
Thunderbird August, 2018 newsletter

Welcome back to another exciting year in scouting

Important Dates at a Glance

  • Youth Protection Training.............................August 20
  • Eagle Board of Review...................................August 21
  • Roundtable, Youth Protection Training.........August 27
  • School Night App. Turn in Night..................August 30
  • OA Fall Reunion, S-F.....................................September 7-9
  • District Commissioner Meeting......................September 10
  • Youth Protection Training...............................September 11
  • School Night App. Turn in Night...................September 13
  • Cub Scout NOVA Day....................................September 15
  • District Committee Meeting...........................September 17
  • Eagle Board of Review.....................................September 18
  • Venturing Fall Fun Rally - Beaumont..............September 21-23
  • Roundtable.......................................................October 1
  • Bobcat Roundup Beaumont.............................October 6
  • Fall Camporee..................................................October 5-7
  • District Commissioner Meeting.......................October 8
  • Fall Frightfest...................................................October 13

Commissioner Comments:

NEED COMMISSIONERS Current count of Commissioners shows we are now in need of NINE Commissioners to cover all our Thunderbird Units. The three Thunderbird Assistant Commissioners have their recruiting work cut out for them.

SUMMER TWILIGHT CAMP Jacqueline Mattingly and Matt Jackson did a great job of taking a nearly dead Thunderbird Summer Twilight Camp and miraculously turning it around over the course of two years. The effort totally wore them out and they want someone else to take over. William Humphrey , always the optimist, is trying to convince them to do it again. We must always "be prepared". If anyone is interested in running Summer Twilight Camp, or if you know anyone who might, PLEASE contact William Humphrey, our District Executive.

WHEN ARE YOU RECRUITING? The following is a list of units and the dates they will be doing School Night to Join Scouting Recruiting:

  • Pack 4......8/30
  • Pack 6......9/6
  • Pack 34....8/30
  • Pack 51....8/21
  • Pack 100..8/23
  • Pack 103..8/23
  • Pack 104..8/23
  • Pack 108..8/20
  • Pack 110..9/6
  • Pack 125..8/20
  • Pack 214..8/29
  • Pack 281..9/6
  • Troop 34.. 8/30
  • Troop 104..8/23
  • Troop 179..8/28
  • Troop 281..9/6

If your unit is NOT listed, please contact William Humphrey and give him date, time, and location of your recruiting effort. If you are not a family scouting pack, please direct any girls who want to sign up to the nearest family scouting pack per the handout from the last Roundtable.

Our Thunderbird goal is to increase our numbers by 266 Scouts. Our recruiting efforts will be compared to the 12/31/2017 "Finish Line" report. Application Turn-In Dates: 08/30/2018, Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm, St. John the Baptist parish center and 09/13/2018, Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm, St. John the Baptist parish center. Please be considerate and get there as early as possible. Contrary to popular belief, Don Beasley and William Humphrey do have lives outside of Scouting.

Activities and Camping

Fall Camporee

  • Date: October 5th - 7th
  • Location: Beaumont Scout Reservation - Cub World!!!!!!!!
  • Who: Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Crew

The primary focus is to train EVERY Cub Scout Leader at Bobcat Round Up. This great event planned by Thunderbird Training Chair, Tim Redmond will have the best trainers for our leaders. Some from out of state, and experts, long experienced trainers.

While that is going on Cub Scouts of all ages are encouraged to attend and experience scouting at its finest! Of course Cubs can camp too! Per the Guide to Safe scouting it is up to the units discretion to decide how Cub Camping is handled - but - Tigers must attend with one of their adult Pals.

The Boy Scouts will demonstrate Scout Skills and have friendly competitions. In short, we will repeat spring events - AND - each unit will add one additional event not covered in the Spring Manual.

Each unit will demonstrate cooking as their own lunch. Hot Dogs will be provided for Training attendees but not for the Boy Scout Troops.

Every attendee will receive a patch.

Short Synopsis of Bobcat Round-Up:

  • 09:30am YPT2 for the new Cub Leaders.
  • 11:30am Gathering Games
  • Cub Leader Training

Cost of Training Materials is $20, so each Leader is charged $20.

Cub Leaders will be 100% trained by end of sessions.

I am sure some of the above will change, but the date and location will not! We should have all of this ironed out by our Roundtable on 8/27. I will need to know what your "scout skill" will be, so come with several options in case someone else has the same great idea!

Although there is no one particular unit "planning a program" we do need older scouts to guide the Cubs, teach and help them. This is an opportunity for leadership.

We are also looking for a unit to do some of the "administration" of the event. Check In, Check Out, Keep the Trains on Time and plan the closing campfire! As per unusual each unit should have TWO skits.

Leaders - use this event in your recruitment this fall! They join scouts and - BOOM - they are camping, playing at Cub World and experiencing all the Scouting has to offer!

Matt Meyer Thunderbird District Camping Chair 314-295-4777

Advancement and Recognition

The following are offered through the Microsoft Store. If these dates don't work, follow the link to see when the next workshop will be.

