Racism runs in the Justice system where people of color are oppressed, especially African Americans, who are treated differently and experiences brutally by the Law Enforcement
Khalief Browder was accused of a petty crime that he didn't commit, but was still placed in a dangerous prison on Rikers Island. There he was abused and raped. He had to go through all these abusive acts just because he was accused of stealing a backpack, that lead him to eventually commit suicide.
The Hate U Give is a movie about a black girl named Starr Carter, who uses code switching between living in a black community in Garden Heights and going to school in a wealthy white neighborhood in Williamson. One night, Starr goes to a party in her neighborhood and hangs out with her childhood crush, Khahil. When they are heading home after the party, a racist white cop pulls them over for no reason. At first, Khahil refuses to put his hands on the dashboard when the cop tells him to because he knows that he did not do anything wrong, but Starr insisted that he should, so he complied. He was then asked to step out of the car, while the cop pointed a gun at him. Khahil got a hair brush out of his car and the cop shot him, mistaking his brush as gun. She and the rest of the students boycotts school, as an act of justice for Khahil’s death. Her white counterparts sees this as an opportunity to skip school, instead of acknowledging the fact that another innocent black man has been killed by white police. Starr and her community in Garden Heights uses the media as a way to spread awareness of racism towards black people and to also get justice for Khahil. After protesting and speaking out about racism and police brutality, she realizes that society will always use stereotypes of black people to justify violence and racism against them.
Created with images by Koshu Kunii - "Black Lives Matter Protest in DC, 6/1/2020. (Instagram: @koshuphotography)" • Maria Oswalt - "sign in front of CNN in Atlanta"