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Thunderbird February, 2020 newsletter

Important Dates at a Glance

  • STEM University..............................................February 22
  • Shawnee Lodge Arrowman Exp........................February 22
  • OA Chapter Banquet.........................................February 25
  • Roundtable........................................................March 2
  • History Hike......................................................March 14
  • Commissioner/Committee Mtng......................March 16
  • Eagle Board of Review.......................................March 17
  • District Pinewood Derby....................................March 21
  • Taste of Venturing..............................................March 27-29
  • Spring Conclave..................................................April 4-6
  • Spring Camporee................................................April 24-26

District News:

District Volunteer Recognition Dinner

Congratulations to this year's awardees who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Thunderbird Scouting Program!

Spark Plug Awardees:

  • Brandy Fowler - Pack 108
  • Richard Pereira - Troop 181
  • Jason Sutterfield - Troop 110
  • Gerard Kamper - Troop 62

Eagle Within Awardees:

  • Tony Duncan - Troop 51
  • Scott Hoffman - Pack 4
Next Roundtable - Monday, March 2nd

Meeting will be in the St. John the Baptist cafeteria next month, not the parish center. I'm sure we will find it!

Information on Chapter 11 filing

Here are the facts about the Chapter 11 filing - keep in mind that this was filed by NATIONAL in Irving, Texas, and is not affecting the LOCAL Councils, specifically, GSLAC. Our Scouts are still going to be going to regular meetings, summer camp, and the scheduled Scoutfest in October will still take place.

  • Local councils have not filed for bankruptcy. Local councils are legally separate, distinct and financially independent from the national organization.
  • BSA’s recent action assures Scouting will continue to serve youth, families and our communities throughout this process and for many years to come. This is true here in the Greater St. Louis Area Council and across the country.
  • Friends of Scouting (FOS) and other annual donations made to our Council will stay local and continue to fund necessary day-to-day expenses that are critical to local Scouting programs. Continued support from donors is critical to our mission of delivering Scouting in local communities.
  • Scouting is safer now than ever before. Nothing is more important than the safety of your sons and daughters who participate in our programs. Over many years, we have developed some of the strongest expert-informed youth protection policies found in any youth-serving organization. In every decade Scouting has been at the forefront of implementing the best youth protection and safety practices.

Camp Cards are here again!

Sign up to sell Camp Cards! Selling Camp Cards helps Scouts earn money for Summer Camp, program equipment, registration, or any other Scouting program. Scouts and units earn 50% commission. The remaining proceeds help the Greater St Louis Area Council provide camperships for Scouts in need and offer outstanding outdoor programs.

Camp Cards sell for $5. There is no cost to participate. The program is risk-free! Turn in any unsold Camp Cards at the end of the sale.

Sign up for the sale and get more information:

Sale dates: February 3 – April 10, 2020

Questions? Contact Daron Storman at 314-256-3092 or

Troop 62 is celebrating 80 years of Scouting!

Boys Scouts Past, Present and Future members of Troop 62 will be celebrating their 80th Anniversary

When: The Celebration will take place on March 1st. 2020

Where: St. Joan of Arc Cafeteria, (also known as South City Catholic Academy), 5821 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis, MO. 63139.

Time: From 1:00-3:00

Why and what: Troop 62 Was Chartered on March 1st, 1940, so please come and join us and share with us your favorite times at Troop 62. We will be doing a slide show and video presentation of the history of Troop 62.

Troop 62 currently has 101 Eagle Scouts. We will also have information on Joining our Troop. If you have any favorite memories of Troop 62, please bring them. There is no cost to the event. For more information about this event, Please call or email James Schmerold at, 314-752-5461, Please RSVP To: BY February 25th!

District Pinewood Derby

Pack 4 has agreed to host the 03/21/2020 Thunderbird District Pinewood Derby! Thank you!

  • WHEN: 03/21/2020, Saturday
  • WHERE: St. Gabriel the Archangel--School Cafeteria (Hosted by Pack 4) 4711 Tamm, St. Louis, MO 63109 Park in playground. Playground entry from Murdoch Ave. Enter school cafeteria from playground door entrance.
  • TIME:

8:00am Doors open

8:00am-8:55am Official weigh-in

9:05am Races start

11:00am-11:30am Races end. Awards given immediately after races end.

  • COST: $5.00 per car entered (cash or check only)
  • REGISTER: At the door. There is NO preregistration.
  • CONCESSION STAND: Available in the cafeteria. Run and staffed by Venture Crew 4.

Start making those cars!!

Herr Kleinberg (pack 110) teaching his boys how to make a PWD car.

