Plastic Planet A journey to zero waste

We are at a critical point in time, collectively we have created a mess that we may never be able to fully redeem ourselves from. This problem is, of course PLASTIC WASTE. Because of its un-degradable nature. Plastic may never break down. And now, plastic can be found in all areas of our ocean (even frozen in the antarctic ice) we have a real problem on our hands.

As you can see, judging by the numbers, It doesn't look good. Luckily there is a way to clear up the waste that we send out to sea. It starts with volunteering. Volunteering to clean up the UK's beaches is a definite starting point at tacking the plastic problem. so lets have a look at what these volunteers get up to on the Hightown beach in liverpool.

Volunteering to clean the beach a good few times a year is a great way to help the local environment. But this is not the longterm solution that we need in order to revive our eco system. A great long term solution starts with looking for alternatives for the things we use and buy on a daily basis. And since corporations and government take little action in pushing this kind of change, maybe it s up to the people to do it for themselves. Kate Armstrong is living the life that we al need to be living.

So the solution is now clear. Lets start by making small changes to the way we live, voting with our purses and wallets could just bring about the change we so desperately need. And if you are like me, you want to know if the young people of this world can carry on the zero waste traditions, and implement it into their lives. Dani D'Silvez is one Young person, taking on the world.

so now that you know the truth about plastic and the way that we dispose of it. will you go zero waste?

Your planet needs you

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Megan Parkinson

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