Aug. 26th: Digital Technology Merit Badge - Microsoft Store
  • Prerequisites: must earn Cyber Chip card
  • http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection/CyberChip/Grades6-8.aspx
  • http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection/CyberChip/Grades9-12.aspx
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-digitaltechmicrosoft
Sept. 2 - Moviemaking Merit Badge - Microsoft Store
  • Prerequisites: none
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-moviemakingmicrosoft
Sept. 2 - Tigers Tiger-iffic Adventure- Microsoft Store
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-tigerifficmicrosoftstore
Sept. 2 - Photography Merit Badge - Microsoft Store
  • Prerequisites: none
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-microsoftphotographymb
Sept. 10 - Salesmanship Merit Badge - Microsoft Store
  • Prerequisites: none
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-microsoftsalesmanship
Sept. 15 - Digital Technology Merit Badge - Microsoft Store
  • Prerequisites: none
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-digitaltechmicrosoft
Sept. 23 - Webelos Game Design Adventure- Microsoft Store
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-microsoftwebelosgamedesign
Sept. 24 - Salesmanship Merit Badge - Microsoft Store
  • Prerequisites: none
  • For more information and registration:
  • https://scoutingevent.com/312-microsoftsalesmanship

All youth must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the workshop (we need at least 1 adult to every 2 Scouts to help supervise). Scouts should be in uniform and have their workshop receipt.

Microsoft Store - 2417 Saint Louis Galleria Saint Louis, MO 63117


Scouts, spend your day learning and earning during NESA Advancement day at Camp Joy on Aug. 25. Over 25 merit badges to choose from! https://scoutingevent.com/312-2018NESAFALL

September Roundtable Breakout Session Presentation

Many participants have already taken YPT2. They will not be attending the YPT2 session at 08/27/2018 Roundtable.

Roundtable Committee got desperate so they asked Scott Hoffmann to speak on "Recognition" during the Breakout Session. One very wise Commissioner asked if Scott was going to sing during his Recognition presentation. Scott isn't certain at this time. Bring your earplugs just in case.

District News

Troop 4, St. Gabriel the Archangel, had an informal "Scout" reunion with about 20 of our old Scouts, Sunday, 08/05/2018.

Jimmy LeGrand, one of our former Scouts (far right on picture) set up the event.

The event was held at LeGrand's Market on Donovan. Jim LeGrand Sr., a former Troop 4 Scout Leader, allowed us to use his store for the event. Jim is seated, far right, holding future Troop 4 Scout, Jim LeGrand III.

Two Troop 4 Eagle Scouts could not participate in the event because they work at LeGrand's Market and were busily cleaning up the store at closing time.

Attendees generally used the time to update fellow Scouts on their lives "after Troop 4". This was not an official Scout event but several Scouters and old Scouts wore Troop 4 tee shirts dating back to the mid 1990s. A couple former Scouts now have children who are in Scouting, continuing the tradition.

The "old" Scouts told their much older Scout Leaders how much they enjoyed their time in Troop 4. They recounted several events and adventures concerning Troop 4 activities. A few of the "old" Scout Leaders are still actively involved in Troop 4 Scouting, training another generation of Pack 4/Troop 4 Scouts.

The event was such a success, that the former Scouts are considering having a "next" reunion in the future.

Troop 4 reunion


A full day of racing and STEM is planned at Gateway Motorsports Park on August 25. Participate in welding and other STEM activities before taking in the IndyCar race. Youth 15 and under are free. Discounted tickets can be purchased by using promo code: SCOUT. https://bit.ly/2NKMH3H

Cub Scout NOVA Wild! Day: September 8

Cub Scout NOVA Day gives Wolves, Bears, & Webelos the opportunity to explore and learn from the cool exhibits at the World Bird Sanctuary, and earn the STEM Nova Wild! Award.

Cub Scout NOVA Day: September 15

Join us for our 5th annual Cub Scout NOVA Day hosted at the Saint Louis Science Center. Scouts will get to explore the Planetarium, Omnimax, and the Science Center while earning their 1-2-3 Go! NOVA. Registration coming soon!

Cub Scout STEM Days: October 6 & October 20

Join us at Lindenwood University- Belleville on October 6th and Fabick CAT on October 20. At Cub Scout STEM Day, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, & Webelos get to enjoy a morning of cool experiments and hands-on projects that will get them excited about STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics. Scout will split up by rank to earn a STEM-based elective Adventure with the help of Mad Science instructors. In the fall, Tigers earn Sky Is the Limit, Wolves earn Motor Away, Bears earn Super Science, and Webelos earn Adventures in Science. In the Spring (April 6) Tigers earn Curiosity Intrigue and Magical Mysteries, Wolves earn Air of the Wolf, Bears earn Make it Move, and Webelos earn (most of) Earth Rocks.


YPT goes extinct! For those in the crowd who have been living their life in Beaumont's Mud Cave, please know that your regular YPT expires 10/01/2018, regardless of what your certificate says. YPT2 MUST be taken on or before 09/30/2018.

Tim Redmond is providing THREE opportunities to complete YPT2 BEFORE the deadline!

First YPT2 Opportunity

  • 08/20/2018, Monday, 7:00pm, Our Lady of Sorrows, Stolte-Schuerman room. Signs will be posted to guide you to the room.

Second YPT2 Opportunity

  • 08/27/2018, Monday, 7:00pm, (during Roundtable), at the Czech Center, 4690 Lansdowne (behind White Castle.)

Third YPT2 Opportunity

  • 09/11/2018, Tuesday, 7:00pm, Our Lady of Sorrows, Stolte-Schuerman room. Signs will be posted to guide you to the room.


Summit Award

Michael Stahl is the very FIRST Thunderbird Venture Scout to earn the SUMMIT AWARD! This is the Venturing equivalent of Eagle. What a great accomplishment!

Leadership Award

Sarah Buck (Crew 2004 & Crew 2179) and Troy Smith (Crew 2179) have received the Venturing Leadership Award. Another feather in the Thunderbird cap.

NEED A VOA!! Robert Stahl is at the end of his term as VOA so we are looking for a VOA replacement.

Upcoming Events:

  • OA Fall reunion: September 7-9 at S-F
  • Venturing Fall Fun Rally: September 21-23 at Beaumont
Happy Photos from this summer

Thank You!


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