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中共掌握和开发致命细菌作为生化战争武器 Wuhan virology institute, Chinese biological warfare and Chinese-Canadian spy

Originator: Mischa @MischaEDM 

Translator: newbief(文蟠); ignoreme

Reviewer: Bluesky


The CCP regards the intellectual property theft as a critical strategy for its rise becoming a great nation and its invasion of the world. Many Chinese researchers are either the CCP’s spies or lacking moral consciousness. Some of them cannot resist the temptation of huge benefits provided by the CCP and some of them feel obligatory with the calling of patriotism. They use the convenience of their work and research in the West to steal technologies and stealthily, provide them to the CCP. In this incidence, two Chinese-Canadian scientists secretly stole biological viral samples, which provided valuable data and samples for viral research, to the CCP, and should be hold responsible for the outbreak of coronal virus in Wuhan.


中共掌握和開發致命細菌作為生化戰爭性武器 — ( 以色列軍情局),請看如何幾十年培養輸出「人才」偷竊西方知識產權。

華裔細菌賊 - 邱香果和老公陳可定 Chinese bacterial thief Qiu Xiangguo and her husband Chen Keding



Chinese Communist Party masters and develops deadly bacteria as a weapon of Biological warfare — (Israel Military Intelligence Agency). See how they have cultivated the export of “talent” to steal Western intellectual Property during decades.

In July 2019, the "spy" couple and their Chinese students were taken away from the Manitoba National Microbiology Laboratory. The University of Manitoba announced the dismissal of the Qiu couple.

Please look down at their relationship with this Wuhan Coronavirus.


邱香果被帶離加拿大實驗室,前同事稱震驚 - Qiu Xiangguo was taken out of a Canadian laboratory, former colleague said shocked


The National Microbiology Laboratory in which Qiu Xiangguo onced worked is the only Pathogen Level 4 laboratory in Canada. It is one of the few laboratories in North America that has the ability to handle pathogens such as Ebola virus which needs the highest level of seal. It is also one of the 15 laboratories of Pathogen Level 4 in the world and the only one in Canada.


  • 1964年生
  • 1980年 16歲考上河北醫學院
  • 1985年畢業於河北醫科大學
  • 1990年天津醫科大學 免疫學 研究生
  • 很多資料里她掩蓋了1996年作為訪問科學家到了休斯頓的MD Anderson 癌症中心
  • 1997年 曼尼托巴大學癌症治療中心作為助理研究員
  • 2003年 加入國家微生物實驗室特殊病原體項目
  • She was born in 1964
  • In 1980, she was admitted to Hebei Medical College at the age of 16
  • Graduated from Hebei Medical University in 1985
  • Postgraduate Student of Immunology, Tianjin Medical University, in 1990
  • In many materials, she covered up visiting at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston in 1996 as a guest scientist
  • In 1997, she was assistant research fellow in University of Manitoba Cancer Treatment Center
  • In 2003, she joined Special Pathogen Project of the National Microbiology Laboratory


一起被調查的其丈夫程可定(Cheng Keding,音譯)也是一名曾參與埃博拉病毒治療和防禦的生物學家,曾發表過愛滋病、SARS和大腸肝菌等方面的論文。夫婦兩人一直使用中國留學生團隊,而且和中国科学院武汉病毒研究所有合作。

Her husband, Cheng Keding is also under investigation. He is a biologist and has even participated in the treatment and defense of Ebola virus. He has published papers about AIDS, SARS and coliform bacteria. The couple has been working with a team of Chinese students and cooperated with Wuhan Institute of Virology.


MD Anderson引发的约印大通,大家看这可是王岐山的,这个邱香果夫妇一直和天津医学院有联系。

About MD Anderson and Yueyin venture capital and Yueyin Datong (Tianjin) Asset Management Co., Ltd. Look, these belong to Wang Qishan. The Qiu Xiangguo couple has always been in touch with Tianjin Medical College.




The latest Canadian media’s investigation found that just two months before Dr. Qiu was taken away, Canada national microbiology laboratory she worked in sent live Ebola and Henipavirus to China with the via Air Canada. The destination was Beijing.

