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Thunderbird January, 2020 newsletter

Important Dates at a Glance

  • University of Scouting......................................January 18
  • Eagle Board of Review......................................January 21
  • District Dinner..................................................January 24
  • CCOCM..........................................................February 1
  • Roundtable........................................................February 3
  • Commissioner/Committee Mtng......................February 10
  • Eagle Board of Review......................................February 18
  • STEM University..............................................February 22
  • Shawnee Lodge Arrowman Exp........................February 22
  • OA Chapter Banquet.........................................February 25
  • Roundtable........................................................March 2
  • History Hike......................................................March 14
  • Taste of Venturing..............................................March 27-29

District News:

Welcome Tori Smith and Clarence Dula

For the NEW Year, Thunderbird has a NEW District Executive and District Chair.

Tori Smith, Senior District Executive, is a native of Chicago, IL. In the 18 months Tori has served as the Illini District Executive, she has distinguished herself by surpassing finance and membership goals. In 2019 she raised 135% of her FOS goal and had significant membership growth primarily through the expansion of summer programming to all Lessie Bates Neighborhood Association sites. Additionally she has increased participation of Illini Scouts at Day Camp, Resident Camp, and Camporees. She has a lot of experience working with youth and has a passion and drive for outreach. During her free time she loves attending sporting events, coaching middle school basketball, enjoying the outdoors with her dog Saba, and traveling all across the world.

Tori A. Smith Senior District Executive--Thunderbird 4568 West Pine Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 Phone: 314-256-3088 Cell: 708-264-4425 Email:

Clarence Dula is not new to Thunderbird, but he is new to our District Chair position. He is a Silver Beaver Award recipient and has been active with Pack 214 as well as working on the District level for many years.



Clarence Dula, District Chair and Tori Smith, Senior District Executive
District Volunteer Recognition Dinner

Leaders, time is running our to register for the Volunteer Recognition Dinner. The highlights of the evening:

  • meet the new District Chair
  • congratulate the “Eagle Within" recipients
  • honor the "Unit Spark Plug" awardees
  • meet our new District Executive.

Register by January 17th to help get a head count. Hope to see you there!

Next Roundtable - Monday, February 3rd

Camp Card information and orders will be given out at this Roundtable

Camp Cards are here again!

Sign up to sell Camp Cards! Selling Camp Cards helps Scouts earn money for Summer Camp, program equipment, registration, or any other Scouting program. Scouts and units earn 50% commission. The remaining proceeds help the Greater St Louis Area Council provide camperships for Scouts in need and offer outstanding outdoor programs.

Camp Cards sell for $5. There is no cost to participate. The program is risk-free! Turn in any unsold Camp Cards at the end of the sale.

Sign up for the sale:

Sale dates: February 3 – April 10, 2020

Camp Card orders will be distributed at the February 2020 Roundtable meeting. Questions? Contact Daron Storman at 314-256-3092 or

District Pinewood Derby

Pack 4 has agreed to host the 03/21/2020 Thunderbird District Pinewood Derby! Thank you!

  • WHEN: 03/21/2020, Saturday
  • WHERE: St. Gabriel the Archangel--School Cafeteria (Hosted by Pack 4) 4711 Tamm, St. Louis, MO 63109 Park in playground. Playground entry from Murdoch Ave. Enter school cafeteria from playground door entrance.
  • TIME:

8:00am Doors open

8:00am-8:55am Official weigh-in

9:05am Races start

11:00am-11:30am Races end. Awards given immediately after races end.

  • COST: $5.00 per car entered (cash or check only)
  • REGISTER: At the door. There is NO preregistration.
  • CONCESSION STAND: Available in the cafeteria. Run and staffed by Venture Crew 4.

For more information and download the rules and flyer go to the website:

Activities and Camping

Tower Grove Park History Hike
District Hike
  • When: Saturday, March 14th 10:00am
  • Where: Tower Grove Park Music Stand
  • Why: District Hike for fun, education and badge fulfillment

Learn about the rich history and architecture of Tower Grove Park while getting some fresh air and exercise. It is a 3.5 mile hike, but can be extended to a 5 mile hike to fulfill the hiking badge requirement by starting at the Missouri Botanical Garden. For more details, click here to download the pdf: Scout Hike

Advancement and Recognition

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Skill Centers

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts

The Salesmanship Merit badge has several workshops coming up. Find out more:

Upcoming Moviemaking Merit Badge Workshops:

Webolos Game Design Adventure has several upcoming workshops:

Digital Technology Merit Badge workshop dates:


Dr. Kirchner and his son Ryan

Dr. Kirchner was one of 3 adult scouts nominated for the Vigil Honor at the Shawnee Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet on Sunday, January 12, 2020. This was held at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac.

Shawnee Lodge Arrowman Experience

The 2020 Shawnee Lodge Arrowman Experience will take place at Beaumont Scout Reservation on Saturday, February 22nd, 2020. Registration will start at 8AM and the program will begin at 9AM.

Register here:

Chapter Banquet Moved to Tuesday, 2/25/2020



March 27-29, 2020 | Camp Warren Levis

Venturers and those interested in learning more about Venturing are invited to this exciting event. Experience high adventure, camp out under the stars, and enjoy loads of games, shooting sports and aquatic activities.

We are still looking for summer camp staff. Each year, the Greater St. Louis Area Council hires dedicated and passionate individuals to serve on summer campstaff. Staff members help provide a fun, positive experience for campers— while earning a salary! They also have theopportunity to earn a college scholarship worth up to $1,250.

For an application and interview dates, visit

If interested in the camp, go to the website:


STEM University

2/22/2020 - SIUC Cub Scout College (Southern Illinois University - Carbondale)

This year Cub Scouts will be working on the Cub Scouts Can Code Nova

Registration Deadline: Sunday, Feb. 16. Early bird pricing until February 9th. NO late registrations or walk-ins. For more information and registration:


On Saturday, December 7th, over 100 scouts attended a Citizenship in the Community merit badge workshop at St. Joan of Arc parish cafeteria. Special thanks to the Thunderbird District training staff for organizing the event, and thanks to all the Troop 62 scouts & scouters who assisted with setup & cleanup work to make this an incredible success.

Citizenship in the Community Badge Workshop

Looking for Trainers!

Tim Redmond is looking for 3 cub scout trainers and 6 boy scout trainers. If interested, please contact Tim:

University of Scouting

The 2020 University of Scouting will be held at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville on Saturday, January 18, 2020. (Meridian Ballroom within the Morris University Center)

Registration starts at 7:30am, Opening Ceremony: 8:45am, Classes Begin: 9:10am

There are many opportunities to be a better leader whether working with scouts with disabilities, learning how to promote and implement the NOVA program, knowing how to handle emergency situations, and many other important aspects of being an effective leader. Here is a link to the catalog for all the courses offered: catalog

For more information and registration:

Christmas Fun

Thunderbird is always represented well at local events. Scott Hoffmann (Pack 4, St. Gabriel) is sitting on the lap of Santa (Tom Hunt, Troop 51, Our Lady of Sorrows) as they were volunteering at the Bishop DuBourg High School Auction.

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end
