Call for Evidence - Draft Climate Change Plan Scottish Parliament Committees

The draft Climate Change Plan (known as RPP3) was laid in the Scottish Parliament on 19 January 2017. Under the provisions of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, the Scottish Parliament has a maximum of 60 days to report on the document.

Several Committees have identified an interest in reviewing the draft plan and have agreed to a collaborative scrutiny approach.

The remit for review is— “To consider the draft Climate Change Plan (third Report on Proposals and Policies- RPP3) and the effectiveness of this in meeting the emissions reduction targets”.

Each Committee will separately consider the elements of the plan within their remit and will report directly to Parliament.

  • Electrcicity generation
  • Reducing energy demand
  • Renewable energy (renewable electricity and renewable heat)
  • Interconnection and grid issues
  • Fuel poverty
  • Overview and development of the draft climate change plan (RPP3)
  • Climate change governance (including monitoring and evaluation)
  • Water
  • Resource use
  • Land use (including peatlands and land use by the public sector)
  • Behaviour change
  • Local Government
  • Planning
  • Housing
  • Rural affairs
  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Transport
The Conveners of the Committees (R-L Edward Mountain MSP, Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, Graeme Dey MSP, Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee, Bob Doris MSP, Local Government and Communities Committee and Gordon Lindhurst MSP, Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee)

The Committees are interested in receiving views directly on the elements of the RPP3 within their remit as part of this inquiry.

Details of how to submit your views to the Committees can be found below.

The deadline for responses is 10 February 2017.

Key Questions

The Committees are particularly interested in the following questions as they relate to their specific remits —

  • progress to date in cutting emissions within the sector/sectors of interest and implementing the proposals and policies set out in the RPP2;
  • the scale of reductions proposed within their sector/s and appropriateness and effectiveness of the proposals and policies within the draft RPP3 for meeting the annual emissions targets and contributing towards the 2020 and 2050 targets;
  • the appropriateness of the timescales over which the proposals and policies within the draft RPP3 are expected to take effect
  • the extent to which the proposals and policies reflect considerations about behaviour change and opportunities to secure wider benefits (e.g. environmental, financial and health) from specific interventions in particular sectors.

You are invited to respond to each Committee, identifying if that response is for the individual Committee or for consideration by other Parliamentary Committees, on as many or as few of these questions as you wish.

Next steps

The call for written views will help the Committees gather information and opinions about the likely impact of the draft Climate Change Plan.

Committees have a limited time in which to report to Parliament and will take oral evidence as part of the inquiry in advance of the closing date for submission of views.

How to submit your views

The call for written views will close on 10 FEBRUARY 2017.

Before making a submission, please read the below guidance.

Owing to the timescale required to process and analyse evidence, late submissions will only be accepted with the advance agreement of the Committee Conveners.

Responses to each relevant Committee should be no more than four sides of A4 in length.

We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language.

Responses should be sent to the following Committees as required. Electronic responses should be in Word format or similar - please do not send PDFs.


T2:60, Scottish Parliament, EH99 1SP


T3:40, Scottish Parliament, EH99 1SP


T3:60, Scottish Parliament, EH99 1SP


T3:40, Scottish Parliament, EH99 1SP

We look forward to hearing from you!


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