSEA Mideastern Region
- PSEA Midwestern Region
- PSEA Retired Allegheny
- PSEA Western Region
- ReedSmith
- Restorations Physical Therapy LLC
- Santicola, Steele, & Fedeles, PC
- Sisters of Charity
- South Hills Family Medicine
- South Hills Gastroenterology
- United Way of Rhode Island
- Washington Ear, Nose, & Throat
- Weiss Burkardt Kramer LLC
- Wells Fargo
- West Allegheny Education Association
- Wilkinsburg Education Association
The Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh is dedicated to providing residential homes for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and promoting public awareness of their needs.
The Community, inspired by Faith and a desire to help others, seeks to improve the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. In living, working, and breaking bread together, people with and without disabilities enjoy fellowship by sharing who they are and what they have with one another. Strengthened by its spirituality and prayerful direction, the Community helps all members grow and become whole.
Emmaus Community Board of Directors:
Brian Lindauer, Esq., Chairman
Sheila Halter, Secretary
Dan McNees, Treasurer
Mark Caplan
Michael C. Fitzgerald
Cynthia Mittelmeier, PhD
David Matesic
David D. Moritz
Timothy F. Noca
Rev. Garry G. Patriquin
Margaret W. Pollock
Sophia E. Sanders
Benedict Serratore
Regis W. Stafford, M.D.
Rev. Nicholas S. Vaskov, STL
Lorraine Sweeney Wagner
Karen D. Jacobsen, Executive Director
Emmaus Foundation Board of Directors:
Eric Bowman
Don Detts
Regis Stafford, Jr.
Important Dates in 2019:
February 2, 2019 - Pitts-burrrgh Drowned Hogs Swim (to benefit Emmaus)
February 23, 2019 - Emmaus Purse Bash
May 4, 2019 - Emmaus Kentucky Derby Gala
May 11, 2019 - Fashion for a Cause (to benefit Emmaus)
June 9, 2019 - Emmaus Pentecost Social
September 23, 2019 - Emmaus Golf Classic
October 19, 2019 - Emmaus Spirit Run
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
2821 Sarah St - Pittsburgh, PA 15203
(p) 412-381-0277 (f) 412-431-8653
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