Goal 1:
Excel in academic achievement and Profile of a Natick Graduate (POG) competencies for all general groups and subgroups of students.
Desired State
Personalized education that follows each leaner and embeds a social justice foundation throughout a student’s PK-12 experience. Academic and career pathways available to students based on their interest levels, individualized skill and strength needs and relevant to student vision must be executed through a full range of options for all students without restrictions--financials or otherwise. Should a student struggle, a consistent and robust Response to Intervention Model, clearly communicated with consistent language to families, is executed to provide a web of support for academic and social/emotional loss and development.
Goal 2:
Dismantle systemic barriers for equitable access to opportunity.
Equitable access:
- We will ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in an academic curriculum that takes full account of the richness and variety of the world’s racial, ethnic, cultural and religious groups and develop an understanding of some of the main causes of global inequity, disadvantage, and poverty;
- We will enable every student to recognize and challenge racism, racial discrimination and stereotyping;
- We will enable every student to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes necessary for life in America’s multi-ethnic society
- We will enable every student to become culturally aware global citizens in an increasingly interdependent world.
Systemic Barriers:
- We will work to dismantle system barriers that limit equitable student access to resources and opportunities they need to thrive in the Natick Public Schools.
- We will examine and asses how students' identity (especially around race and culture) may be impacting their access to resources and opportunities.
- We will initiate changes to break down systemic barriers that stand in the way of all students fulfilling their greatest potential.
Desired State:
Eliminate systemic barriers that limit student, family, and staff equitable access to opportunity and cherish each student and staff member to such a degree that they thrive in their personal development.
Goal 2 was previously contained in our social-emotional learning goal. We desire greater focus on issues of equitable access to opportunity and belonging so it has become a separate goal.
Goal Focus Area — Deeper Description
The district will move from tolerance and inclusion to equitable access and belonging.
Goal 3
Develop a systematic, developmentally appropriate, social-emotional learning (SEL) and healthy living framework for student learning and family engagement and partnership.
Desired State
Our students will develop a sense of belonging through participation in activities during the school day where they can engage with peers with similar interests, supervised and guided by adults, where they can develop social skills in a structured and nurturing environment as well as their own personal wellness routines for ensuring mental, social, physical and emotional health.
Goal 4
Excel in strategic and financial planning.
Desired State
Town and school departments working together to develop financial and strategic planning routines, attractive and collaborative negotiation of contracts to compensate our valued staff, smart use of federal and state relief monies for pandemic response, long-range capital plans, and a new program plan due to the significant reduction of Title I monies for the school district.
Goal 5:
Establish communication procedures and philosophies that build trust, demonstrate transparency and increase engagement with our community.
Desired State
A communications flow that is reliable and predictable for parents to make the best decisions for their children. This would mean having advanced notification about upcoming initiatives. Parents will continue to use our robust two-way communication tools to share their feedback, concerns, and compliments with district leadership, and receive prompt responses to their inquiries.
School administrators will ensure there is an open and regular flow of communication from the schools and to the schools. Parent input and feedback will continue to be respected, but also implemented actively where possible.
The schools, like the District, will continue to consider and include families who speak other world languages and those who may have disabilities, and think about how these may present challenges for them in consuming information one way. We will accommodate and adjust for those differences; and we will continue to be mindful about how we can best make our information available to all audiences.
Created with images by Worawut - "Red paper plane breaking through obstacle on blue background, Concept of overcoming barriers, goal, target" • Dzmitry - "Belonging symbol. Businessman writing words 'be here, be you, belong', isolated on yellow background. Light bulb icon. Business, belonging and better inclusion, belong here concept. Copy space." • kbuntu - "Red Apple with engraved heart" • Olivier Le Moal - "Planning"