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Camilla Tominey life with @Nacoauk

David Stafford Memorial Lecture 2017 - Launch of the ‘Manifesto for Change’

Camilla’s first attendance at the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children of Alcoholics

Sunday Express - Front Page Story

21 August 2017 - This Morning

18th August 2018 - Nacoa Awards

18 February 2018 - Flying the COA Week flag

21 November 2018

“To break the cycle, we have to break the silence. Yet while the UK has taken brilliant steps to end the stigma around mental health, there is still no ‘national conversation’ around alcohol that extends beyond: ‘So how many did you have last night?’ I suspect you probably know someone who is a functioning alcoholic (it might even be you), but I bet you a 12-pack of Heineken 0.0 per cent you’ve never properly spoken to them about why they are knocking back so much on a daily basis.”