Maryland Colony:Founded 1634 Rachel Bell



Importan person

.Founded by Cecil Calvert,also known as Lord Baltimore.

.He founded Maryland in 1634

. He was born on August 8,1605 and died November 30,1675.


.Their religion is Anglican and Baptist.

.To avoid conflict between majority Protestants and minority Catholics in the colony, Calvert instituted a progressive religious policy called The Maryland Toleration Act that allowed all Christians, regardless of sect, to freely worship in Maryland.

.Not dominated by a specific religion which gave way to religious freedom for Baptists, Catholics, Anglicans and others.


.Maryland was founded because they wanted to sell things and wanted religious freedom.

.The province of Maryland was English and later British colony in North America that existed from 1632 until 1776.

.The Maryland Colony was named after King Charles I's wife Queen Henrietta Maria.


.Maryland was between mountains,hills,flat and low areas.It was near Chesapeake Bay and borders Virginia,Delaware,Pennsylvania,and West Virginia.

.Also,Coastal plains, Piedmont plateau, and the Blue Ridge, separated by the Chesapeake Bay

. they had fertile soil,so it was great for farming.


.Maryland weather is perfect for farming.

.Its cold and rainy in the winters,hot and humid summers,plantations,and there is enough water for the crops.

.The Southern colonies were the warmest of the three regions, winters not difficult to survive, but the hot and humid summers gave rise to the spread of disease. The warm climate made it possible to grow crops throughout the year and was ideally suited for plantations.


.Some of the plantations were massive and consisted of the main house, slave quarters, a dairy, blacksmith's shop, laundry, smokehouse and barns which made the plantations to large degree, self-sufficient.

.Crops were traded for items that could not be produced on the plantations including shoes, lace, thread, farm tools and dishes.

.Concentrated on agriculture and developed the plantations exporting tobacco, cotton, corn, vegetables, grain, fruit and livestock.


.Men worked most of the time women stayed at home and took care of the kids and husband.

.The men normally planted tobacco,farming,hunters,traders,ship builders,fisherman,slave buyers.Most people that work on plantations were slaves.

.children either go to school to learn important skills that will help them in the following years of their lives or they play games with their friends.

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