Before the incident, Qiu Xiangguo served as the leader of the laboratory’s special virus project team-vaccine development and antiviral treatment group, and was responsible for research work related with Ebola virus.


這批病毒是繞過實驗室的工作程序,被運往中國科學院(Chinese Academy of Sciences),而且沒有附帶文件保障加拿大的知識產權。在國家微生物實驗室從事尖端並需要高密閉High Containment研究的研究人員,不允許在未經諮詢知識產權辦公室以及未達成物料移送協議的情況下,將任何東西運送到其他國家實驗室。

The viruses were shipped to the Chinese Academy of Sciences bypassed the laboratory’s procedure and protocols and without additional documentation to protect Canadian intellectual property. Researchers engaged in cutting-edge high-containment research at the National Microbiology Laboratory are not allowed to ship anything to other national laboratories without consulting with the Intellectual Property Office and reaching a material transfer agreement.


1996年 她是作為“千人計劃”進入美國 然後轉戰加拿大實驗室,多年來 邱香果帶了大批的中國學生 和中國大學有定期訪問,看她和清華一起研發的Ebola抗體。奇怪的是 ZMapp是一家加州的公司在生產疫苗 查查是不是江綿恆的呀?!

In 1996, she entered the United States as a member of Thousand Talents Program, and then moved to the Canadian laboratory. Over the years, Qiu Xiangguo has recruited a large number of Chinese students and visited to Chinese universities regularly. Look! The Ebola antibodies that she developed together with Tsinghua. The weird thing is ZMapp is a California company producing vaccines !! Check if it belongs to Jiang Mianheng? !!




According to travel documents obtained by the Canadian CBC, Qiu Xiangguo traveled to China at least five times in 2017-2018, including providing training program for science and technology personnel in a newly established P4 laboratory in China, which is engaged in the most deadly pathogen research.

Wuhan P4 Bio Lab ! ? !!

邱香果受资助 数次访华 培训病毒科技人员



Look at here! Wuhan Virus Laboratory is accredited to conduct research on three types of viruses: Ebola, Congo-Crimea hemorrhagic fever and Henipavirus. Isn’t all smuggled out of Canadian laboratories by Qiu Xiangguo? !!


武漢 武漢 武漢

王岐山 孟建柱


Wuhan Wuhan Wuhan

Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu

The Canadian Mounted Police investigated Qiu Xiangguo in July and took her away from the laboratory. Newly exposed documents show that Qiu Xiangguo was invited to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for two consecutive years, twice a year for up to two weeks at a time. Public Health Canada says Qiu’s actions could be “violating policies.”





The Chinese Communist Party’s cover blows up.

The United States and Canada already have the intelligence.

The document obtained by the CBC showed that “Qiu’s visit was funded by a third party”, but the third party’s name was erased from the document. During her trip from September 19th to 30th, 2017, she also met with collaborators in Beijing, and the names of the participants in the meeting were also erased.


中國政府介紹她時誤導人民認為香果同志是發明ZMapp的藥物。 其實是不正確,她只是幫助研發,沒有知識產權!


When the Chinese government introduced Qiu, it misled people to believe that she invented the ZMapp’s drug.

Police documents show that Xiangguo also visited some academic institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and gave speeches at several conferences when she visited China.


這個2018/4/5 CCTV就是證明,病毒是從武漢毒庫里流出,而且黨有疫苗了,那為什麼還不給病人?準備什麼時候「救火」?

This 4/5/2018 CCTV‘s report is the proof. Virus is flowing from Wuhan bio laboratory. And the Chinese Communist party has a vaccine. So why not give it to the patients? When are you going to “fight fires”?


2014年 加拿大政府聲稱,中國是加拿大國家研究委員會網絡攻擊背後主導。


In 2014, The Canadian government claims that China leads the cyber attack on the Canadian National Research Council.

In fact, the Qiu couple is just two examples in the Chinese Thousand Talents Program. There are more scientists there stealing intellectual properties for the CCP.