For more information and download the rules and flyer go to the website:

Pack 110 Pinewood Derby

Activities and Camping

Sign up for Summer Camp

Summer camp is just around the corner! We want every Scout to have the opportunity to enjoy one or more camp weeks each summer. Camp teaches kids how to be active participants, ask questions, ask for help, and try new things. Please sign up soon to reserve you place at camp this summer:

Tower Grove Park History Hike
District Hike
  • When: Saturday, March 14th 10:00am
  • Where: Tower Grove Park Music Stand
  • Why: District Hike for fun, education and badge fulfillment

Learn about the rich history and architecture of Tower Grove Park while getting some fresh air and exercise. It is a 3.5 mile hike, but can be extended to a 5 mile hike to fulfill the hiking badge requirement by starting at the Missouri Botanical Garden. For more details, click here to download the pdf: Scout Hike

Advancement and Recognition

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Skill Centers
  • Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
  • Chess - Apr 25, June 6, Aug 15, Oct 25, Dec 19
  • Fishing & Fly Fishing or Fish & Wildlife Management - May 3
  • Horsemanship - March 12 (orientation) March 14, 21 and 28
  • Genealogy - April 18
  • Personal Fitness - March 7, April 4, May 2
  • Pets - April 11
  • Public Health - June 4
  • Scuba Diving - March 18, April 16, May 18
  • Truck Transportation - March 28th
  • Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for full listings and to register:

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts

The Salesmanship Merit badge has several workshops coming up. Find out more:

Upcoming Moviemaking Merit Badge Workshops:

Webolos Game Design Adventure has several upcoming workshops:

Digital Technology Merit Badge workshop dates:


Shawnee Lodge Arrowman Experience

The 2020 Shawnee Lodge Arrowman Experience will take place at Beaumont Scout Reservation on Saturday, February 22nd, 2020. Registration will start at 8AM and the program will begin at 9AM.

Register here:

Chapter Banquet Moved to Tuesday, 2/25/2020



March 27-29, 2020 | Camp Warren Levis

Venturers and those interested in learning more about Venturing are invited to this exciting event. Experience high adventure, camp out under the stars, and enjoy loads of games, shooting sports and aquatic activities.

We are still looking for summer camp staff. Each year, the Greater St. Louis Area Council hires dedicated and passionate individuals to serve on summer campstaff. Staff members help provide a fun, positive experience for campers— while earning a salary! They also have theopportunity to earn a college scholarship worth up to $1,250.

For an application and interview dates, visit

If interested in the camp, go to the website:

Help Sarah Buck's Summit Project - Crew 2179

The Summit Award is the highest award for youth in the Venturing program for BSA. One of the requirements is to successfully carry out a service project. Sarah is installing a lending library at Noah's Ark Daycare. Where she really needs your help is donating books or money to get the library started. Since this is a daycare, she is looking for books for preschoolers or younger. The book drive will be held until March 14, 2020. Feel free to send Sarah an email at: with any questions for donations.

Go to the website to download full information:


Archeology Camp

Where: Center for American Archeology in Kampsville, IL

When: April 17- April 19, 2020 (overnight camping - schedule available on registration site)

Who: Scouts BSA (male and female camp site and facilities will be available)

What: Earn your Archeology Merit Badge at a real field school! Scouts will enjoy a weekend packed with fun programming and educational experiences. This one-of-a-kind event includes camping, flint-knapping, spear-throwing, and participating in real, guided archeological research. Scouts will get to assist the Center for American Archeology on a site visit, participating in field work and digs that contribute to archeological research and knowledge.

What's included: All program materials, curriculum, & instructors, lunch and dinner Saturday, space to camp with bathroom facilities nearby.

Cost: $45 per BSA Scout, $20 per adult. More information and registration at:


Safe Environment Program

The Archdiocese of St. Louis has a new The Catholic church has a new Youth Protection program called Safe Environment Program (SEP). This is REQUIRED for all Catholic Scouters as well as all non-Catholic Scouters who interact with youth and use Catholic owned facilities.

Safe Environment Program replaces Protecting God's Children if you have taken that in the past, but you still need to register and watch the required videos for training and certification. The online training and instructions are found at: (notice the passcode is stlprotect to get started).

The deadline is March 10th from some reports but may be extended, so please do this as soon as possible to be in compliance. If you already had Protecting God's Children, then you just need to register and watch the videos (about 45-60 minutes total time). If you have not had Protecting God's Children, then you need to register for that in addition to watching the videos. Thank you for taking this extra measure to help ensure our scouts' safety!!

Special Needs Awareness Training

Sign up for a new Special Needs Awareness Training for all ages. There will be activities for the Cub Scouts, Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge for Scouts BSA and adult classes for leaders and parents. Attend this training with professionals in the fields of Special Needs and Education for the opportunity to learn how to provide the best services for every Scout.

Register at

Check in will start at 8:30 am with the first class starting at 9 am and will be completed at 2:00 pm. The fee is $10. Receive the early bird price of $7 if paid in full before October 28, 2019 for the first event or March 30, 2020 for the second event. Walk-ins will be accepted at the $10 fee. Lunch will not be provided to help lower the cost. Everyone is encouraged to bring a sack lunch.

We are in need of youth or adult volunteers to help support the Cub Scout and Scout BSA programs. Please register online as a staff member if interested or email questions to: Eleanor Phillilps, Special Needs Committee Training Chair., or Nick Schubert, Staff Advisor,

Looking for Trainers!

Tim Redmond is looking for 3 cub scout trainers and 6 boy scout trainers. If interested, please contact Tim:

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end
