How does your job help others?
My work uses novel therapies and approaches to improve the empowerment and quality of life of young people with psychosis in Sussex and around the UK. It also provides clinicians in the NHS with skills, tools and resources to enable them to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.
What’s the one thing people should know about mental health?
Anyone can experience mental ill health, and early help seeking can support you to recover more quickly.
Why is it important to fund mental health research at Sussex?
Mental health research is underfunded compared to physical health - and we have significant expertise within the School of Psychology which together could be utilised to better understand and then treat mental ill health.
What’s your favourite activity for supporting your own mental health?
Interestingly, I support my own mental health by running - and I am also planning to run the Brighton marathon this year myself. I am raising money for Parkinson’s disease research which my mum suffered from until she died.
Sussex competitors are already training hard for the 2021 Brighton Marathon, BM10k and BM Ride cycle events in April. What’s your top three workout tracks for them?
When I workout or run I like the quiet and the opportunity to reflect and think.