This is an online guide to the elements that make Project AWARE®
Have a read, it will help you get to know us better ...
Who We Are
Where Conservation Meets Adventure℠
Project AWARE® is a global movement for ocean protection powered by a community of adventurers.
We take action to create both local and global change for the ocean and the communities who depend on it.
Our local actions collectively protect the most vulnerable marine species and decrease pollution. We work together for a clean, healthy ocean – and we have fun doing it!
Our Mission
Project AWARE connects the passion for ocean adventure with the purpose of marine conservation.
Our Logo
The visual identity of Project AWARE acts to represent the wonder that we all share as adventurers interacting with underwater life, and to inspire adventurers around the world to help conserve marine environments.
Why it's important ...
The appropriate use of our logo strengthens our message and our mission, by making us easily recognisable and understood, and demonstrates our organizational credibility.
The logo should, where possible, be displayed full color with no alterations. In instances where the logo needs to be displayed on a color background, or on photographs, we have created alternatives.
Our Logo
It's all about color ...
The logo should be full color on white, and white on all other color backgrounds to maintain consistency and clarity across the brand.
White background
The full color logo should always be used on a white background, across print and digital
Blue background
The logo should appear entirely white on a blue background. This applies to dark and light shades
Black background
The logo should appear entirely white on black background
Grey background
The logo should appear entirely white on a grey background. This applies to dark and light shades
Photographic background
The logo should appear entirely white, taking care that it's still visible enough over the image
Photographic with color wash
The logo should appear entirely white on a photographic background with color wash
Let it be free ...
In order to maintain legibility and increase brand awareness across all marketing materials, there are clear guidelines for size and space set out here.
Minimum size print
The logo should not be reproduced smaller than 0.8 inches wide or 20.32 mm wide
Minimum size digital
The logo should not be reproduced smaller than 90 pixels
Clear space
The logo should be surrounded by clear, clean space
We're all about adventure here, but even we think this is a bit much ...
Altering the logo in any way will impact on brand recognition and credibility. It should be used consistently across all marketing materials.
Please don't deviate from the brand colors
Please don't add any effects to the logo, such as drop shadows or keylines
Don't rotate the logo
Do not display the logo without all the elements that make up the logo. The diver and shark icons should not be removed from the logo on any occasion. Neither should the 'Project AWARE® .' text be replaced by any other text. The Project AWARE logo should be displayed in its entirety, without any additional elements, at all times.
Our Colors
Our colors are part of our personality. We're bright, bold, colorful and adventurous. they reflect the spirt of Project AWARE.
Community Engagement
We know the ocean is a myriad of colors, but we like to stick with these ...
These colors should dominate every piece of marketing material that is published for community engagement. They're designed to captivate and engage.
Color Ratio
The core blue should be dominant across all materials for print and digital.
Community Additional colors
Community engagement is about more than a blue ocean ...
In some cases, Project AWARE will be engaging people in conservation on a variety of aquatic issues and solutions, such as seagrass restoration or coral reef projects. In order to distinguish between subject matters, these colors may also be used. The primary blue should always be dominant however. These colors should never appear on policy documents.
Colors for Policy
Policy Additional Colors
Our Typeface
We love a wavy line, for obvious reasons. However, it's important that our communications remain clear, legible and consistent.
Our corporate typeface is Hermes FB Black, not that any of us walk around in suits that often ...
Hermes FB Black is clean, clear, bold and modern. Perfect for creating an impact. Should be used for titles preferably in the brand blue.
Size can vary depending on material but should never be less than 11pt. anything less the typeface will become difficult to read.
The leading will also need to be increased for lower-case letters, to ensure they sit comfortably on to of each other. However, as it should only be used in titles, they rarely should be multiple lines.
The larger the point size, the tighter the kerning will need to be to keep consistent space between letters.
Something a little extra
When we need some decorative flair ...
Where documents need a little lift, this snazzy typeface can be used. it's called Angelface. Specifically, when there is a great deal of copy, there are infographics and iconography involved in the design, this little number will give the page a boost and add a little dash of personality.
It should be used sparingly and ideally for individual words and not whole sentences, where it can begin to be difficult to read. It should not be used on any policy documents. Policy documents should remain clear, simple and legible.
Just like the ocean, we don't do straight lines ...
Our iconography style aligns with our personality and echoes the adventurous nature of our organisation. We like to use icons to break up large sections of text, bring focus and attention to certain information and add a dash of personality to our marketing materials.
Project AWARE's Communications team have access to a wide band of icons so should you need a specific icon, please get in touch, do not attempt to create yourself as it is important that the style and color is consistent.
Icons should be used sparingly on any policy documents.
Our Impact
A registered nonprofit since 1992, we are an impactful, respected and trusted leading organization for ocean enthusiasts the world over. Each and every achievement is made possible by the generous support and direct actions of our supporters across the globe.
How to write our name
It would be rude not to do it right ...
When referring to Project AWARE in any written documents, correspondence or marketing materials, the AWARE should be displayed in capital letters with the registered trademark symbol in superscript. When Project AWARE appears multiple times on the same document or online page, only the first iteration needs to display the registered mark. This rule also applies to any other program names or taglines owned by Project AWARE.
This should happen consistently and without fail to enhance brand recognition and raise awareness.
Now for the boring legal bit ...
Project AWARE publications should have the copyright statement placed on all published materials such as leaflets, posters, reports and infographics. The statement should be in smaller font-size to the main body of content and in the following format, with the year of publication included: