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July 2019 | Issue XIV


August 7 - Hope Award Applications Due

September 21 - Block Party

We couldn't have done it without you; thank you for your support!

We were able to raise over $536,000 in cash. In total, we reached $909,011 with gift-in-kind!!!!

The Heroes Volunteer Event started as a small reception in RMH-NY's living room. Today, it has become nearly a $1 million event raising funds for the volunteer-run activities and programming we have at the House. Volunteers helped raise funds by soliciting donations from colleagues, family and friends, selling raffles and tickets for the event. This year, we even had individual volunteers organize a charity ride at EVOLVE Fitness and a special Stand-Up Comedy Show to benefit this event! The Comedy Show brought 10 rising comedians to the stage and included a surprise appearance from Jim Gaffigan!

Do you know of an exceptional RMH-NY Volunteer who's served over 5 years?

Nominate them!

Each year, four Hope Awards are given to volunteers who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to Ronald McDonald House New York at our Volunteer Recognition Dinner in October. Please note that nominees must have at least 5 years of service in order to be eligible. All nominations must be submitted by Wednesday, August 7, 2019.

Monkeying Around!

The Tuesday Night Team ended the year with a fantastic summer party on the Terrace. The families were treated to a talented face painter, crazy pipe cleaner crafts, unique balloon animals, and a watermelon carver.

The kids were so excited to be outside on the terrace, and every person (young and old!) was smiling from ear to ear. Despite the long lines for each station, the Tuesday Night Team members entertained the kids with music singalongs, dance parties, and BUBBLES! Tosca, one of the House's therapy dogs, even posed with the kids’ fun pipe cleaner creations and balloon animals.

Some of the fan favorites included Gia’s princess-inspired face paint and pipe cleaner tiara, the watermelon carved like Ronald McDonald’s head, and the giant monkey hugging a palm tree balloon animal.

We will greatly miss the volunteers during the summer sabbatical, but we always love their activities and will be counting down the days until they return in the fall!

Submitted by Kelly Chu


The Thursday Night Team made quite the splash! After a wonderful dinner provided by Franklin Templeton Investments, the families were invited upstairs where the volunteers had set up the perfect water balloon/water gun fight.

Due to the above high temperatures, this water fight couldn’t have been timed more perfectly. The kids had an absolute blast spraying each other but more so enjoyed spraying all of the volunteers. Tommy, from the Thursday night team got the brunt of it, but luckily he came prepared; he showed up in a swimsuit and swimmies around his arms.

On the other side of the terrace was other fun summer games, including hula hoops, jump ropes and bubbles for those who wanted to stay dry. All in all, it was such a fun night and one that everyone will remember for awhile!

Submitted by Kelly Quane

Ready for Summer!

After a dinner hosted by the Orr Group, the Friday Night Team and families had a fun time making summer tote bags. Ruth Schlossberg organized the activity to kick off summer. Ruth started off with a sample tote that she created and the other volunteers pitched in to help the families come up with great designs to create their own totes for summer fun.

Together they came up with a wide variety of ideas: The Mets logo, a portrait of Frieda Kahlo, an elephant, and the NYC skyline. Everyone was in a fun summer mood!

Submitted by Helena Russo

Crazy for Carnivals

What a great way to jump into summer with an evening on the terrace and the Sunday Night Team. As families trickled onto the terrace, the team was ready to welcome and showcase all the various Carnival games and activities for kids to play. After many rounds of bowling, ring toss and bean bag throwing everyone had too many prizes and snow cones to count.

Sparkling rings, snap bracelets, slinkies, and plushies were proudly displayed throughout the dining room after everyone made their way downstairs. As the group representing PS 173 was finishing setting up we were able to catch up and discuss the excitement the team felt this being their first time at the house.

Submitted by Aurora Brennan



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