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Star Board - Term One Week Nine St Matthew's Collegiate School Weekly News

Principal's Message

Kia Ora Koutou

Some heaviness with positive action in today’s message; that is my intent.


The reality of life as we know it, is that Netflix is popular. I want you to know about a currently popular Netflix show for teens (and many others a few years older), called ‘Ginny and Georgia’.

Is it appropriate? According to IMDb (they rate and review films etc.), the series is rated TV-MA (for a Mature Audience). You can check out the trailer by going online.

Using the words of a recent review “It appears as though Ginny and Georgia will be reminiscent of Gilmore Girls, but with a more mature, modern edge”. With the MA rating maybe this is an occasion to get out the throw rug and curl up with your teens on the couch and watch the show together?

Should you be concerned as parents? When the Ginny character is feeling especially stressed, she engages in harmful behaviours. Although these scenes are not overly gory or disturbing, the content may be triggering for viewers who have struggled with this behaviour in the past.

It shows some of the hardships people of colour who live in mostly white towns may experience. It touches on being bi-racial, stereotyping, and at times overt racism.

There is a brief mention of sexual abuse in the middle of the season. Although details are left out, it is worth speaking with teens about what they should do if an adult ever asks them to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Driving in the school grounds

I am sure that we are all aware of the recent tragedy of the 5-year-old girl who was struck by a car in a school car park. Our hearts go out to this family, and their tragedy serves as a reminder to not drive into the school, and if you must, then to be mindful of all these people who traverse our grounds.

I wish you all a safe and happy Easter and that we remember the true message of this holiday. I also had a cautionary note to not eat all your Easter eggs and bunnies in one hit.

Ngā Mihi


Around School this Week

Year 9 Peer Support

Rita Hodson (Year 9) front an activity for her Peer Support Group. Peer Support has been running all term. This is a support network for the Year 9 girls, run by our Year 11 Peer Support Leaders.

Meet Our Teachers

Learning Support (SENCO)

Our Learning Support staff from left are Kylie D'ath (Learning Support Co-ordinator). Kylie works across the Trinity School in her role. Wendy Roesler (Head of Learning Support) and is in charge of our Foundation Skills programme. Angela Lammas is the Teacher In Charge of Learning Support. Rosemary Whewell is our Teacher Aide.

Thursday Afternoons - Term Two - First Five Weeks

Below is the information on activities for the girls to chose for the first five weeks of the term. Underneath this link is another link to the form they need to fill out to select their activity.

Auditions for the Junior Production of the Adam's Family will be taking place at the end of this term. Girls who are auditioning for this need to put this as their first choice and then they need to select a second choice.

Senior College News

That we have now arrived at Easter reminds us all how just how quickly this term is going. Perhaps this long weekend presents the opportunity to catch up on some work, or plan for the remaining eight teaching days that are left once we return to school. Some students, who have been very busy, will be quite justified in simply wanting to have a good rest! This term has been hectic so far and a lot has been achieved, both inside and outside the classroom.

Following in the footsteps of Lincoln University a couple of weeks ago, the visit by the Victoria University liaison team on Tuesday lunchtime was very well attended.

The first internal assessments have been completed and students who have gained Excellence grades are starting to be awarded Principal’s awards for Outstanding Achievement in assemblies. In the region of one hundred and forty Excellence grades have been gained already in the Senior College, so very well done to those who have been amongst the first recipients this year.

Adam Gordon - Head of Senior College/Deputy Principal Rathkeale College

School Notices

Uniform Shop


New tunic dresses $214.00, senior skirts $164.00, white L/S blouses $85.00 and grey L/S blouses (sizes 8J, 10J, XS, S, XL & XXL) $103.00 have now arrived at the uniform shop, grey L/S blouses in sizes M & L have unfortunately been delayed.

Please email: to arrange a time to come in and buy your winter uniform. The shop can be quite busy straight after school, so best to make a time between 3.45pm and 5pm on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Usual opening hours for the shop are Tuesdays and Thursdays 3pm - 4pm during term time, or at other times by appointment.

Winter sports uniform can be purchased after the trials are held, payments can be paid via Internet banking (the limit for uniform disbursements is $60.00).

Please contact Juliet with any questions:

The Relay for Charity which was planned for next Friday 9 April has been postponed to Term Two

Open Afternoon

As you will be aware we had to cancel or Open Afternoon due to Level Two restrictions. We are pleased to announce that this has been rescheduled for Tuesday 18 May from 2pm-5pm (Term Two, Week Three). Spread the word!


Once again this year ANZAC day falls in the school holidays. We will be holding our ANZAC commemoration service on the first Wednesday back in Term Two. ANZAC poppies are available for the girls to purchase from the school office in the last week of school this term.

Parent Teacher Interviews - Week 10 - 7th and 9th of April - Years 7-11

These will be held in the Upper Classroom Block with the Common Room being the central meeting space. Below is a link to a map of where staff will be. Afternoon tea will be available for parents in the Common Room and staff available to help you find your interviews.

Coming Up on the Calendar......

Term One Week 10

Monday 5 April - Easter Monday

Tuesday 6 April - Easter Holiday

Wednesday 7 April - Resurrection Service, Orchestra, Culture Group Rehearsals (lunchtime and afterschool), Viva Rehearsal, Parent Teacher Interviews - Years 7-11

Thursday 8 April - Junior Chapel, Jazz Band, Thursday Activities, Friends of SMS AGM (6.30pm-7.30pm SMS Boardroom)

Friday 9 April - Year 11 Led Assembly, Whanau Time, Parent Teacher Interviews, Relay for Charity

Term One Week 11

Monday 12 April - Whanau Time, Junior Choir, Year 11 Shakespeare, Viva Rehearsal

Tuesday 13 April - Senior Chapel, Student Coaching Day, Sheila Winn Festival

Wednesday 14 April - Assembly, Orchestra, Culture Group Rehearsals, Viva Rehearsal, Youth Group

Thursday 15 April - Junior Chapel, Thursday Activities, Jazz Band

Friday 16 April - Student Council Meeting, Final Assembly, Effort Grade Report Two Published to the portal

Community Events

Friends of SMCS AGM

The Friends of SMCS have their Annual General Meeting on Thursday 8 April at 6.30pm. This meeting is to be held in the SMS Boardroom in the staff block. This can be accessed via the Hampton House carpark. If you would like more information on what the Friends do at SMCS, please email Rachael Lewis on