While shooting pictures McCarthy had us take a crayon and shoot different depths of field. While looking through my sd card I really liked how the crayon was in focus and the board wasn't.
During art class I had the camara and my friend isreal wanted me to take a picture of him for his Instagram. While I was looking at the photos I noticed that this photo was very nice and decided to use it for my portfolio.
similar to my first photo this is also a picture of a crayon. the blur affect on Allen's face really caught my eye because the crayon is in focus. This photo took a long time to take because of the crayon being so small and it shard to get into focus.
I chose this photo because We were assigned to shoot photos of any object you want, and I chose my chapstick but as I was shooting a bug landed on it. This doesn't happen often this is why I chose this photo. This was taken during class and a bug landed on my chapstick and I hurried to take the photo.
The lights
During class Mr. McCarthy Was taking students over to the studio to paint with light. While it was my turn to paint I noticed that this photo had different types of light that made a cool affect in the dark room. The way we got this affect Is in a dark room with long exposure.
While searching for diagonals I noticed how the sun was hitting the fire hydrant and liked the effect of that. The color of the fire hydrant caught my eye because of the sun and shot a quality photo of it.
While at my sisters house I noticed that the only flower she had is a sunflower. so i took some shots of it and this one turned out very good. The colors of a sunflower of black and yellow are vey satisfing to look at, especially while looking up close.
The dog
When I was at my sisters house taking care of my niece, she started to play with there dog (chewy). while watching them play I realized that this was a perfect time to take a picture. I really like the way how the dog and my niece both came out in focus even with the fence.
While looking for diagonal pictures in salida this sign caught my eye, because it is crooked. the lighting and colors on this sign are very good so I decided to use it on my portfolio.
The Dark Knight
While shooting photos for contrast I took this photo and I liked how he turned out like a character you haven't unlocked in a video game. This effect was made by shooting against the sun and having a slower shutter speed.