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"Give or take" This image evokes a sense of giving or taking. The hand is open with a single green M&M in it. It symbolizes life, nature and energy. I really enjoy this image because of the clearness of it. The M&M is in a great deal of focus as well as the lines on my hand. This is a short depth of field as I blurred out the entire grassy background.

During the class period, we were shooting pictures of M&M's representing long depth of field and short depth of field. I was done taking pictures and was walking back to class when I got an idea. I decided to try and take a picture with my hand extended holding the M&M. It was very difficult to take the picture because I had to hold the camera with 1 hand which I was not used to.

Test Coffee

This picture exemplifies a stressed out teenager. It shows a great sense of love for coffee. This shows short depth of field as well as rule of thirds.

I took this picture for the rule of thirds assignment. I was very stressed out at that time because I had 2 tests that day. I had studied for those tests until 12 at night so it was had to wake up in the morning. Therefore I drank coffee that day.


This image exemplifies a sense of calmness and security. I had to be very close to the subject which shows a sense of trust. This shows contrast as the subject stands out from the background. This really means a lot to me because it was my first time producing a photo like this.

I captured this photo when we were shooting for contrast pictures in class. The sun was still coming up so I placed the subject right behind the sun. I was able to make her look like a shadow which is a big accomplishment for me in this class.

All smiles

The photo represents a sense of trust as I had to be extremely close in order to capture this image. Half of the subjects face is showing which I believed adds more meaning to the picture. This is a rule of thirds photo because her right eye would hit that tic tac toe pattern.

I shot this picture when the rule of thirds assignment was in session. I took this picture at lunch. I noticed that the subject was wearing red which really stands out from green. Therefore, I placed the subject by the grass and took the photo.

The dead makes The new

This image exemplifies a sense of security as the crayon is tucked in between the dead plant. This shows short depth of field because the background is blurred out. I really enjoy this picture because of it's creativity. It really stands out to the eye.

I took this picture during the class period when we were shooting for long depth of field and short depth of field. I noticed the dead plant that has almost become like a stick. After many tries, I got the crayon to lay in between the plant as I snapped the picture.

All in focus

This image shows a close up/fill the frame picture of an M&M. The background is blurred out showing sense of calmness in the image. The M&M stands alone giving more peace to the image.

I took this photo when we were shooting M&M's for short depth of field. I placed the M&M on a sort of metal rode that is used to keep small trees standing up. This took a couple of attempts in order to achieve the desired photo but when it was achieved, it was well worth it.


This image exemplifies a sense of fame. It almost looks like a paparazzi picture which is why I really love this image. My nephew was pretending to drive a car.

I was shooting for repetition of shapes and got side tracked. I started taking pictures of things that were not repetition. We decided to take a little break which is when my nephew started messing around. I took the picture and really loved it. The windows were rolled up and everything was in focus which makes it literally look like it was shot by a paparazzi.


This image shows a sense of floating and relaxing. The tennis balls are floating in a pool. This shows contrast as well as repetition of shapes picture because the tennis balls stand out from the water underneath them and there are more than 2 balls. That's why I really like this image.

I captured this image when repetition of shapes pictures where in session. I went over to my friend Andrea's house and we were taking pictures of random items. I found the tennis balls and decided it would be a great picture for repetition of shapes. I was motivated to take this picture when I saw that this can be represented as repetition of shapes and contrast at the same time.

Hanging by a thread

This picture exemplifies a sense of hanging, The crayon is literally hanging by a thread of the tree. If that tiny bark were to break, the crayon would fall and break. This shows trust. The crayon is snugged comfortably on the small bark piece. This is a framing photo as the branches of the tree are framing the crayon.

In class we were shooting pictures of crayons in different positions. I noticed the tree as I walked past it and realized it would be an amazing photo. It took many tries until I got the perfect photo, but in the end it's the hard work that pays off.

Double Framing

This photo exemplifies a sense of seriousness. My nephew always has a serious face. This photo is a framing photo with my nephew in the middle of two branches of the lemon tree. Also, a lemon hanging from the lemon tree is being framed in the bottom right corner of the image.

I took this image when framing photos were in session. I took this picture in my backyard. I noticed the lemon tree in the backyard would be a perfect framing photo therefore I placed my nephew and took the shot.

It's Raining

This is my favorite picture that I have ever taken this semester which is why I placed it as my title photo. The subject had just shot a rocket and the water from the rocket was pouring down on him. This photo is so aesthetically appealing to the eye because of how clear is is. I really love this picture because so much effort went into taking this photo.

I took this photo when we were shooting images of rockets in class. The physics class had made rockets and were shooting them. I focused on the subject and waited until he shot the rocket. Then I kept taking photos until I got the best one.

Created By
Rozan Abuziyada