
A Guide to Citing Sources save headaches with noodletools

1. Find the NoodleTools app.

2. Create a new account or log in if you have already set up your account.

3. Create a new project.

4. Give it a title.

5. Cite the database (original content) source below:


a. Create a new citation
b. Choose "Database" and "Original Content in Database"
c. Copy the pre-made citation from the database
d. Use "Quick cite"
e. Paste the pre-made citation from the database

6. Now, create a citation for the webpage below:


7. Use the source to fill in the form.

8. Submit the form.

You can add a citation for a book by searching its ISBN. You can "Quick Cite" when the source comes with a formatted citation. Citing sources from a website may be more time-consuming but it's worth your time. All of your citations will be saved under SOURCES.

9. Check how to do in-text citations.

10. Generate the Works Cited page.


Created with images by Free-Photos - "typewriter book notebook"


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